Poor, slow penetration!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:11 AM PDT

The same old story about broadband penetration in the country. We have less than 7 years to attain that fully-developed status but the 67.1 per cent penetration as to date does not gel with such an objective.

Such a poor achievement puts us at par with most of the African nations. In fact, the penetration level in some of the 'black continent' nations is much higher than Malaysia!

The details provided by Deputy Minister of Communication and Multimedia Jailani Johari at the Dewan Rakyat today also reflects how slow and sluggish the government is in pursuing the matter. And with the government's protectionism policy for Telekom, other providers offering better and speedier technology were not allowed to participate in the job.

So, what would be the penetration rate by the year 2020? Just about 70 per cent?

Also, taking the cue from Rocky's Bru latest posting Who'll get Muhyiddin's RM5 billion project?... I think many recipients of the computer, especially in remote Sabah and Sarawak will have to use it as 'kayu api'.
Kadar penembusan jalur lebar di peringkat kebangsaan telah mencapai 67.1% sehingga Ogos tahun ini, persidangan Dewan Rakyat
diberitahu hari ini.
Timbalan Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia Datuk Jailani Johari berkata kadar itu dicapai hasil pelaksanaan pelbagai program di bawah Pelan Jalur Lebar Kebangsaan.
Ia termasuk program Kampung Tanpa Wayar 1Malaysia, Pusat Internet 1Malaysia, Pusat Jalur Lebar Komuniti Kecil, Perpustakaan Jalur Lebar, peluasan liputan selular dan program Komputer 1Malaysia.
"Program kampung tanpa wayar bertujuan memberi capaian wifi secara hotspot di kampung-kampung yang tiada liputan jalur lebar dengan jarak liputan sehingga 300 meter dari tapak pemasangan. Capaian telekomunikasi khususnya perkhidmatan tanpa wayar telah ditingkatkan kelajuannya daripada 2mbps kepada 4mbps di setiap kampung," katanya menjawab soalan Dr Moh Hatta Md Ramli (PAS-Kuala Krai) hari ini.
Jailani menjelaskan kementerian belum bercadang menghentikan projek kampung tanpa wayar meskipun ia telah melepasi sasaran yang ditetapkan.
"Bila kerajaan memperkenalkan program ini pada 2010, sasaran awal ialah 3,287 kampung. Tetapi sehingga kini, kementerian melalui Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia telah membina sebanyak 4,374 kampung tanpa wayar dan 308 lagi masih dalam pembinaan," katanya.
I hate comparing Malaysia with Singapore but the Republic is at world's no.4 in broadband connectivity, running a 1gbps (giga bytes per second) as compared to Malaysia's between 20-45mbps (mega bytes per second).

In South Korea, its between 500 to 800mbps while in Cambodia and Vietnam, its between 50 to 200mbps.

According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013, Malaysia's position in the area of international internet bandwidth took a significant slump, from 60th to 83rd among the 144 countries under the survey.

Our broadband internet subscription per 100 population also slipped from 62nd to 68th while our position in mobile broadband subscription per 100 population stood at 64, worse than than of some African nations!

So, how will the telecommunication and communication sectors cushion the impact of hefty demand for such services when we near the year 2020?

Malaysia BOLEH ka?


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