rocky's bru

rocky's bru

Varsity in JB rejects visit by PM Najib?

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 05:39 AM PDT

Got am SMS from a friend who heard that the Southern College University in Skudai, Johor Bahru had turned down Najib Razak during the PM's visit to Johor Bahru yesterday. Not true, I told the friend. Najib's event went smoothly. During the visit, he announced the setting up of a Chinese school in the Iskandar region. No Malaysian PM has done so much for Chinese education in the country as Najib has in a very short time, so why should the varsity reject his visit.

But I double checked, all the same, and found that the rumors would have something to do with an article in Nanyang Siangpau published today. Read it h e r e. It's safe to conclude that more such talk would be spread until polling day on May 5. The fact is, Najib's the first PM to have visited the Southern U. 

But another Prime Minister has an significant place in the history of the university's formation. He is none other than Tun Dr Mahathir Moahamad, whom the DAP is trying very hard today to paint as an anti-Chinese ex-Prime Minister. As history has it, nothing could be further from the truth ...
On the eve of Johor Bahru Parliamentary district by-election, Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir attended the joint Chinese New Year Celebration of Johor Bahru's Chinese societies. Dato' Low Nam Hui, the Chairman of Persekutuan Tiong-hua Johor Bahru proposed to Dr. Mahathir for approving the application of setting up Foon Yew College and the proposal was taken into consideration; Read more here.
[Despite BN losing that by-election in 1988, Dr Mahathir approved the setting up of the college, which was renamed Southern College and later Southern College University. It was set up in 1990 as the first non-profit private higher institute of learning in the country]. 

19 juta terima kasih

Posted: 29 Apr 2013 07:45 PM PDT


This blog, born with the posting of Time Flies [May 21, 2006], reached 19 million unique visitors yesterday.

It is so because of the will of Allah and thanks to each and everyone of you, dear readers.

Here's hoping to reach 20 and wishing that politics will, after May 5th, unite instead of divide us.


The circus in Gelang Patah

Posted: 29 Apr 2013 07:37 PM PDT

Reminds you of anyone?
Fifty-fifty. That's what most people offer when you ask for the odds on the Ghani Othman-Lim Kit Siang contest for Gelang Patah. The odd gambler would put it at 45-55. One seasoned chap said it started at 40-60 but has since climbed to 48 per cent but still in favour of Lim Kit Siang. Considering that 53 per cent of the Gelang Patah parliamentary seat's voters are Chinese, and given the perceived "solid" Chinese support that DAP claims it is getting, Ghani's camp ought to be pleased with the improving odds, if indeed things were what they had been made out to be.

These, of course, were before Najib Razak's tour of the Johor battleground yesterday. Yesterday's visit, the pundits say, has given a boost to Ghani's "Johor Way". Johor fan yong (prosperous). Ghani, chong yong (moderate, likeable). You can almost feel the beat and sense the mood from afar. Shamsul Akmar, editor of the KL-based Mole, captures the spirit well in A Malaysian Opportunity in Gelang Patah. 
"Ghani is not just anybody. He was the Mentri Besar of Johore who had served the state since 1995 and if the state has progressed and the Chinese has prospered, surely they would not have any qualms in returning him as their Member of Parliament.

"Surely he stands head and shoulder above Lim who is the Ipoh Timur MP and would not have the track record to prove to the Johoreans at large or the people of Gelang Patah.

"In short, Ghani who has set up home in Johore would surely be preferred to Lim who is part of the travelling carnival candidates, who moves from one seat to another, under whatever guise it may be." -
Will the circus settle down permanently in Gelang Patah, or will it just be passing by? We shall see come May 5. After Najib's visit and with cracks showing within the DAP itself after Norman Fernandez's outburst against hudud and a hardly bottled-up contempt for Kit Siang and the other DAP ":outsiders" contesting in Johor, expect a bigger-than-usual circus to come to Gelang Patah in the next few days to bolster the odds. And with any circus, expect a lot of clowns.

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