Choose wisely

Posted: 04 May 2013 11:38 PM PDT

On the eve of polling for the 13th general election, the opposition strewed lies that former PM Tun Dr Mahathir and family fled the country, leaving son Mukhriz to lose in Kedah.

For whatever the reasons and motive are, Pakatan was running out of issue to woo voters, and the pressure was more on them than on Barisan Nasional.

Pakatan is into a 'do or die' battle to make Anwar Ibrahim as the next prime minister.

It is for that very reason which prompted them to shuffle the game cards in a way that saw PKR, PAS and DAP got locked in solving issues pertaining to seats allocation and who should get more ministerial posts after forming the Cabinet.

They actually worked out the GE for Anwar and not for other objectives set under their manifesto. Its not about the impossibles like bringing down the price of cars, repealing PTPTN or applying a big brake on highway toll.

They themselves agree with the fact that such a deal offer to Malayians will not dodge voters who began to realise its negative impact on the country and the rakyat.

And the fact that the three parties use their own logo instead of Pakatan reflects how disunited they are, hence raising doubts about their ability to administer the country if they take over Putrajaya.

Yes, they pose BN with the stiffest challenge ever but the 13 million voters - after being fed with too much lies and empty promises - are well aware of the rickety future should Pakatan is given the mandate.

What happened in all Pakatan states namely Kelantan, Kedah, Penang and Selangor was a manifestation of their inability to rule. The infighting among the three and within the individual party was a bad testimony of a loosened cooperation among them.

We dont need people with no experience to manage the country.

Record of achievement and the success story should become voters' reference before going to the poll.


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