Lim 'Bor Eng'

Posted: 10 Apr 2013 09:45 PM PDT

Lim Guan Eng said the 15-day campaigning period is not sufficient and not fair to the opposition party, and that Bersih demand for a 21-day duration was not met.

He also accused the BN-controlled media of not giving enough fair coverage to the opposition, including the Penang state government.
"We regret it is only 15 days. We had hoped that it would be 21 days, according to (coalition for clean and fair election) Bersih demands," he told a press conference today.
"We feel that the media, controlled by BN, has not given enough fair coverage to the (federal) opposition or to the (Penang) state government. That is why we feel we need more time (to campaign).
"Although the Election Commission (EC) has added two days to the 2008 (campaign period), it is not adequate."
Lim is being absent minded of late.

He forgot that DAP, PAS and PKR have been campaigning over the last four years since the 12th general elections. They have been very aggressive, attacking Barisan Nasional from every corner and even resorted to notorious street demo with Bersih.

So, why is he asking for an extra 6 days?

Well, I think he is the only one who needs that extra time for 6 reasons:
1.  To clear his name of that 'love affair' with... well, you know who lor!
2.  To convince Penang Malays that DAP is not a Chinese-chauvinist party
3.  To explain how the RM6 billion Penang Love Tunnel project will reduce traffic congestion
4.  To find excuse why that Taman Manggis land is not for low-cost housing project
5.  To clean his image of cronyism and nepotism over Penang projects, and
6.  To clear his office of confidential and important files that could lead him to court should BN wins the State on May 6

Another thing - why is he so concern about media freedom during the general elections when DAP and pro-Pakatan media are as effective as the BN's?

And what freedom is he talking when he himself used to bar journalists from covering his events and meetings and suing them for reporting what he actually said?

Lim 'Bor Eng' - you really need more time!

Bersih, Pakatan plan havoc on polling day

Posted: 10 Apr 2013 06:28 AM PDT

Beware of the dirty Bersih. They will create havoc on polling day!

This warning was issued by former president of Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim today.

Together with former DAP mid-ring leader Tan Tuan Tat, the ex-vice chairman of DAP also exposed PKR dirty tactic to woo voters and disrupt voting procedures in sensitive areas, notably the ones Pakatan Rakyat hoped to win.

The two had alleged that PKR was working with the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections (Bersih) to train people to disrupt the polling process set to take place on May 5.
"We understand training sessions have been conducted for polling agents, counting agents and booth/barung agents, by a non-governmental organisation called Tindak Malaysia," said Tengku Aziz.
He added one aspect of the training was to encourage voters to demand for the randomisation of their ballot papers to guarantee vote secrecy.
"Tindak Malaysia by their own admission works closely with Bersih and Bersih is publicly known to be very close to Pakatan Rakyat leaders," added Tengku Aziz.
He claimed to have seen an internal PKR document dated Dec 15, 2012 listing out various steps to create chaos and dissatisfaction against the Election Commission (EC) on polling day by raising protests at polling stations.
"This will cause other voters waiting in the queue to be unhappy and dissatisfied with the EC in the conduct of the polling," said Tunku Aziz.
The former DAP vice-president said the disruption would come in the form of challenges to the election clerks on duty and the presiding officer.
"They are encouraged to be vocal and challenge the election clerks as well as the presiding officer of committing an electoral offence if they refuse to issue a random ballot to the voter," said Tengku Aziz.
His team, Tunku Aziz said has all the evident to proof the claims, and as such called on Ambiga to the open and declare as to whether she is involved with such a conspiracy or not.

"Come out to the open and say it out," he said.
"Training sessions, known as PACABA, have been conducted for polling and counting agents by the NGO Tindak Malaysia. One particular aspect of such training sessions is to teach the voter to guard the secrecy of his or her vote," he said.
He further claimed that people are being trained to demand for random ballot paper in order to guarantee the secrecy of their votes.
Tunku Aziz said asking for random ballot paper means that a voter will demand for a ballot paper from the middle or bottom of the pile and not the one on the top.
"The people attending such training are encouraged to challenge the election clerks on duty of committing an electoral offence if they refuse to issue a random ballot to the voter, while polling agents have been trained to support such a request by the voter.
"These people are specially trained to cause trouble and when the police have to intervene and remove the people involved, this would make it look like the election is dirty and video recordings of such instances will attract a lot of international attention," claimed Tunku Aziz.


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