rocky's bru

rocky's bru

PAS the big bro in Pakatan, not DAP ...

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 09:31 AM PDT

... So it's DAP that will lose out as a result of its outburst against hudud, not PAS. Or so says the PAS ulama chief Harun Taib (pic) in response to estranged Johor DAP deputy chairman. Kluang-born Norman Fernandez. DAP has been trying hard to downplay the issue but if PAS pushes it with polling day just around the corner, the Chinese-based party might have to kow-tow to the ulamas or take action against Fernandez.
"Pas has the biggest number of support and it is increasing by days. I fear that the DAP will suffer from the effect of his (Fernandez) statement and not us. DAP may lose out on Pas' votes for such remarks." - Harun Taib
For context, read Syed Akbar Ali's Johor cannot gamble and risk its future with PAS

Ah, Norman Fernandez ("Over my dead body" Part 2)

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 02:14 AM PDT

Insensitive: A DAP paragliding display in Gelang Patah
yesterday has left local leaders less than amused. Read here

Anti-Hudud, Anti-para gliders. Lawyer Norman Fernandez is the deputy state chairman of DAP Johor, known, like Karpal Singh, for his strong views against Hudud. He made the front page of the Star today for an article that was published in the OutSyed The Box blog. Ironically, it's Karpal, the DAP veteran who uttered the notorious "over my dead body" response to PAS' plans to implement the Hudud during the pre-Pakatan days, who has come out to downplay Norman's vicious attack on DAP's partner in Pakatan as the views of an individual.

Lim Kit Siang was scheduled to call for a press conference to deal with Norman this afternoon but hasn't done so, perhaps for fear of worsening the crisis. For next to Hudud, friends in Johor said the thing Norman is hugely against is the party's decision to parachute [or paraglide, given yesterday's splendid air display by the party] candidates from outside Johor - candidates like Kit Siang - to contest parliamentary and state seats in the state during the PRU13 on May 5.    

Kit Siang's son has left it to Johor DAP to punish its deputy chairman, here.

Karpal confirms it


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