Siapa Untung Bila Kelantan Pindah Milik Tanah?

Posted: 19 Oct 2012 08:28 AM PDT

Sudah beberapa hari berlalu sejak Laporan Ketua Audit negara bagi Tahun 2011 selesai dibentangkan, malah ramai yang telah maklum perihal Kerajaan PAS Kelantan telah meluluskan tanah seluas 716.8 ekar (286.72 hektar) tanpa mengikut prosedur yang betul di Lembah Sireh, Kota Bharu.

Tanah tersebut merupakan tanah milik kerajaan negeri dan tanah milik penduduk, telahpun ditukar hak miliknya kepada Syarikat Liziz Standaco Sdn Bhd untuk tujuan projek Pembangunan & Pengindahan Tebing Sungai Kelantan (PTSK) yang membabitkan keseluruhan nilai pelaburan berjumlah RM2 bilion.

Sebagai balasan, sepatutnya syarikat swasta tersebut perlu memberi sumbangan kepada negeri dalam bentuk menyiapkan keseluruhan projek pembangunan termasuklah sebuah masjid, 130 buah gerai, dua buah jambatan serta banyak lagi projek lain.

Berdasarkan laporan Audit 2011, jelas sekali terlampau banyak kelemahan dalam penganugerahan tender projek ini malah banyak lagi projek yang belum dilaksanakan. Sedangkan segala projek-projek di PTSK Lembah Sireh itu sepatutnya sudah siap sejak bertahun-tahun lalu.

Persoalannya, bagaimana mungkin kerajaan negeri sewenang-wenangnya melepaskan hak milik tanah kepada syarikat pemaju tersebut tanpa meminta jaminan yang sepatutnya? Kenapa Kerajaan PAS Kelantan tidak mengambil tindakan susulan terhadap syarikat swasta terbabit berikutan kelewatan dan kegagalannya menyiapkan projek PTSK?

Tanah kerajaan negeri dan rakyat sepatutnya hanya boleh ditukar milik kepada syarikat swasta yang terlibat dalam projek pembangunan di atas tanah tersebut, sebaik sahaja keseluruhan projek siap dilaksanakan.

Tapi dalam kes PTSK, Kerajaan PAS Kelantan dan Liziz Standaco Sdn Bhd, prosedur tersebut diabaikan, malah tiada jaminan bon diterima pihak kerajaan negeri. Jelas wujud penyelewengan atau salah laku dalam urusan pindah milik tanah-tanah ini.

Apabila hak milik tanah dipindah sesuka hati tanpa melalui saluran dan prosedur yang betul, siapa sebenarnya yang untung? Tentu sahaja, syarikat swasta itu dan mungkin sahaja ada gerombolan penyangak yang lain dalam kerajaan negeri yang turut senyum lebar melihat poketnya penuh berisi.

Dalam konteks lain pula, sekiranya ada antara projek tersebut telah dibuat oleh pihak kerajaan negeri atau kerajaan pusat, maka syarikat swasta itu perlu membayar sejumlah wang yang setara dengan projek yang telah disiapkan.

Berikutan itu, memandangkan tanggungjawab membina Jambatan Berkembar Sultan Yahya Petra yang sepatutnya dibina oleh syarikat swasta itu gagal ditepati, sebaliknya tanggungjawab tersebut diambil alih pula oleh Kerajaan Pusat dan mula dibina sejak Jun 2007, bermakna, syarikat Liziz Standaco Sdn Bhd perlu membayar wang minima sejumlah RM90 juta kepada Kerajaan PAS Kelantan.

Dan bayaran setara RM90 juta ini juga hingga sekarang gagal dilakukan. Apakah wang RM90 juta itu juga sudah dibelanjakan oleh segelintir pihak dari kalangan pemimpin negeri? Atau syarikat tersebut mendapat pelepasan dan pengecualian dari membayarnya disebabkan mempunyai hubungan baik dengan mana-mana pemimpin PAS negeri?

Sehingga saat ini belum ada satu pun reaksi balas daripada wakil Kerajaan PAS Kelantan bersabit isu ini. masing-masing sedang menikus bersembunyi disebalik jubah dan serban barangkali.

Berdasarkan jaminan dari Kerajaan PAS Kelantan pada Februari lalu ketika isu ini pernah hangat menjadi bualan ramai, Timbalan Menteri Besarnya mengikrarkan pada umum akan memberi jawapan kepada semua persoalan berkaitan PTSK sebaik sahaja Laporan Audit dikeluarkan.

Kini Laporan Audit sudah terbentang depan apa mata, mana tindakan susulan dari pihak Kerajaan PAS Kelantan? Masihkah sedang merangka jawapan berbelit tapi bunyinya indah semata-mata untuk menyembunyikan sesuatu?

PAS's Islam: Islamic Billboards But Muslims Eat Haram Food?

Posted: 19 Oct 2012 04:36 AM PDT

PAS has always been a party that is always confused, led by confused leaders and cooperates with a chaotic coalition. Islam became their daily political game, used as promotional motto in various advertisements. Islam is used as their clothes to cover their hypocrisy.

For being too much when it comes to politics, Islam is just another name for PAS. PAS only uses Islam on the outside where everything they do should be seen by mankind, not for Allah SWT.

So, it is not surprising to see the findings regarding the audit report on Kedah where PAS government simply underestimated the matter of halal certificate which are awarded within the state. When the fact is, the certificate is a vital thing for rakyat to know the differences between halal-haram on products which they would consume.

The 2011 Audit Report showed that between November 2011 until January 2012, halal were not awarded on time due to weakness in activities such as observations and Implementation as well as the issue where reference service on halal products were not updated.

But, the word 'weakness' which was mentioned in the report should have been changed to 'laziness' because of such surprising finding where no meeting made at all among Halal Panel Committee.
The Committee only had two meetings in 2009 and three times in 2010.
Meanwhile in 2011, they did not even make any meetings.

There should be no excuse for this matter, because PAS Kedah should not have taken this matter lightly especially right after they push BN aside for saying that BN is not Islamic enough.

What is more shocking is that MAIK had issued Halal Certificate to 72 companies without even going through the Halal Panel Committee with the excuse of technical error. For that, MAIK's Chairman simply approved those certificates for the sake of the industry.

The question is, what qualifies MAIK's Chairman to approve those certificates personally? What is the guarantee that tests or observations have been made to those companies before approving those certificates?

And the more important matter here is that rakyat now cannot help by to ask whether this has to do with corruption especially when the excuse which was given was 'benefit for the industry' which means profits are more important than religion and rakyat.

Besides that, Audit report also found that there were no follow-up observations imposed since 2009 until 2011. However, in 2011, two observations were made, only after people began to lodge complaints.

Even integrated enforcement operations to ensure the usage of halal logo along with KPDNKK has never been done.

There you go, this is the Islamic administration which PAS has been talking about all these while.
If the matter of halal-haram can be ignored, the PAS do not have to act all Islamic through their billboards which requires female models to cover their aurat and publish them in jawi. Sins from the eye is not as much to be compared to consuming food which would stay in the body.

The conclusion, the audit report presentation not only reveal PAS Kedah's weakness, it also reveals how hypocrite PAS really is when it comes to religion.

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