Pity Anwar, no Pakatan leaders care for him!

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 06:53 PM PDT

It was just 'testing the water' after all.

Anwar Ibrahim got too much publicity when announcing his intention to contest in Perak. Even the pro-BN mainstream media carried the story, much to the amusement of Pakatan Rakyat supporters.

However, almost none of the Pakatan leaders commented about his plan. In the end, he decided to defend Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat, the only fort considered a safe heaven for him although there is mounting anti-opposition sentiment on the ground.

Lim Kit Siang was too busy building up his fort in Gelang Patah. He even challenged former PM Tun Dr Mahathir to a 'head on collision' fight with him there. So, he couldn't be bothered with what Anwar was doing.

Lim Guan Eng didn't entertain Anwar at all as he was engulfed with domestic problems in Penang, especially the RM2 billion investment in China which plunged his relation with deputy CM Mansor Osman further down the political ravine.

In Johor, Chua Jui Meng whose two week leave created a ripple with the opposition, finally said he accepted the fact that there was no seat for him in the national polls.

Nurul Izzah too said nothing about his dad's intention to abandon Permatang Pauh. She is dismayed at the court decision to turn down her petition for the Election Commission clean up the electoral roll in Lembah Pantai, her constituency, for now.

PAS 'spiritual leader' Nik Aziz, meanwhile is having headache over a succession plan put up by his party to find a replacement for Mentri Besar, the position he has held for the past two decades. PAS too is equally divided in accepting Anwar as the new prime minister should Pakatan Rakyat wins the 13th general elections.

Even the 'Islamic party's' decision to allow DAP and PKR members to contest under its logo was met with discontentment from the majority of its members.

Karpal Singh, who brought up Anwar's sodomy case and sex scandal in 1997 remains adamant about the Opposition Leader's initial plan to contest in Perak because the lawyer is trying his best not to detriment Pakatan chances on winning the GE by making damaging statements about 'hudud', Islamic law and PAS.

It seems that nobody in Pakatan is giving much attention to Anwar as there are all tied up with personal agenda.

This makes Pakatan Rakyat a party comprises of individualistic people who fight for their own political course. Whatever happens to their comrades is for them to brace and settle.

Pity Anwar... I would suggest he stands in Lahad Datu!


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