Anwar takes fight to be PM from Padang Merbok to Washington Posted: 20 Jun 2013 08:50 PM PDT Tomorrow's Padang Merbok "blackout 505" protest against the GE13 results is just a start of efforts by his friends and supporters to help realize Anwar Ibrahim's lifelong dream to be Prime Minister of Malaysia.
 | Din backs Anwar but admires Najib |
Next week in Washington, The East West Center is organising an "aftermath" forum featuring two Malaysians including Din Merican and former US Ambassador to Malaysia John Malott. Both don't need much introduction, of course, but the East West Center failed to mention that Dato' Din and Malott are two of Anwar Ibrahim's tightest buddies.
Those hazy things they say about The Star .. Posted: 20 Jun 2013 08:06 PM PDT I must comment that today's lead article on The Star Online does make the largest English-language daily read like a DAP mouthpiece.
It's a piece about (ultimately) how the advanced people think we should not be felling our trees (like they used to do), quoting NASA and all, but the fact that the MCA-owned newspaper has found it fit to publish the article - as a lead story, too! - when only a DAP chief is being quoted (well, the NGO dude doesn't count, really), automatically puts the authorities in a not-so-good light. Which I'm sure wasn't The Star's intention, or wazzit?
Surely here's a government spokesman (not just from the Perak MB office, perhaps the Prime Minister's Department?) who would and could comment on the matter and in the even that the reporter is too lazy to get one, the editor should have run the NASA story as it is and get politicians from both sides to comment later. Basic journalism.
Well, I'm just saying but with all the things they have been saying about The Star's political posturing and what-not, this article does make me want to wonder ..
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