Watch your tongue, Mas Ermieyati!

Posted: 07 Dec 2013 04:41 AM PST

Dear Puteri Umno chief Mas Ermieyati,

You are young. Consider yourself lucky for winning the party election last month. As an Umno wing boss, you should not be to proud. Stop ringing your own bell and telling others what is right and what is wrong.

Now you ticked the social media over their reports that some leaders were insensitive towards the flood victims in Pahang, Trengganu and other states. Yes, its true - some of them, and don't deny this.
Puteri Umno chief Mas Ermieyati Samsudin today rebuked social media for allegedly spreading lies about party leaders being insensitive to flood victims.
In her closing speech at the Umno general assembly, Ermieyati said: "They thought the leaders were being insensitive and could care less about what was happening in the flood affected places and the victims.
"It's not that we do not care, there's a delay in delivering the aid because the roads were blocked."
However, Ermieyati did not elaborate on the content of the messages said to have been spread by social media.
She added: "We do not see the Pahang Menteri Besar's face here because he is in Pahang to oversee the aid delivery efforts."
The Puteri Umno chief also reminded delegates to help other Malays and not be selfish.
I only know a few new media practitioners among journalists and professionals. Do you know any? Do you know me or Rockybru or Dunia Tiger. I bet you don't.

I was happy when you won the Puteri chief seat and for being my Member of Parliament at a young age. I have been an Umno member since 1981 when you were still in your primary school. So, listen to what I have to say:

Please read my jotting Flood and Late Aids and try to understand it.

Don't become another 'An asshole in Pemuda Umno' for blaming the new media players just to proof that you have strong points to say, to gain attention and to get acknowledged.

People like me, Rocky and Tiger had been there - almost all Umno general assemblies and general elections. We have seen the thick and thin of Umno and its leaders. The difference between you and us is you need a position to fight on while we are okay as members who help the party from the sideline.

So, please lead Puteri in your best form and don't make unnecessary and stupid statements just to draw attention!

(Bilo jadi ketuo, kito cakap apo pun oghang akan donga. Tapi kalau nak becakap, biarlah belapik sikit. Kalau pandai jago lidah, semuo oghang akan sayang, termasuklah den ni haaa!)


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