Accusing us again!

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 08:27 PM PDT

Time and time again, they accused us of being the bad people, that some Malaysian companies investing in Kalimantan are so cruel for killing the animals, especially orang utan.

The last time I came across reports like this was few months back. Our authority did give an explanation and make rebuttals but it didn't take long for them to hit out at us again.
"Orangutans chased by dogs, orangutans beaten to death with poles and others shot to death. All this was paid for by a Malaysian owned palm oil company. Despite our pleas to the prime minister, the Malaysian government showed neither compassion nor interest.

"Malaysian owned palm oil companies operate throughout Kalimantan. They tear down primary forests and slaughter every living animal in sight.

"They leave nothing. No one should trust them or anything they say. Better to judge them by what they do.

"The forests are replaced with palm oil plantations and local people are paid poverty-level wages for work few Malaysians care to do even in their own country.

All profits from the palm oil grown in our country are then channeled back to Malaysia."
Did our companies really commit those 'mass murder'? I doubt it but an investigation should be carried out.

From what I heard, the workers are not Malaysians but Indonesians...

What absolute freedom, DSAI?

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 02:20 PM PDT

PR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim didn't actually understand what he said. He has gone bananas. His ambition to become the next prime minister is making him unstable, hallucinating!

In one of his blog postings, he said 'the absence of absolute freedom was the main cause of calamity in some Muslim countries'. He was referring to the political turmoil in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and Syria.

He has forgotten how his good friend Uncle Sam played a pivotal role in bringing down these governments by sponsoring the opposition, supplied them with guns and ammunition, money and anything needed to install their pro-Washington leaders.

Anwar is forgetting Iraq and the Palestine and has yet to make any stand on the mass murder of the Rohingya people in Myanmar.

He manipulates Islam and the Middle East issue for his politics but within Pakatan Rakyat, he is so scared of PAS' hudud. His party, PKR is now against hudud, just like DAP.

He is worried, pretty worried. If he becomes PM after the next general election, PAS will for sure apply mounting pressure for hudud to be implemented. Although Karpal Singh (he is a the only DAP leader who rapped PAS over hudud... pity him!) will be there, hopefully, to shoot it down, Anwar needs a few more Karpal for the job.

Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng are silence. Guan Eng, especially, has been 'soft-toned' when it comes to hudud because he does not want to lose his grip on PAS, his donkey in Penang.

So, Anwar is almost alone. Realising how fragile PR is now, he keeps himself busy searching for new idea to hit out at the ruling party. He is pretty worried!

He likes the subject 'Islam' so much that he attributes the liberalisation of the Islamic countries to 'absolute freedom'. Likewise, his support for the safety and existence of Israel (not even mentioning the rights of the Palestinians for an independence state) reflects how much a freedom fighter he is!

In Malaysia, whether we are Muslims, Christians, Buddhist or Hindus, we believe in our common justice, in co-existence and mutual respect. We believe in self-rule and the spirit of 'musyawarah' or consensus to address our domestic problems, without having to invite foreign government and troops to our shores.

And how is Anwar going to manage the country with people like Ambiga and Marina Mahathir around? Will he award them with the absolute freedom and total human rights in a multi-racial and multi-religion country like Malaysia that has thrived on good cooperation and understanding since we achieved Independence about 55 years ago?

To whom will Anwar sell his soul to help him administer a 'free for all' country? Will he allow such a freedom take a heavy toll on national security? O-ohh... maybe with the help of the Americans and the Israelis, Malaysia will be more peaceful and fully consolidated!

Anwar does not have self-confident and that explains why he is garnering all those foreign support. He will become another Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan, just a yes-man to the US and its Nato ally.

The collapse of the few Arab countries had got nothing to do with freedom. They fell because the opposition sold their sold to the devil's advocate of the West. They were easily-led and cheated that when their regimes are changed, it will open up a better life. Sadly, it turned out to be the otherwise.

So, what freedom plan does Anwar has for us, Malaysians? Legalising LGBT, same sex marriage, freedom of speech and Press freedom? He should look at how Lim Guan Eng treats the media in Penang. So much of a freedom!

By the way, Happy Birthday...


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