Ketua Pemuda PAS Akhirnya Sujud Cium Kaki DAP

Posted: 02 Aug 2012 08:30 AM PDT

Dengan khawarij PAS ni sembang lebih lebih tak payah lah..mana ada standart tungangan DAP nak bercakap pasal hak dan kepentingan umat Islam..

Tungangan seperti khawarij PAS lebih elok bercakap akan hak dan kepentingan DAP,Nasrudin elok pertahankan hak DAP perjuangkan Malaysian Malaysia,hak sama rata,hak kebebasan beragama IFC.

Apa hak kamu sebagai hamba pencacai DAP nak bercakap untuk umat Islam dinegara ini..
Pisau kata " PAS memang jalang politik... elok tukar jer nama Parti Artis Semalaysia"


Posted: 02 Aug 2012 06:30 AM PDT

Not many people knew that the confidentiality is cornerstone or cardinal principle in the banking system. Reason is very simple -- because the relationship between the banker and customer is based on this principle.

Bank secrecy is a legal principle in some jurisdictions under which banks are not allowed to provide to authorities personal and account information about their customers unless certain conditions apply (for example, a criminal complaint has been filed).

In some cases, additional privacy is provided to beneficial owners through the use of numbered bank accounts or otherwise.

Bank secrecy is prevalent in certain countries such as Switzerland, Singapore and Luxembourg, as well as offshore banks and other tax havens under voluntary or statutory privacy provisions.

The father of the Bank Secrecy is the Swiss Banking Act of 1934, which led to the famous Swiss bank -- where the principle of Bank secrecy is always considered one of the main aspects of private banking.

That's why until today, there were debate on this bank secrecy until it has been widely accused by NGOs and governments of being one of the main instruments of underground economy and organized crime.

Despite this accusation, the secrecy remained while the authorities have to figure other way of getting information through some specific legislation.

In Malaysia, we follow the common law as well as British statute on banking confidentiality when we passed the Banking and Financial Institutions Act in 1989. Even that, some still complaint that our law not comprehensive enough to ensure effective legal enforcement.

Under the BAFIA, there are certain conditions or qualification before the client information can be released.

The act prevents banking officers at their whim and fancies to reveal your account anytime they like or they want regardless for whatever reason. This also applied to those who have left the banking sector.

You might argue that what Rafizi and his ex-banker counterpart did was for the exposure of the corruption cases involving NFC.

You might also argue that government need to protect him under the whistle blowing act.

However, let us be clear on this matter. In Rafizi case, it is not that straight forward as you and I could imagine.

It was alleged that information used was being passed by somebody who are previously in the banking sector (which is strictly guided by BAFIA) and started calling a press conference exposing publicly every detail of it.

He did not report the finding to the authorities first; instead used it publicly for publicity purposes, claiming the authorities did not investigate the matter or cover up.

The Whistle Blower Protection Act 2010 stated while it covers any member of public and private sectors who discloses wrongdoings, such disclosure should be made in "good faith" based on "honest and reasonable grounds at the material time" without necessitating hard evidence from the whistle blower.

It's clearly stated the duty of gathering evidence will be tasked to the investigation unit of the enforcement agencies to ensure that the whistle blower is not compromised. However, whistle-blowers can provide evidence if it is legally available through the course of their works.

What Rafizi exposing is clearly not from the legally available because such document are protected under BAFIA and only certain people being authorised are allowed to access. Even that person is being allowed the access, he or she is still not allowed to exposed publicly as it only allowed to hand over such information at the request of the authorities who carried out the investigation work.

Apart from illegally obtaining the evidence, he also exposed publicly the evidence which actually can be presented in the court as evidence by the authorities.

You can't just expose somebody's account based on your assumption or whatever reason you think you are right before the authorities charged the person or persons.

Just imaging if this being allowed, anybody can get hold on you banking account information and started making all sorts of allegation publicly about the money you kept in the bank instead channels their suspicion with the authorities.

Rafizi is not the first case under the BAFIA. In fact, in the past there are few cases, even some involving some genuine mistake. However, law is still a law.

Few years back, there is a case where a man has successfully sued a leading bank in Malaysia for breach of confidentiality.

In April 1997, this man opened a current account, a savings account and a fixed deposit account under his and his son's names and gave the bank a specific correspondence address.

On 17-3-2007, without the consent of the man, the bank sent the statements of account to another address. As a result of that, the plaintiff's wife came to know about the said accounts and this created a problem between them.

The bank admitted that this man had never informed it of any change of address and never authorised it to use any address other than the one he specified.

The judge then ruled the bank has breached the confidentiality of these men's account, allowing him to claim for general and special damages with interest of 8% per annum.

In fact recently, a bank officer was also been sacked by its employer after been found to has exposed the banking account number involving a VIP.

Nobody is above the law; it applies to everybody, whether it is Rafizi or the NFC directors.

Penang Port – Politics Ahead of Business

Posted: 02 Aug 2012 02:29 AM PDT

StopTheLies-The DAP merry men, led by its pied piper Dear leader – Lim Guan Eng have all become logistics experts. This is part of a long list of expertise that DAP have acquired suddenly since 2008 including debt reduction experts ( pass the debt to someone else lah), environment experts (cut the hills in Penang when nobody looks) and experts debaters.

Okay la, to be fair they haven't mastered debating yet judging from Guan Eng's performances vs Soi Lek, but he is slowly improving. You should have seen him attempt to make a proper argument back in the 90s.

Anyway, back to the Penang Port. StopTheLies would like to give you some background information on this port, so you see what the real issue is.

Penang Port has not made a profit in years. It is heavily in debt and the management of the port is unable to think of a realistic way forward to save the port. In their desperation, they figured that the port should be turned into a transhipment port (an international port handling massive cargo like Port Klang and Tanjung Pelepas). To do this, they borrowed more than a billion ringgit from banks with repayments of hundreds of millions ringgit starting very soon.

The problem is the port only made 180,000 ringgit last year. Yes you read it right – 180k. How on earth are you going to pay hundred million to the bank in interest and repayment yearly when you only have 180k in your pocket??

Sensing a potential bailout situation, the Cabinet decided that the port be privatized. This is to avoid a situation where taxpayers have to pay billions in a few years time. Malaysia has had enough of bailouts lah so the Cabinet does not want another mess.

Several companies bid for the project, and Seaport Terminal (Syed Mokhtar's company) won it based on their track record at PTP as well as Johor Port. It must be noted that two international bidders were part of the process too.

Okaylah, you want to argue Syed Mokhtar is a crony also can but bear in mind the bid itself was above board. Got international bidders so hard to play around with the process lah.

Of course now, DAP is attacking the government for privatizing the port to Syed Mokhtar. What they don't tell you is that Syed Mokhtar is taking on Penang Port's massive debts. They also don't tell you that the union of almost a 1000 workers are fully behind the privatization. It is only a few at the management level that are against it because they will be the first to get kicked out (you run the port to the ground you expect to keep your job ah? ) once the take over is complete. These few have aligned themselves to Guan Eng and Dear Leader also happy to be their buddy.

To add more drama, DAP has started a campaign to keep the port for Penangites. Gerakan also running a similar campaign. This a dangerous card to play. How can people of a state say a port is theirs? Like that Pahang people can say Kuantan port is theirs!

Ports are national entities. No where in the world can a state own a port. And lets be honest lah, Guan Eng is from Melaka. So what crap is he talking about?

What we can see here is that DAP is as usual putting state matters ahead of national interest. They rather a situation where Penang Port collapses and is in need of a bailout costing us billions rather than leave the port to the professionals at Seaport. All this so they can make up another electoral issue.

DAP for the people? Think again please.

Betty Chew Dah Jadi Model Catwalk,Usaha Tandingi Rainbow.

Posted: 01 Aug 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Proses ubah suai facelift si Betty menelan belanja puluhan ribu di Italy yang ditanggung kontraktor rupanya disebabkan Abang Bryclream jatuh cinta dan berselingkohan dengan gadis muda.

Khabarnya bukan si rainbow seorang tetapi 2-3 orang dan "berbilang bangsa" lebih kurang 1Malaysia lah..

Betty sekarang ini cuba menarik perhatian Abang Brylcream sebolehnya mahu beliau berasa cemburu kerana perubahan yang dilakukan. Daripada imej yang kurang menarik ditukar kepada lebih cosmopolitan ,moden dan seksi.

Kesemua ini semata mata kerana cintakan Abang Brylcream. Ni untuk tatapan korang Betty buat catwalk dan sudah menjadi model pakaian beriringan dengan model lelaki ...

Adakah disebelah Betty adalah Lim Guan Eng? ya atau tidak? cuba korang tengok...

Pisau kata "dah kaya raya..semua barang dia pakai mahal mahal..."

Umno Sengaja Politikkan Botol Arak Gergasi, Tak Ada Isu- YDP MAIPP Salleh Man

Posted: 01 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT

YDP MAIPP yang dilantik atas belas ehsan DAP ,Salleh Man sehingga saat ini masih membisu mengenai botol arak raksasa yang dipromosi di Georgetown sempena Ramadan.

Kegirangan kaum puak khawarij kerana perlantikan Salleh Man hanya mengesahkan lagi pangkat dan tahta yang diberikan hanyalah atas belas ehsan tuan besar DAP memandangkan mereka ini hanyalah malukut ditepi gantang yang tak mampu membela maruah umat Islam di Pulau Pinang.

Salleh Man pasti tidak mahu sebarang masaalah dengan pentadbiran regim memandangkan kerusi empuk YDP MAIPP baru saja diduduki mana mungkin beliau mahu buat "kacau" keatas hak regim DAP.

Barangkali buat kaum puak khawarij,apalah sangat dengan botol arak gergasi sedangkan Allah pun mereka gadai inikan pula hanya isu sebesar "habuk".

Pisau kata " nanti kita akan dengar puak tu kata ini semua Umno sengaja nak kacau DAP"

Tiket Ke Syurga Semurah RM5 Dah Serupa AirAsia

Posted: 01 Aug 2012 02:30 PM PDT

Dana akhirat beb..RM5 jer
Pisau kata " bayar RM5 boleh tengok ostad Bob makan beb"

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