OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

..And Friendship With All Nations

Posted: 18 Jul 2012 10:31 PM PDT

  • China pledges $20 billion in credit to Africa
  • Hu Jintao pledged African governments $20 billion in credit over the next three years 
  • China-Africa coordination in international affairs to defend against "bullying" of richer powers.
  • Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing. 
  • credit line is double the amount offered in 2009 in Egypt 
  • building agricultural technology centers, training medical personnel, digging wells..clean water. 
  • investment in infrastructure that facilitates trade within Africa
  • China emerged as Africa's main trading partner 
  • Trade hit a record $166 billion last year, a three-fold increase since 2006.
  • China's a still-developing nation and Africa has world's largest number of developing countries. 
  • should jointly work to defend their interests in global forums such as the United Nations.
  • "China and Africa should increase coordination and cooperation in international affairs,"
  • "oppose the practices of the big bullying the small, the strong domineering over the weak and the rich oppressing the poor."

Instead of fighting and killing people, the Chinese are investing billions in Africa.  The numbers are incredible - China Africa trade has reached USD166 billion last year, jumping three fold in just six years.  

All this Chinese investment in Africa is beginning to pay off. For the past few years, the entire African continent has grown (on average) by 5% per year.  This is a tremendous achievement for a continent that not too long ago saw negative growth rates. 

I think that is also due to the involvement of the Chinese. When people have roads to travel on, cars and buses to ride in, schools and hospitals to go to and have opportunities to trade and become rich they will have less time to fight.

The idle mind is the devils workshop so they say. Less idle time means less devil inspired thoughts inside the head. This is good news for the entire world.

Towards the unity of China and friendship with all nations

Syrian Escalation

Posted: 18 Jul 2012 09:11 PM PDT

Folks, the situation in Syria has escalated a few notches higher yesterday.  A bomb exploded in the deepest recesses of the Syrian security apparatus and killed the Defence Minister, the president's brother in law, another senior Government official and wounded others. Here is the news :
  • ".Defense Minister Daoud Rajha and Assad's brother-in-law Assef Shawkat, the deputy defense minister, had been killed in a "terrorist bombing" .. 
  • General Hassan Turkmani, a former defense minister and senior military official, had died later of his wounds. 
  • Intelligence chief Hisham Bekhtyar and Interior Minister Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar were wounded but were "stable".
This was not a suicide attack. 
  • Syria's rebel commander Riad al-Assad said his forces planted a bomb 
  • all those who carried out the operation are safe.
  • The bomber, ..a bodyguard assigned to Assad's inner circle
This is really bad news for Basher Assad. It means that the rebels have penetrated his innermost circle, were able to plant the bomb and then escape safely. There are spies and collaborators inside his circle. They have given up on him. There is more bad news for Basher Assad:
  • Two Syrian brigadier-generals were among 600 Syrians who fled from Syria to Turkey  Wednesday 
  • the number of Syrian generals sheltering in Turkey to at least 20.
20 Syrian generals have fled the country.  As we are reading this serious fighting is taking place in Damascus - the capital of Syria. It is just a matter of time before Bashar Assad will see the exit, either on his feet or with feet first.

Folks the Arab Spring began explosively in January 2011.  So far in just 17 months we have seen regime change  in four major Arab countries ie Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Yemen. There were clashes in Bahrain but the Saudis invaded the country and shot all the rioters dead. A quick massacre took place but we may never know how many Shias were shot by the Saudis in Bahrain. 

Syria is now certain to fall as well.  I believe the Arab Spring has been scripted by the Americans, the Israelis and maybe the Brits as well.  And I believe the script was read out to the whole world by President Obama at that very famous speech he made at Cairo University on 4th June 2009.    

Three years and four regime changes later, even the title of Obama's speech  'A New Beginning' is quite chilling.  Here are some extracts from his speech at Cairo University on 4th June 2009.

About Al Azhar University : I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions. For over a thousand years, Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic learning, and for over a century, Cairo University has been a source of Egypt's advancement. Together, you represent the harmony between tradition and progress.

Read carefully folks. Meaning Al Azhar is not a source of advancement for Egypt !! Pandai Obama cakap. I agree with him fully on this one. Al Azhar University has been a beacon of backwardness not just for Egypt but the entire Sunni world, including Malaysia. 

On Pakistan : We would gladly bring every single one of our troops home if we could be confident that there were not violent extremists in Afghanistan and Pakistan determined to kill as many Americans as they possibly can. But that is not yet the case. 

Kekawan, watch this space - after Syria, maybe Iran then after that, Pakistan. 

Iran and nuclear weapons :  The third source of tension is our shared interest in the rights and responsibilities of nations on nuclear weapons. This issue has been a source of tension between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran. For many years, Iran has defined itself in part by its opposition to my country, and there is indeed a tumultuous history between us. 

But it is clear to all concerned that when it comes to nuclear weapons, we have reached a decisive point. This is not simply about America's interests. It is about preventing a nuclear arms race in the Middle East that could lead this region and the world down a hugely dangerous path.

My view is that Iran is living on borrowed time. As long as they continue with their nuclear program, threaten to annihilate Israel and rattle their sabres - then they will be taken out. Obama's warning about Iran's nuclear weapons are quite clear : "when it comes to nuclear weapons, we have reached a decisive point."  It is not the Israelis alone who will take out Iran. Uncle Sam will be there too.

And I believe these are Obama's words which hinted at the Arab Spring : 
  • does not lessen my commitment, however, to governments that reflect the will of the people. 
  • I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: 
  • to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; 
  • government that is transparent and doesn't steal from the people; 
  • the freedom to live as you choose. 
  • Those are not just American ideas, they are human rights, and that is why we will support them everywhere.
  • America respects the right of all peaceful and law-abiding voices to be heard around the world
  • we will welcome all elected, peaceful governments – provided they govern with respect for all their people.
Hence the Arab Spring. 

There are other considerations. Hizbollah, the Shia militia, still calls the shots in Lebanon and is a major thorn in Israel's side (which is south of Lebanon).  The Hizbollah are sustained by both the Shiah Alawites from Syria as well as Shiah Iran. Taking down Basher Assad in Syria and replacing him with a Sunni majority government will cut off the Shiah life line to Hassan Nasrullah the dynamic Hizbollah leader in Lebanon. 

Plus a Sunni government in Syria will also make the attack and encirclement of Iran much easier. Many birds with one stone. That big stone is Syria. Hence Syria must and will fall.

Anyway here is another reason for Israel to attack Iran now. This happened yesterday :
  • SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) — A bus carrying Israeli youth in a Bulgarian resort area exploded Wednesday, killing at least three people and wounding at least 27 others..
  • Israel's foe Iran is suspected of being behind these assaults.
My conclusion : Ini semua itu agama punya pasal. Why not just make roti canai, chapati, handphones, beach resorts, operas, restaurants, cinemas, cars, tv etc and trade? Pasal apa nak gaduh-gaduh sampai tak habis? When will all this come to a stop?  

Lattice Enabled Nuclear Reactions

Posted: 18 Jul 2012 07:49 PM PDT

Ok folks, first of all I did not write this. The writer is Adrian Hodson who also reads my Blog and appears very passionate about this subject and wrote an article for me to run in my Blog. Thank you Adrian. 

It is about anew type of nuclear energy, metal lattice inundated with hydrogen, the Weak Force and such. Very Greek. I am running it as written by Adrian. My comments follow. Here is the article. It is very short. You can read it quickly.  The engineers and people with science backgrounds may be interested too.

By Adrian Hodson

First a reminder about the energy density of nuclear power. 

Gasoline (petrol) will yield 36 MJ/l (1) whereas fusion of heavy hydrogen (2) has an energy density nearly 200 million times greater (3) ! 

Fusion harnesses the energy related to the Strong Force that binds normally repelling protons together in the nucleus of an atom. By contrast, the other nuclear force is called the Weak Force, and it is responsible for the decay of radioactive elements.

Lattice Enabled Nuclear Reactions (LENR) occur in the nano (4) scale nooks and crannies of a metal lattice inundated with hydrogen under conditions of moderate temperature and pressure. They are theorized by Widom and Larsen to be associated with the Weak Force (5), but most scientists involved state that LENR is the result of multiple nuclear bodies and processes that is poorly understood as yet. 

However that does not prevent using the art learned to date, as the Wright Brothers bore witness when they flew before the theory of flight.

Here is what NASA stated were the ramifications for LENR on 22 September 2011:

Scalable: Nuclear energy densities from µW to GW (6)
Portable: Little or no need for radiation shielding
Adaptable to the full range of transportation systems
Does not have the weight, safety, and costs of fission
Revolutionizes Aviation and Access to Space
Decouples energetics from reaction mass
Fuel mass essentially goes away for air-breathing applications, reduces total mass
No green house gas (CO2, H2O, aerosols, …) concerns
Fuel is very cheap (Nickel abundant, electrolysis of H2O)
Total replacement of fossil fuels for everything but synthetic organic chemistry" 

This statement and a video (7) accompanied a recent NASA patent on LENR.

Here are the Oil Industry Engineers on the subject: 

Here is the European Commission on the subject (section 3.4 page 23):

Here is the next International Forum on the subject, where one (DGT) of the two companies who claim commercial products who will reveal a prototype LENR energy generator in August.

Here is the latest interview with DGT

There is a mass of evidence that this is a phenomenon that merits serious optimism and attention. The most convincing is a recent Italian Conference on nuclear energy called The Atom Unexplored. Videos of the scientific presentations in English can be found at the link below. 

The USA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) have allocated budget to LENR.

Were this discovery to lead to commercial free, clean, abundant energy it would of course be the greatest event in human history. The possibilities are limitless. However banishing misery and basic want on this Earth and eradicating resource wars (aren't they all?) would be have the greatest immediate impact.

Unfortunately, the elites controlling global governments aren't likely to be happy with loss of control and the collapse of their plans to return to a dystopian feudalism.

Anyone doubting that a handful of elites control the whole world should take a look at the prestigious scientific publication New Scientist:

The reason I contacted you Syed is regarding your latest posting about the British Secret Service making unusual public statements about the "Iran threat". 

I believe this is to habituate the public to a nuclear war that will soon occur in the Middle East. The Americans allow themselves first use of nuclear weapons and they have small tactical nukes to kick things off if the Iranians attack their sitting ducks in the Straights of Hormuz.

LENR would make the whole stand-off there mute - the Iranians would not need uranium based energy and the Americans would not need to "protect the worlds oil supply." 

There are two companies who claim they will reveal commercial LENR in the coming months : DGT and Leonardo. My fear is we will be returned to the Stone Age before that date.

Best wishes

Adrian Hodson

(1)Million Joules of energy per liter.
(2) Has both a proton plus a neutron.
(4)Billionth of a meter
(6) Millionths of watts to Millions of watts

Here are my comments :  I think if you had seen the movie 'The Saint' (Val Kylmer and Elizabeth Shue) about this lady scientist (Elizabeth Shue) who perfects a fusion reactor using hydrogen from water that produces cheap energy, then you may get a feel of the excitement behind LENR (Lattice Enabled Nuclear Reactions). Another name for this is I believe 'cold fusion'.  There is a 23 year history to cold fusion - serious research began in 1989

All the scientists need is that one eureka moment, a history rewriting, game changing moment where this process can be put into practical application.

Former Saudi Oil Minister Sheikh Zaki Yamani said that the Stone Age did not come to an end because of a lack of stones. Human beings moved on to the Bronze Age, Iron Age and so on.  Similarly the oil age will also come to an end sometime not because of a lack of oil but we would have moved on to other abundant and cheaper energy sources. The LENR is one such possibility.

There is another You Tube here. You can read up more on this as well.

YouTube - Videos from this email


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