When 'taukeh Cina' finance Umno candidates...

Posted: 04 Oct 2013 01:02 AM PDT

No money, no politics.

To become a politician, you must have money. Even to contest a committee member seat at a branch level, you must show some cash or the voters will shy you.

So, no money politics? Craps!

In run-up to Umno election next week, money is exchanging hands. It has been a tradition among those vying for top position, from division heads upwards. We have seen this trend 'improving' over the years and nobody complained about it, except the party's Disciplinary Committee that will 'pick' one or two cases, disqualify them and impose 'severe' punishment.

Gosh! I wish I am one of the 'recipients' of such lucrative political fund. You don't have to scout around for the sources; the sources will come to you if they know you could play a role or contribute to their victory.

Am I lying? Who can deny this?

However, not many people know that some fund for Umno elections come from the non-Malays - the Chinamen!

They would be happy to sponsor potential candidates, especially those who are tipped to be given special position in the Cabinet or any GLCs if they win.

They are, of course division chiefs, Youth and Wanita chief, the Majlis Tertinggi (Supreme Council), vice-presidents and so and so and so.

Tell me, who doesn't want to rub shoulders with these people? So, the Chinese 'taukeh' took a gamble by putting their money on such candidates. Should their 'donkeys' win, for sure they will get something in return.

Come on laaaarrr! Don't say I am bluffing. It had happened and its happening again.

But is it wrong? To me, its ok but it only deprives those without money the chance to win. The 'destitute' candidates will have to lock themselves up in a corner, watching the money game with furstration. Yes, money can buy anything!

Over the past few weeks, some media members, writers and bloggers were approached by agents to various candidates to buy support. Discussion were held and offers were made. A good price will ensure their 'boosting' stories appear in newspapers, blogs and other social media.

Some even went to the extreme by booking 'air time' in TV 'live' talk show. Its news to the media player but a good platform to go up the political ladder.

What a lucrative Umno 'political bourse' is!

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