OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Datuk Bandar : "Buat masa ini tiada pegawai SPRM datang.."

Posted: 02 Aug 2012 02:34 AM PDT

Well that is what the new Datuk Bandar is telling the SPRM (MACC). It almost sounds like a   'catch me if you can'  taunt.  This is about the annual Bazar Ramadan corruption circus where poor people are abused and exploited to benefit the rich, the VIPs, the "persatuan yang memperjuangkan hak peniga bumiputra" b*llsh*tters plus a few others. 

First here is the news taking up the entire page 5 of the Utusan Malaysia today. (Dato Zaini terima kasih banyak-banyak bro kepada Utusan Malaysia yang mendedahkan perkara ini dengan detail juga. Thank you so much bro.)   First here is the news from the DBKL's side. 

DBKL terbuka kepada siasatan SPRM - Datuk Bandar
  • 1 Ogos - (DBKL) akan turut melakukan siasatan dalaman selain bekerjasama dengan  (SPRM) terhadap dakwaan terdapat pembabitan kakitangannya dengan sindiket yang menawarkan petak niaga di bazar Ramadan.
  • Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Ahmad Phesal Talib berkata, pihaknya tidak akan melindungi mana-mana pegawai DBKL, sekiranya didapati terlibat dengan sindiket tersebut.
  • "Buat masa ini tiada pegawai SPRM datang dan pihak kami juga dalam masa yang sama akan melakukan siasatan dalaman," katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas taklimat awam mengenai penambahbaikan dan pengindahan Medan Pasar di sini hari ini.
So the Datuk Bandar has given his ok for the SPRM to investigate the DBKL. 

The Datuk Bandar has also made the statement that "buat masa ini tiada pegawai SPRM datang.."  Jadi saya cadangkan awal pagi esok pegawai-pegawai SPRM mengunjungi DBKL dan mulakan era baru kerjasama rapat antara DBKL dan SPRM.  Otherwise people may think that nothing will happen and that the Datuk Bandar is indeed just making fun and taunting the SPRM.  

Here is more news from the Utusan Malaysia. This is from the traders side of things. These are the people who are the victims of the corruption that is going on, year in and year out without end. 

  • 1 Ogos - Syarat permohonan untuk memiliki petak bazar Ramadan di Jalan Masjid India yang mudah disifatkan menjadi punca sindiket penawaran harga petak berkenaan diseleweng sehingga mencecah jutaan ringgit.
  • Bersyaratkan pemohon adalah warganegara menetap di ibu kota, rata-rata peniaga yang ditemui Utusan Malaysia menegaskan ia punca yang mendorong ramai pemohon tidak bertanggungjawab mencuba nasib dan menjualnya setelah mendapat pengundian tapak.
  • Seorang peniaga makanan, Maimun Mahmud, 29, berkata, permohonan secara terbuka itu menyebabkan mereka yang tidak mempunyai lesen perniagaan mencuba nasib mengisi borang untuk proses pengundian bagi mendapatkan petak bazar.
  • "Apabila tibanya waktu pengundian petak berkenaan, mereka yang tidak mempunyai lesen mendapat undian tersebut bertindak menjual kepada peniaga berlesen yang gagal pada harga tidak masuk akal.
Another peniaga Zarith Sofia Kamaruddin says, "Saya sudah berniaga di bazar ini berbelas tahun namun tiada apa yang berubah malah lokasi strategik tetap milik orang yang sama.."

Dengar baik-baik ya. Peniaga ini kata, "Saya sudah berniaga di bazar ini berbelas tahun namun tiada apa yang berubah malah lokasi strategik tetap milik orang yang sama.."

How is this possible? Kalau cabutan petak dibuat secara telus, jujur dan tanpa rasuah bagaimana pula lokasi yang strategik tetap jadi milik orang yang sama? 

As a result of which the Utusan Malaysia on the same page carries another headline "SPRM serbu tapak bazar Ramadan'. Among others the report bu the Utusan reveals :
  • two individuals who were involved in negotiating the resale of these tapak bazar Ramadan were arrested yesterday (after the Utusan had written another report on the matter - terima kasih sekali lagi Utusan Malaysia)
  • one of the individuals arrested "mempunyai kemudahan untuk keluar masuk pejabat pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) yang terlibat (So this guy could keluar masuk anytime he wanted. I hope this is not the "pejabat  Datuk Bandar")
  • menurut jurucakap SPRM, sebanyak 15 peniaga dipercayai membeli tapak bazar VIP tanpa melalui  proses undian
  • peniaga mendakwa mereka membeli tapak VIP bazar berkenaan dengan harga RM50,000 bagi dua petak
  • jurucakap itu memberitahu siasatan masih dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti sejauh mana pembabitan ahli-ahli persatuan berkenaan dan orang dalam  
My question is what the hell is meant by "tapak bazar VIP tanpa melalui  proses undian"?

Maa makna "tapak bazar VIP"?  Apa maksudnya? Is the Minister of the Federal Territory among these 'VIPs'? Or maybe his wife? Or could it be the winners of the 'Imam Muda' contest? Who are these VIPs who can get these tapak Ramadan 'tanpa melalui proses undian'?

Folks, saya nak tanya sikit. Here is a picture I took just now in Masjid India. 

These are among the traders who work from 8 am in the morning until 2 am at nite in Jalan Masjid India. This looks like one of those RM25,000 petak.  For one month, they work, eat and live on the street. Folks, these are NOT rich people. Neither are they VIPs.  They are hardworking people who are eking out a living.

Yet the VIPs and the corrupted DBKL guys, the middlemen and the bogus 'persatuan' guys are exploiting these people. 

First the tapak niaga is allotted to the VIPs 'tanpa melalui proses undian'. Then the tapak niaga is sold through the "persatuan peniaga kecil" and their middlemen (two of whom have been arrested by the SPRM) and finally ends up in the hands of the poor people in the picture (after they pay up to RM25,000 for each tapak niaga). So the VIPs, the 'persatuan' and the 'middle men' earn easy money.  

The report also say that there are more than the "15 petak perniagaan VIP" that are involved in this hanky panky.  

This has been going on year in and year out. It seems that no one can stop the corrupted people in the DBKL, the persatuan and the middlemen from doing this every year.  The Datuk Bandar just says,  "Buat masa ini tiada pegawai SPRM datang".

Takpa. Nantilah. Kejap nanti depa datang.

US Makes Public Syria Intervention

Posted: 01 Aug 2012 08:14 PM PDT

  • WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Obama signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Assad 
  • permits the CIA and other U.S. agencies to provide support 
  • White House had crafted a directive authorizing greater U.S. covert assistance 
  • Obama administration has stated publicly that it is collaborating with a secret command center operated by Turkey
  • Saudi Arabia,Qatar, Turkey had established a secret base near the Syrian border 
  • Turkish .. increasingly involved in providing ..training and equipment.
  • wealthy families in Saudi Arabia and Qatar providing significant financing to the rebels. 
  • Free Syrian Army had obtained nearly two dozen surface-to-air missiles
  • shoulder-fired missiles, also known as MANPADs, delivered to the rebels via Turkey.
  • financed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia, limited to guns and bazookas.
  • $25 million for  communications equipment
  • U.S. Treasury confirmed it had granted authorization to the Free Syrian Army, to conduct financial transactions on the rebel group's behalf. 
  • John McCain suggested the U.S. government become directly involved 
It remains to be seen how long Bashar Assad will last plus how will he exit the scene - on his feet or with his feet first. The moral of the story is - an elected and functioning democracy is the best protection against the US, CIA, the Brits etc. This is what the Arabs have failed to do.

Or if you have enough oil, then you can suck up to the Americans - like the Saudis do. Then regime survivability stands a better chance.


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