rocky's bru

rocky's bru

Ghani Othman vs ... ?

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 01:00 AM PDT

The quintessential Johor Malay
The blogger Annie is so sure that Johor will have a new Menteri Besar after the General Election. The new MB will be from Barisan Nasional, of course, as the Opposition doesn't stand a chance of capturing the Umno stronghold, at least not in PRU13. So far, this Annie has proven to be on the ball where Johor politics is concerned so I have no reason to doubt her posting Johor will have a new Menteri Besar.

I assume, then, that Ghani Othman, the incument (and outgoing) MB, will not contest a state seat and will switch to a parliamentary seat.

Question is, which one?

Dr M says DAP should UBAH itself

Posted: 03 Apr 2013 08:24 PM PDT

When the speed of change outside the organization exceeds the speed of change within ... The end is in sight! ~ Jack Welch, C.E.O., General Electric

ABU as defined by DAP is Anything But Ubah
"Umno has gone through great changes, from Tunku Abdul Rahman to Tun Razak to Tun Hussein, Tun Mahathir, Tun lagi sorang tu (Abdullah Badawi) and now (Datuk Seri) Najib ... But in DAP?" - Dr Mahathir Mohamad (poster taken from Apanama)
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad stepped down as Prime Minister in 2003 to pave way for change and allow others below him the opportunity to move up. He was succeeded by Abdullah Badawi, who was then succeeded by Najib Razak. Today, Dr M said, the Opposition shouts about change (ubah) but their own leaders continue to hold on to power and refuse to make way for younger leaders to take over the reign. Kit Siang, who's hopping from Ipoh to Gelang Patah constituency for PRU13, has been active in politics since when the Beatles' earliest LPs. He was then the political secretary to the late Devan Nair.  

"He talks about change (ubah) in leadership, but Kit Siang himself won't allow a change in his own party leadership first," Dr M said in a meet-the-people session in Kempas, Johor Bahru last Sunday.  


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