rocky's bru

rocky's bru

Anwar's "independent" foreign observers are here to tell us we are not free nor fair

Posted: 26 Apr 2012 05:46 AM PDT

But despite being invited by the office of Parliament's Opposition Leader Anwar, the group's members insisted today on their independence, even claiming that their expenses for the mission are being borne by themselves or their respective governments. 
"We were invited by the leader of the opposition (Anwar), but the invitation could have come from anyone because there are important principles here and we know that these are concerns that have been raised. 
"We will be providing a report, all of us here on the panel, we are fiercely independent and we want to provide a report that is fair, based on facts and balanced... but the whole concept has to be one that we come here as great friends of Malaysia, of Malaysian democracy," said Nicholas Xenophon, an independent Senator for South Australia, during a press conference in Parliament this afternoon. - The Malaysian Insider, read full story

The same Nick Xenophon heading Anwar's "independent" foreign observers
Read more about Anwar Ibrahim's good friend here on supporting civil union of same-sex couples.

A Dec 2010 forum: Nick Xenophon in Msia to support Anwar Ibrahim

Independent? Hahahaha. Bo Lancao (to borrow pro-Bersih chant, here). This Nicholas Xenophon is the same one who's openly supported Anwar Ibrahim in the past (see the screenshots I've independently chosen to show he's a faithful follower of DSAI).

Don't know about the others on the team, but I think Nick Xenophon is here to gaily do what Anwar Ibrahim tells him to. But you, Dear Readers, judge for yourselves lah, OK? 

Dec 10, 2010 report. Nick X is Malaysia's opposition leader based Down Under

The kind of people Najib does not need at PRU13

Posted: 26 Apr 2012 03:36 AM PDT

18:29, Apr 26 Updated, with correction and apology
IT WAS BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION minutes ago that "the guy who is supposed to be an aide to the PM" ("the aide") DID NOT offer any cash to any of the reporters who covered the event mentioned in my original posting below. Someone did hand out RM100 to the reporters but none of the reporters had seen the guy before.  
My sincere apology to "the aide".  

Original article
Journalists in this country may not be well paid, but they get paid. They are the most poorly-paid professionals in Malaysia, but there are perks: the New Straits Times Press provide monthly book allowances to its journalists while The Star is known to pay huge bonuses to its staff. Top journalists get to travel, car allowances, drivers, security guards at home. A few editors even went on to become overnight multi-millionaires but this was when Anwar Ibrahim was a powerful DPM and Umno deputy president. 

Once in a while, however, a moron in the government gets the idea that our journalists must be so poor that they need "hand-outs". Like yesterday, when this guy who is supposed to be an aide to the PM, a wannabe candidate at the next General Election, he handed RM100 in cash to all journalists covering his event in Subang Jaya.

One or two of the reporters refused to accept the money. They have informed their editors and I hope their editors have lodged a formal complaint with the politician or with the Prime Minister's Office.

Or, better still, the MACC.


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