rocky's bru

rocky's bru

Dr M on Johari Baharum and Umno winnable candidates

Posted: 10 Apr 2013 02:35 AM PDT

1.   Nor Mohamed Yakcop

2.   Awang Adek Hussein
3.   Shahrizat Jalil (she already announced not to contest)
4.   Noh Omar
5.   Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
6.   Abdullah Md Zin
7.   Abu Seman Yusop
8.   Azalina Othman
9.   Azmi Khalid
10. Baharum Mohamed
11. Bung Mokhtar Radin
12. Halimah Mohd Sadique
13. Hamim Samuri
14. Ismail Kassim
15. Jamaluddin Jarjis
16. Lilah Yassin
17. Mohd Nazri Aziz
18. Mohd Johari Baharum
19. Mohd Zin Mohamed
20. Rafidah Aziz
21. Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin
22. Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor
23. Shahrir Samad

1.  Reezal Merican
2.  Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim

1.  Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik
2.  Mohd Isa Samad
3.  Radzi Sheikh Ahmad
4.  Syed Hamid
Oh, by the way. this has been Bujai's List of Umno politicians he wishes not fielded on the 5th of May. I disagree with some of his choices. Shahrir Samad, for example: I think the guy is absolutely winnable. Najib Razak is expected to announce the list of candidates for Barisan Nasional later this week so Bujai - and we all - will know if Rais Yatim and Nazri or JJ and Shafie Afdal are "winnable" in the eyes of their boss.

Last month, a small group of bloggers had a meeting with the statesman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in K to discuss issues in the run-up to the general election. At the end of the closed-door session, one of the bloggers placed in the former PM's hands a list of candidates that the blogger and some of us didn't think should contest.

Dr M took a look at the list, which was considerably shorter than Bujai's, and after studying it said
that he agreed some of the people on "our" list were not winnable. But - there is always a but with the Tun - he stressed the need to toe the line and avert sabotaging each other once the candidates' list is out.

Therefore, he said:

"..if the party decides to field even Johari Baharom as candidate, I will support Johari Baharom".

YBs, Aspiring YBs, and Soon-to-be Ex YBs

Posted: 09 Apr 2013 08:59 PM PDT

The mud and sludge in Lembah Pantai. I always believe that if an elected rep of the people has served her constituency to the best of her ability, she has nothing much to worry about comes re-election time. 

Nurul Izzah: Will LP constituents
vote her in again?
In this context, I believe Nurul Izzah has quite a bit of worrying to do as we head for May 5, the polling day. The feeling on the ground is that as an MP, her performance has been dismal at best. She was never there. She was too focused on national politics. On the other hand, Raja Nong Chik, who was seen earlier on as too "plain" to make a rep for a constituency that boasts of Bangsar and the bourgeois, has of late become the people's favourite. The reason is simple: while Nurul Izzah was busy harnessing her political skills, RNC was busy serving the constituents. I don't vote in Lembah Pantai but I spend a lot of time there. Ask Bangsar Bala if you don't believe me.

And when an MP or an States Assemblyman hasn't been doing what she was elected by the people to do, she tends to resort to desperate measures. Like challenging the potential rival(s) to meaningless debates. Nurul Izzah has done exactly that - daring RNC to a debate. Everybody knows RNC is not half the orator that the daughter of Anwar Ibrahim has become: he just happens to be better at letting his work do the talking. 

RNC: Tireless, with Shahrizat,
who lost to Nurul Izzah in 2008
Among the Press people, we all agreed that the FT Minister wasn't the most media savvy. Nurul Izzah, on the other hand, has sued journalists and wooed them (in the case of the now-forgotten ex-Utusan Malaysia's Hata Wahari to set up Harian Rakyat). RNC hardly complained when there's bad press about him.

So I was surprised to read that RNC has finally drawn the line. I hear he will be suing Malaysiakini for "manipulating" his response to the pro-Opposition news portal's queries on an offshore company set up by his father. Was Malaysiakini really twisting facts trying in order to help its favourite candidate in the coming GE?

If RNC asks me, I'd tell him NOT to waste time suing anyone. If he has served the people of Lembah Pantai to the best of his ability, he's got nothing to worry about come polling day. Let the other guy lose sleep over that.


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