In Sabah, Anwar falls into his own pit!

Posted: 13 Feb 2013 08:03 AM PST

BOOOOOO to Anwar, the self-proclaimed chief of Kadazan-Dusun or 'Huguan Siou'. He made the wrong move this time around, forgetting the sensitivity of the tribes he tried to lure during his visit to Sabah.

Now that the Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA) demanded an apologies from him and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Ranau division, Anwar should go back to school and study more about Malaysian ethnics and their character.

He has been so free moving all over the country as part of his campaign to attract voters for Pakatan Rakyat, introducing himself as the next prime minister of Malaysia.

However, he landed in his own pit.... in Sabah!

What a wrong stunt the opposition performed in wooing Kadazandusun support in Sabah by declaring Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the community's paramount leader.

It finally backfired.

Reports about the de facto leader given the title 'Huguan Siou' by the PKR Ranau division in Paginatan on Sunday had surfaced in the Internet and was swiftly met with a host of criticism in the last 48 hours.

Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan is the 'Huguan Siou', a title bestowed by the Kadazandusun community for life.

But Anwar made a silly mistake. He shouldn't have accepted the title in the first place. By doing so, he has shown total disrespect to the Kadazandusun community. Its a mockery!

Even Sabah State Reform Party president Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, who echoed a similar sentiment, said the whole episode was an act of desperation of people lobbying for seats and support.

"How can they belittle this issue blatantly for the sake of winning political mileage? It's a disgrace," he said, adding that community-related matters should not be mixed or confused with politics. UPKO secretary-general Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau described the events that took place in Ranau as hilarious.

"When you bestow the title on someone who is not from the community, I would say that it is a misplaced award... and that the title was only meant for the Kadazandusun community."

Looks like Anwar wants to become the supreme leader of everything (read StopTheLies).

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