Posted: 18 Feb 2013 03:00 PM PST

In Deepak Jaikishan's latest 'bombshell' to end what SUARAM had failed to do,that is to link the Prime Minister and wife to the murder of Altantuya a Mongolian model alleged to be an 'interpreter' for the overall transactions of the purchase of the so-called 'scandalous' scorpene submarines which was totally done in English language,he made shocking revelation on Razak Baginda,a former political analyst who was dismissed as a prime suspect in the murder case,as being sexually impotent.Baginda was suspected to have had secret affair with the late model but no proof was presented to the court to confirm the story.Bringing up Baginda's name and humiliate him with such allegation must have seemed to Deepak as a necessary thing to do as it would be the only convincing excuse to link the deceased to the Prime Minister and totally removes Baginda from the picture. In all the gusto,Deepak must have forgotten the fact that Baginda is a married man with a daughter.Of course,Deepak could easily shrug the fact off by saying that it is only recently that Baginda has suffered the problem, since the daughter was born in 1987.But,this would lead us not to a conclusion or an answer or a proof of Deepak's allegation,but only to further vagueness.Words can't proof anything and as far as we know,Baginda has proven that there ain't any problem with his manhood and he has a daughter to proof it. 

For Deepak to suddenly surface with this story after all the fuss in court regarding some bad business dealings was settled,only convince us even further that there is something more that Deepak is after Or else,why would Deepak pick up the pieces from SUARAM and go down the same route of the imaginary scandal and all ??? However,there are comments from observers of Deepak's case in court that may give us some answers.Many claimed that Deepak seemed stressed out,lost,uncomfortable,even hesitant at times as the trial went on.Some even suspected him of having lost his mind for having lost a huge amount of money in quite many bad dealings. But looking at Deepak closely,I mean really closely, we may understand where did the whole allegation of sexually impotent came from. Deepak Jaikishan a/l Jaikishan Rewachand is 40 years old.Until recently,he is described to be very successful,coming from a family "pioneering" in property development and investment.It is reported that under his leadership,both his Carpet Raya Sdn Bhd and Tek Holding Sdn Bhd (the property development and investment company),chalked billions. 

Bursa Malaysia notes that from 2000 to 2009,Deepak had completed property investment projects totalling about RM3 billion. In the carpet manufacturing field,he initiated and successfully acquired the largest manufacturing plant in Malaysia known as Noble Carpet Sdn Bhd. In the year 2000,this manufacturing unit was said to be the only one that produced its own carpet yarn. In 2003 he set up the biggest manufacturing plant (Premier Weavers) with the latest weaving technology in Malaysia.He has been in the carpet business for 15 years. With all these soaring success, there is only one thing missing in Deepak's life that is: a woman. Deepak is a single, successful man. In other words, Deepak is alone,no woman,no wife,no kids, no family,no nothing,but money.Oh well, the last one can be debated.It only makes sense that the only one with 'manhood' problem is Deepak himself, not Baginda. Accusing Baginda of having such problem may be a form of 'denial' of his own inability which is a common psychiatric response for a man who has long been suffering the condition. 

This could lead to a depression,even mental problem.If so,this wouldn't be the first time the Oppositions hiring a mentally-problematic man to tell all the tales for them.Raja Petra Kamaruddin,believed to be the original script-writer of all these murder-bribery scandal drama,was also diagnosed with mental problem in his teens.But Raja Petra had since last year,made a U-turn on the road where Deepak is now strolling.But then, there is also another explaination for a 40 year old successful man to stay single,that is, he is not interested in getting married, or in other words,he is not interested in women or in a simpler way to put it,Deepak is a gay.What a co-incidence that the Oppositions too,are not strange in hiring gays to do all sorts of work for them.Which,reminds us of Judge V.T. Singham who is known to be very pro-opposition and in many cases had made obvious biased decisions in favour of the oppositions and just like Deepak, the Judge is also around the same age, and very successful and very single.



Posted: 18 Feb 2013 11:00 AM PST

PAS leaders are now buying time before making a 'do or die' battle in the coming general election meaning go alone or with the opposition pact.Threading carefully on a tightrope not to antagonize partner DAP and PKR while trying hard to comfort the rising anger of party members PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang was given no choice but to pacify members by putting up a stand.Simple as it might seem,the stand actually sent 'shivers' to other Pakatan leaders because PAS,despite being fundamentalists and orthodox in many ways,still attracts Muslims of all ages.Compare PAS with PKR,PAS has more support and real members who are loyal and obsessed while PKR is presently shaky with many 'jump ships' given the dwindling credibility of Anwar Ibrahim.While PAS members at grass root level are speaking out loud against the party leadership for ignoring or sidelining the Syura Council on the use of word ALLAH,PKR and Anwar do not even have any qualms in going along with DAP on the issue.In fact,Anwar's statement in Sabah where he ran down PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat and Abdul Hadi had affect the already sour relationship between the two parties and this does not augurs well for their 'political relationship'. 

DAP Karpal Singh had come out with statement to 'cool down the rising temperature' by saying all parties in the opposition pact were working well and agreed on most major matters except few small matters.That was Karpal's statement,a PR piece for public consumption when he himself knows that the opposition pact is like a boat being struck by huge waves and at the verge of collapsing.The political relationship is very volatile at present and with the general election nearing,Karpal tries hard to make the political relationship work stronger but the circumstances right now are inevitable.Issues involved are not superficial but they touched on fundamentals especially with PAS as they involved the party's ideology on Islam,the most important element the party claimed has been struggling for.Abdul Hadi has no choice as the pressure from party members may have tremendous backlash on the party,so he stressed that PAS would have no qualms to break off from the opposition pact if the partners did not respect PAS' ideology.This simply means PAS may just break off because the party members and supporters are getting restless with Anwar's statement that did not reflect any respect for PAS or the party leaders.Worse when he and Karpal still insist on Abdul Hadi to get the Syura Council to 'toe the line' of Pakatan's so called 'wisdom just to win the votes',regardless of whether the means to the end are right or wrong or haram or halal.Given such scenario,it is best that PAS leaders take the decision to split from the pact than being ridiculed,shamed and under pressure from loyal members and supporters.



Posted: 18 Feb 2013 07:29 AM PST

Dari sebelum kedatangan penghibur Korea Selatan yang cukup terkenal dengan tarian kuda gilanya dan bernama 'Gangnam Style',sehinggalah dia membuat persembahan dan kemudian ketika cuba meraikannya bersama-sama orang nombor satu Malaysia iaitu Perdana Menteri Malaysia sendiri,dia tidak senang duduk manakala pihak yang ditugaskan untuk mengawal keselamatannya pula terpaksa mengambil langkah drastik. Rupa-rupanya semua itu telah dirancang oleh konco-konco Guan Eng dan penjilat DAP.Apabila PSY Gangnam dikatakan tidak mahu turut serta dalam upacara menggaul Yee Sang, para penjilat DAP pun segera meuar-uarkan kononnya,artis tersebut pun memboikot Perdana Menteri.Walhal apa yang berlaku adalah sebaliknya !!! Dari awal lagi setelah DAP mengetahui,sebuah syarikat swasta sanggup menaja kedatangan PSY ke Pulau Pinang untuk memenuhi acara Barisan Nasional,parti chauvinist tersebut telah melancarkan serangan hebat. 

Wallpage Facebook rasmi PSY dengan membuat pelbagai tohmahan terhadap Malaysia, bahkan kepimpinan negara.PSY dan para peminatnya di seluruh dunia ditakut-takutkan dengan cerita kononnya, Malaysia diperintah oleh rejim yang sangat ganas dan zalim. Manakala pemerintah yang dikuasai oleh umat Islam pula,menekan serta menganiayai masyarakat bukan beragama Islam.Justeru,kedatangan PSY akan membuatkan banyak perkara yang tak betul di Malaysia berjaya ditutup oleh Kerajaan UMNO-BN.Itu kata mereka,kata-kata yang diajar oleh satu sumber memandangkan beratus-ratus nama yang menyerang wallpage Facebook PSY,ayat yang digunakan adalah sama dan skema.Namun ternyata penghibur dari Korea Selatan itu tidak menghiraukan ancaman yang diterimanya.Dia tetap datang memenuhi undangan.DAP tetap bermain dengan taktik kotor.Mereka telah melakukan ugutan keselamatan terhadap PSY dan perubahan rancangan yang membabitkan PSY di mana dia sepatutnya menggaul Yee Sang bersama-sama Perdana Menteri.





Posted: 18 Feb 2013 06:25 AM PST

akhirnya terbongkar juga siapa sebenarnya Anwar Ibrahim.rupanya beliau juga menggadaikan sesuatu.anda nak tahu strategi dan sikap anwar sebenar ??? nak tahu apa yang anwar ibrahim gadaikan dan sifat anwar ibrahim sebenar ??? 







Posted: 17 Feb 2013 06:00 PM PST

Beria-ia benar PAS melalui Ketua Dewan Ulamanya,Datuk Harun Taib mahu membuktikan kepada umum bahawa parti itu lebih mengutamakan keputusan Majlis Syura Ulama PAS sama ada dalam isu kalimah Allah S.W.T mahupun berkenaan isu terbaru mengenai siapa yang layak menjadi Perdana Menteri sekiranyaa PR menang PRU 13.Dalam kenyataan terbarunya,Harun Taib berkata siapa sahaja tidak berhak campur tangan hal ehwal dalaman PAS khususnya membabitkan Majlis Syura termasuklah DAP,sekalipun parti cauvinis Cina itu dan PAS berada dalam gabungan rapuh,PR.Itu respons rasmi PAS terhadap kenyataan Pengerusi DAP,Karpal Singh yang bangkit menegaskan bahawa bakal PM dari PR tetap Ketua Umum PKR,Anwar Ibrahim dan segala cakap-cakap mengenai bangkangan dari Majlis Syura PAS hanyalah spekulasi murahan sahaja.Kenyataan Karpal itu memang menghina kedudukan Majlis Syura Ulama PAS di mata umum,tapi sudah hakikatnya sebegitu. PAS sebenarnya sedang tersepit di antara prinsip bersama PR dan dasar Majlis Syura Ulama PAS,mana satu yang wajib menjadi keutamaan. 

Pilihan yang rumit,tapi sebetulnya tidaklah sesukar mana untuk diputuskan sekiranya PAS memiliki jati diri dan berpegang teguh pada dasar perjuangannya yang asal.Apa yang diperkatakan oleh Karpal ada merit dan ada kewajarannya memandangkan sekian lama sudah menjadi pengetahuan umum,Anwar adalah calon rasmi sebagai PM sekiranya PR berjaya mengalahkan BN. Dan patutnya tiada sebab untuk PAS membangkangnya,hatta Majlis Syura Ulama PAS juga tidak layak untuk menidakkan keputusan muktamad PR itu.Tapi bukan juga satu rahsia pun,bukan sahaja di kalangan ahli Majlis Syura Ulama PAS malah sesetengah pemimpin PAS yang lain juga kurang bersetuju dengan keputusan meletakkan Anwar sebagai calon PM.Ini bukan masalah baru sementelah lagi desakan demi desakan di peringkat akar umbi lebih serasi untuk melihat Presiden PAS,Abdul Hadi Awang yang dicalonkan sebagai PM.Namun demikian,pada siapa PAS mahu menipu, walhal umum mengetahui status PAS dalam PR hanyalah sekadar balaci yang tidak mempunyai prinsip dan jati diri yang teguh,melainkan terbukti sering kali tunduk pada kemahuan DAP yang mendominasi arah tuju gabungan pembangkang itu. 

PAS berlakon sehebat mana pun,hakikatnya PAS adalah sebahagian dari PR.Ke kiri PR menongkah arus,ke kirilah tempiasnya pada PAS. Ke kanan PR mengiring,ke kananlah PAS turut sama di badai ombak.Lainlah jika PAS yang mendominasi PR maka tentunya senario akan berbeza, tapi kemungkinan ini amat-amat mustahil berlaku.Dah namanya hidup sepakatan dan sudah sekian lama berjanji membawa bahtera PR mengikut hala tuju sebagaimana diputuskan secara rasmi, maka wajiblah PAS patuh dan wala' pada persetujuan yang telah dibuat.Suka atau tidak,PAS perlu mengikut sahaja selagi parti itu kekal dalam PR.Sebagaimana dalam isu kalimah Allah S.W.T di mana PR tetap kekal dengan keputusan bersama yang sebulat suara dicapai di antara DAP,PKR dan PAS sekalipun selepas itu PAS kelihatan seperti mahu mengikut kehendak Majlis Syura Ulamanya,namun hingga kini PR secara rasmi menyokong penggunaan kalimah Allah S.W.T untuk dinukilkan dalam kitab Bible.Itu sudah lebih dari cukup membuktikan PAS kekal sebagai balaci dan Majlis Syura Ulama PAS pula tidak lebih sekadar tin kosong yang diketuk bertalu-talu untuk mengalih pandangan ahli dan penyokong PAS dari menyedari hakikat kedudukan sebenar PAS dalam PR.Kini bila timbul semula isu siapa yang layak menjadi PM di kalangan pemimpin utama PR,pusing kot mana pun sudah muktamad bagi PR hanya Anwar Ibrahim sahaja yang layak.Baik Harun mahupun PAS sendiri buat apa nak peningkan kepala marah-marahkan Karpal Singh atau mana-mana pemimpin DAP sekali pun,tiada gunanya.Karpal ada hak untuk mengkritik PAS selagi mana PAS kekal dalam PR.Sekiranya PAS benar-benar mahu memartabatkan kembali peranan Majlis Syura Ulama yang kononnya adalah tunjang kekuatan parti itu, seeloknya sudah lama PAS keluar dari PR sebagai bukti parti itu mengutamakan Majlis Syura Ulamanya.


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