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Doa KO Pas makan diri - 10,000 ulama #tolakPas

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 09:00 PM PDT

Tahaluf Siyasi Pas songsang dan menggadaikan maslahah ummah dan Islam. 10,000 ulama bangkit menentang Pas yang pentingkan kerusi sehingga sanggup
 jadi balaci sosialis.


Sekian lama PAS berbangga kerana mendapat dukungan kuat dari golongan alim ulama sama ada dari kalangan tok guru pondok, para pendakwah, cendekiawan agama dan mereka yang mempunyai latar belakang pengajian agama, kali ini segalanya berubah.

Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13) pastinya akan diingati ramai kerana buat pertama kalinya dalam sejarah PAS akan menyertai PRU tanpa mendapat sokongan kuat dan mantap dari golongan alim ulama.

Di mana-mana sahaja pusat pengajian pondok di Kelantan tika ini, tok guru dan anak muridnya yang pro PAS semakin berkurangan, sedangkan di masa yang sama mereka yang pro UMNO terus berkembang.

Jika dulu para ulama pondok, para ustaz ustazah dan lain-lain cendekiawan Islam sukar sekali untuk dilihat turut sama memeriahkan majlis dan program anjuran UMNO, kini sebahagian besar golongan alim ulama ini pula yang sering membantu UMNO demi menumbangkan PAS di Kelantan.

Kebangkitan golongan alim ulama dan pendakwah Kelantan yang sepakat untuk bangun memprotes PAS dan semakin menjauhi parti berlabel Islam itu benar-benar memeningkan kepala ramai pemimpin PAS kerana ia tak terjangka sama sekali akan terjadi sedemikian rupa.

Ini menyebabkan PAS hilang tonggak kekuatannya dan impak perubahan yang berlaku itu memang jelas kelihatan di mana-mana hatta di Pengkalan Chepa dan Kubang Kerian yang dulunya terkenal sebagai kubu kuat PAS juga ada tikanya kelihatan seperti kubur untuk PAS.

Golongan yang berpengaruh ini sepakat bersatu menggembleng tenaga masing-masing membantu UMNO melalui tiga NGO utama iaitu Gabungan Sekolah Pondok Kelantan (Minda Pondok), Ustaz Muda Membela Agama & Tanah Air (UMMATI) serta Ikatan cendekiawan Islam Kelantan (ICIK).

Tiga NGO utama ini pula di bantu oleh sekumpulan bekas pemimpin dan penyokong tegar PAS yang bernaung di bawah Selamat Tinggal PAS (STP). Keseluruhan keahlian dalam keempat-empat NGO ini mencecah angka 10,000 orang.

Pada PRU 11 dan PRU 12 yang lalu sebahagian besar daripada mereka ini pernah berkempen dan menggerakkan sokongan dan undi untuk PAS. Kini atas beberapa faktor demi kepentingan agama, bangsa, negeri dan negara, mereka nekad menjauhi PAS sebaliknya kian mesra dan rapat bersama UMNO dan BN.

Selain empat NGO tersebut, terdapat beberapa NGO lain yang mewakili golongan muda mudi Kelantan seperti Gerakan Tukar Kerajaan PAS Kelantan Demi Rakyat (TUKAR) dan Orang Muda Berpadu Anti Korupsi (OMBAK) serta PERKASA yang turut memainkan peranannya. 

Hasil dukungan dan sokongan mereka kepada UMNO menyebabkan PAS semakin tempang, dek kerana itu bukan lagi sesuatu yang pelik bila mana banyak aktiviti politik PAS tidak lagi meriah seperti dulu, memaksa PAS mengeluarkan surat arahan kerahan kepada ahli parti demi meramaikan sesuatu majlis yang disertai pemimpin utamanya.

Manakala di pihak UMNO, saban waktu di mana sahaja kempen penerangan dan aktiviti parti di adakan pasti sahaja mendapat sambutan hangat rakyat Kelantan. Hadirin yang datang tidak lagi terhad dari kalangan ahli dan penyokong UMNO, sebaliknya turut melibatkan ramai ahli dan penyokong PAS serta golongan non-partisan.

Senario yang berlaku ini berkait rapat dengan kegagalan PAS dalam menangani isu-isu agama dan permasalahan tempatan serta kekecewaan khalayak terhadap kelemahan urus tadbir pemimpin PAS, selain taring parti itu sendiri yang dilihat kian tumpul bila berdepan dengan terjahan DAP & PKR.

Malah keaktifan UMNO menggerakkan jentera penerangan mendekati rakyat di samping pelbagai transformasi dan kesungguhan Kerajaan Pusat berterusan membantu rakyat Kelantan turut menyumbang mempercepatkan lagi perubahan positif ini.

Kombinasi semua penggerak utama di atas berjaya membuka lembaran baru dalam sejarah kebangkitan rakyat Kelantan dan ia menjadi titik tolak ke penting arah merealisasikan Gelombang Merah Kelantan Berubah. 

Suka atau tidak, PAS terpaksa menerima hakikat, zaman untuknya terus bergoyang kaki di singgah sana pemerintahan negeri kini hanya menghitung hari-hari terakhir. Kelantan bukan lagi kubu PAS tetapi kini adalah lubang kubur yang besar untuk pemimpin-pemimpin PAS.

Siri #UulangIsaman : #TunDaim 's quotes on @AnwarIbrahim . #Samanlah Tun Daim!

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 07:31 PM PDT

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#LahadDatu Raja Petra - Kisah Anwar - Misuari dan pencerobohan

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 05:33 PM PDT

RPK : Anwar Minta Bantuan Misuari Untuk Menang PRU 13

AIDCNews – 25/03/13 – Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah meminta bantuan daripada pengasas Barisan Pembebasan Kebangsaan Moro (MNLF) Nur Misuari untuk memenangi pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU 13), kata Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK).
RPK dalam pendedahan terbaru hari ini di lamannya, Malaysia-today, berkata Anwar telah bertemu dengan Nur Misuari dan komander tertinggi tentera beliau di Indonesia pada 16 Julai 2012.
"Pada 16 Julai 2012, Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah terbang ke Jakarta untuk bertemu dengan Nur Misuari – yang sangat dekat dengan Anwar sejak masih dalam kerajaan – dan komander tentera MNLF.
"Mesyuarat tersebut telah diadakan di Hotel Crowne Plaza Jakarta dan telah diatur oleh Ahli Parlimen Indonesia – satu lagi kawan rapat Anwar – menurut perintah Anwar.
"Mesyuarat kedua telah diadakan di Manila pada 4 Ogos 2012 bertujuan untuk memuktamadkan dan menandatangani perjanjian,"katanya dalam rencana bertajuk "The untold story of the Lahad Datu incident."
Dalam pertemuan itu RPK mendakwa Anwar telah meminta bantuan Misuari untuk memenangi sekurang-kurangnya 30 daripada 57 kerusi parlimen di Malaysia Timur untuk merebut kuasa kerajaan persekutuan dari Barisan Nasional (BN).
RPK berkata, Anwar yakin dapat menang 82 hingga 85 kerusi di Semenanjung, tetapi tidak begitu yakin dapat memenangi 57 kerusi di Sabah dan Sarawak, oleh itu beliau telah meminta pertolongan Misuari untuk menjayakan hasrat Pakatan mendapat jumlah kerusi tersebut.
Dedahnya lagi, Anwar meminta pertolongan Misuari itu kerana tahu ramai warga Filipina beragama Islam yang berada di Sabah dan Sarawak turut memegang kerakyatan Malaysia dan boleh mengundi.
Sebagai balasan, RPK berkata Anwar telah berjanji bahawa Sabah dan Sarawak akan diberi autonomi, apabila Pakatan menang kerajaan persekutuan.
"Negeri itu akan diberikan royalti minyak 20% untuk memastikan Sabah dan Sarawak menjadi kaya, dengan dianggarkan RM4 bilion setahun bagi setiap negeri.
"Anwar juga berjanji bahawa rakyat Filipina yang bukan warganegara Malaysia di Malaysia Timur akan diberi kewarganegaraan Malaysia, atau sekurang-kurang status pemastautin tetap supaya mereka boleh mencari pekerjaan di Sabah," dedahnya.
Nur Misuari telah bersetuju kepada terma Anwar kata RPK dan telah melantik Ibrahim Omar sebagai penyelaras, atau "duta tidak rasmi" ke Sabah untuk membantu Anwar meraih sokongan umat Islam Filipina di negeri ini.
RPK turut mendakwa pencerobohan pengganas ke Lahad Datu adalah sebagai sebahagian strategi merealisasi mencapai matlamat itu.
"Ia untuk meyakinkan umat Islam Filipina di Sabah bahawa mereka mesti bersatu di belakang Anwar untuk mendapatkan autonomi daripada kerajaan persekutuan," dedahnya lagi.

The untold story of the Lahad Datu incident
Monday, 25 March 2013  

On 16th July 2012, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim flew to Jakarta to meet Nur Misuari -- who is very close to Anwar since the days when Anwar was in the government -- and the military commanders of the MNLF. The meeting was held in the Crowne Plaza Jakarta hotel and was arranged by an Indonesian Member of Parliament -- another close friend of Anwar -- at the behest of Anwar. A second meeting was held in Manila on 4th August 2012 to finalise and seal the agreement.

Raja Petra Kamarudin

I wrote about this matter eight years ago back in 2005. However, many of you were probably not yet readers of Malaysia Today in 2005 so you most likely did not read what I wrote then.

For those of you who can remember what I wrote, it was a very long story indeed but basically it was about the links between the Muslim leaders in the Malaysian government and the Muslim leaders in the Philippines and the role that Malaysia played in the 'internal affairs' of the Philippines.

Most Malaysians do not understand the difference with Sulus, MNLF, MILF and Abu Sayyaf -- as they do not know the difference between the PLO and Hamas. Nevertheless, let me simplify it by saying that they are all merely splinter or rival groups of the Muslims in the Philippines who are seeking self-determination, just like the Palestinians in the Middle East are. And Malaysia, being a Muslim country, sympathises with the Muslims of the Philippines -- as it does with the Muslims of Southern Thailand -- and is helping in any way it can to resolve both the Philippines and Southern Thailand issues.

Along the way, however, something went wrong. As I had written in 2005, certain promises were made that were not delivered. And this has a bearing on the Sabah 'IC issue' (you do not need a RCI for me to tell you that). And that resulted in the Sipidan hostage crisis and the involvement of Libya in helping to eventually resolve the crisis after many months of deadlock.

A reported RM50 million changed hands to secure the release of the hostages, the cost which Libya underwrote. Of course, no one is going to admit to this although they will not be able to explain how and why the hostages were eventually released.

But all that happened decades ago. We are talking about the start of the crisis in 1970, when many of you were not even born yet, and the hostage crisis 30 years later in 2000. Since then everything has been very quiet -- that is until last year when this whole thing was resurrected in preparation for the coming general election.

And this was what happened recently.

Anwar's and Nur Miusari's links go way back to the time Anwar was in government 

On 16th July 2012, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim flew to Jakarta to meet Nur Misuari -- who is very close to Anwar since the days when Anwar was in the government -- and the military commanders of the MNLF. The meeting was held in the Crowne Plaza Jakarta hotel and was arranged by an Indonesian Member of Parliament -- another close friend of Anwar -- at the behest of Anwar.

A second meeting was held in Manila on 4th August 2012 to finalise and seal the agreement. Anwar flew to Manila on flight MH 704 and if you were to check these flight details you can confirm that Anwar did make this trip, as he did the trip to Jakarta just two weeks or so earlier.

In that meeting, Anwar told Misuari that he needs the latter's help to win the coming general election. Pakatan Rakyat was confident of winning at least 82-85 of the 165 seats in West Malaysia. It was the 57 seats in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan that he was not confident of winning.

Pakatan Rakyat needs to win at least 30 of those 57 East Malaysian seats to be able to form the federal government with an extremely slim but comfortable enough majority. (Anwar can always increase this majority later with crossovers from Barisan Nasional once they form the government). And for that to happen Anwar needs the support of the Muslims in East Malaysia, in particular in Sabah, many of them Filipino Muslims with Malaysian citizenship and voting rights.

Anwar promised Misuari that in the event Pakatan Rakyat takes over the federal government, Sabah and Sarawak would be given autonomy, as what they had been fighting for over 42 years since 1970. These two East Malaysian states would also be given 20% oil royalty, an increase of 15% from the current 5%. This would ensure that these two states would become very wealthy -- an estimated RM4 billion a year for each state.

Furthermore, all the non-Malaysian Filipinos in East Malaysia would be given Malaysian citizenship -- or at the very minimum permanent resident status -- so that they could seek employment in Sabah. Jobs for them will also be assured.

Nur Misuari agreed to these terms and subsequently appointed Haji Ibrahim Omar as the MNLF coordinator or 'unofficial ambassador' to Sabah to help Anwar garner the support of the Filipino Muslims in that state.

And that was why the Malaysian government hesitated to take drastic action when trouble first emerged in Lahad Datu. The government knew that there was more than meets the eye in this whole episode although it was not too clear yet at that time how this incident fit in to the bigger scheme of things.

To leave things alone is certainly out of the question. But taking military action would only play into the hands of the conspirators and convince the Filipino Muslims in Sabah that they must unite behind Anwar to gain autonomy from the federal government.

Yes, the Lahad Datu incident was certainly a 'wayang', as the opposition claims. Very few Malaysians would deny that this is so. Many Malaysians are also convinced that there are certain 'dalang' behind this incident. What they do not know is: who is the dalang? Well, Malaysia Today has just revealed the untold story and I challenge the Malaysian government to deny the authenticity of what I have just revealed.

Another point to consider is whether the 'war of words' between the MNLF and MILF is another wayang. By perpetuating this conflict, which will result in the torpedoing of the peace process, this gives them an excuse for continuing the armed conflict. However, the relationship between the MNLF and the other splinter groups does not appear as ruptured as what it shows behind the scenes, if the above photograph is anything to go by.

My conclusion to this whole thing is that there are many plots and sub-plots and at the end of the day we really do not know who is playing whom.


1. Accused: I was asked and paid: http://www.malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/newscommentaries/55283-accused-i-was-asked-and-paid

2. Columnist claims Misuari helped Sulu siege to derail Bangsamoro peace deal: http://www.malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/newscommentaries/55284-columnist-claims-misuari-helped-sulu-siege-to-derail-bangsamoro-peace-deal

3. Anwar claims of BN plot to implicate him in Sulu clampdown: http://www.malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/newscommentaries/55320-anwar-claims-of-bn-plot-to-implicate-him-in-sulu-clampdown

4. Sulu military commander captured: http://www.malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/newscommentaries/55327-sulu-military-commander-captured

5. Lahad Datu: Kg Tanduo chief's son is coordinator for Sulu group, say police: http://www.malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/newscommentaries/55326-lahad-datu-kg-tanduo-chiefs-son-is-coordinator-for-sulu-group-say-police

6. Sultanate: 8 terror accused are Malaysians, not Pinoys: http://www.malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/newscommentaries/55315-sultanate-8-terror-accused-are-malaysians-not-pinoys

7. There's much at stake in Sabah: http://malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/guest-columnists/55346-theres-much-at-stake-in-sabah


Hostage crisis in the Philippines

(CNN, 23rd April 2000) - Abu Sayyaf gunmen attack a Malaysian dive resort on the island of Sipadan, seizing 21 hostages.

The hostages -- 10 tourists and 11 resort workers -- were taken to an Abu Sayyaf camp on the southern Philippine island of Jolo.

Over the following months all but one of the hostages, a Filipino, were released, allegedly after ransoms of up to US$1 million per hostage were paid to the kidnappers.

READ MORE HERE: Libya and the Jolo Hostages (20th August 2000)


AFP mum over sultanate's Sabah intrusion

The intrusion occurred just as former Malaysian leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, also Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader, proposed that Sabah be granted autonomy.

(AFP, 16th February 2013) - ZAMBOANGA CITY: Philippine military officials kept silent over the daring intrusion of dozens of Filipinos into the eastern Malaysian state of Sabah, where authorities surrounded them and were negotiating for their peaceful surrender as of press time.

Reports said that the men are members of the sultanate of Sulu province and North Borneo and the Moro National Liberation Front (MILF), and that some of them were armed.

The Filipinos were believed to be active in the campaign to reclaim the Malaysian oil-rich island, which is part of the sultanate.

"The Department of Foreign Affairs has the sole authority to give a statement about that," Col. Rodrigo Gregorio, spokesman for the Western Mindanao Command, told The Manila Times.

The Philippine Embassy in Kuala Lumpur and the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila have not issued any official statement about the situation in Sabah's Lahad Datu town, where some 100 Filipinos, many of them wearing military uniforms, were holding out.

Foreign Affairs spokesman Raul Hernandez said that they are still trying to ascertain and complete the facts of the Sabah incident.

The Sultanate of Sulu obtained Sabah from Brunei as a gift for helping put down a rebellion on Borneo Island. The sultanate of Sulu was a Muslim state that ruled over much of the islands off the Sulu Sea. It stretches from a part of the island of Mindanao in the east, to North Borneo, now known as Sabah, in the west and south and to Palawan province, in the north.

The Sultanate of Sulu was founded in 1457 and is believed to exist as a sovereign nation for at least 442 years. Malaysia, which is now brokering peace talks of Manila and the MILF, still pays a token to the heirs of the sultanate of Sulu around 6,300 ringgits each year.

Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said that they will do their best to prevent any bloodshed. Gen. Tan Sri Ismail Omar, police inspector, and Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib, said that the Filipinos arrived in speedboats and that police and military forces have encircled the men.

"In terms of strength, we have the upper hand in combat power to arrest them, but the government opts for negotiation to break the stalemate so that they leave peacefully to southern Philippines," the prime minister was quoted as saying by the Malaysian news agency Bernama.

"We have more and less identified the group. But let the police negotiate with them and hopefully, it will bear fruit and succeed. This is because they cannot go anywhere, they have been surrounded . . . They have no choice and have to find a solution," he added.

The intrusion occurred just as former Malaysian leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, also Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader, proposed that Sabah be granted autonomy.

Sultan Muhammad Fuad Kiram I, the sultan of Sulu and the sultan of Sabah, said that Malaysia illegally occupied Sabah. "Sabah is still the property and sovereign patrimony of the sultan of Sulu and the royal sultanate of Sulu to this day," he said in the website of the royal hashemite sultanate of Sulu, which is accessible at http://www.royalsulu.com.

He said that the sultanate supports "a free and independent Sabah [which] will be under our reign and our heirs and successors according to law of succession as the reigning sultan of Sabah."


Authorities urged to reveal if Sulu militants are 'Project IC' Malaysians

(The Malaysian Insider, 21st March 2013) - PKR has urged the government to reveal if the Sulu militants who invaded Sabah last month were given blue identity cards (ICs) under Project IC.

The Sulu sultanate said yesterday that Agbimuddin Kiram — the brother of self-proclaimed Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III — was never issued a blue IC, but admitted that he had worked as an assistant district officer in Kudat on Sabah's north.

"The confirmation (by the Sulu sultanate) raises worries among many quarters whether the armed group in Lahad Datu involves Malaysians originating from the Philippines who hold blue identity cards," PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli (picture) said in a statement today.

"This matter raises the possibility of threats to national security, as a result from certain parties allegedly linked to (former Prime Minister) Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who allegedly gave citizenship without due process," he added.

Dr Mahathir, Malaysia's longest-serving prime minister who was in power from 1981 to 2003, has been accused of spearheading the so-called "Project IC", in which citizenship was allegedly given to immigrants for their votes.

PKR said yesterday that Agbimuddin was appointed in the civil service in 1974, based on a 1975 Sabah government payroll dug up from the state's archives.

The Sulu sultanate's spokesman, Abraham Idjirani, reportedly said yesterday that Agbimuddin was still alive after fresh clashes against Malaysian security forces that killed two Sulu militants yesterday.

The Sulu sultanate's "raja muda" or crown prince had led a 200-strong band of gunmen into Lahad Datu last February 9 and turned the Sabah east coast into a violent battleground in their bid to retake the state.

Rafizi also urged the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah to continue its proceedings to expose the illegal issuance of ICs in the Borneo state.

The RCI is due to resume on April 15, according to RCI secretary Datuk Saripuddin Kasim.

The RCI, which was formed on August 11 last year, has an additional six months to complete its probe after receiving the Yang di-Pertuan Agong's consent.

Former Sabah National Registration Department (NRD) officers have testified at the RCI that blue ICs were sold to Filipino, Indonesian and Pakistani immigrants in Sabah.


Misuari cautioned not to take advantage of Lahat Datu episode

(Daily Express, 21st March 2013) - Kuching: Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Richard Riot on Wednesday cautioned former Moro National Liberation Front leader Nur Misuari not to try and take advantage of the Lahad Datu episode to advance his personal selfish agenda.

In rebuking Misuari's claim that Sabah rightfully belonged to the so-called Sultan of Sulu, he said, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had made it categorically clear that the State was part of Malaysia and no one should question its sovereignty and territorial integrity as a legitimate part of Malaysian territory.

"My advice to Misuari is, if he is a peace-loving man as he desperately claimed to be and if he really loves and cares for his Bangsamoro, he should support and join the efforts towards the peace agreement within the framework that was signed recently between the Philippines government and Bangsamoro for long-lasting peace in Mindanao," he told a media conference here.

Cautioning Misuari to heed the Malay proverb, "jangan menagguk di air yang keruh" literally translated as "not to fish in murky water," he urged him to devote his remaining energy and time to the peace accord for the good of his fellow countrymen and government of the Philippines, to which he owed his loyalty.

He said the promotion of peace was one of the pillars of Malaysia's foreign policy and, for which, the country would vehemently protect and defend every inch of Sabah against foreign aggression and any hostile action.

"We have witnessed that turmoil and instability in Southern Philippines have certainly brought no advantage to anyone but only to burden Malaysia and other neighbouring countries having to host those fleeing their homes for safety and better lives," Riot said.

There was nothing that Malaysia desired for its neighbours more than for them to enjoy peace, stability and prosperity, he said.

For that reason, he said, Malaysia had been actively involved in peace keeping missions all over the world and willing to broker peace efforts in neighbouring countries, particularly in the Philippines.

He said the warm bilateral relationship between both countries was reflected when the regional governor of the autonomous region in Muslim Mindanao, Mujir S Hataman, paid him a courtesy at his office in Putrajaya in October last year.


Lahad Datu: Misuari's claim a lie, says MILF

(The Star, 21st March 2013) - The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has denied the claim that the Malaysian Government had used it to strengthen its claim on Sabah.

MILF secretariat head Mohammad Ameen also dismissed claims by former Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) chairman Nur Misuari that Malaysia was responsible for promoting disunity among the Moro people.

"This is a total lie and completely fabricated. Misuari has committed a sin for making such an irresponsible and callous statement against both the MILF and the Malaysian Government.

"He should rectify and atone for this," Mohammad was quoted as saying in a news report by the Luwaran News Centre yesterday.

He was responding to Misuari, who accused Malaysia of being a "stumbling block" in efforts to unite rival Moro groups in southern Philippines.

Misuari also said that the MILF was "the instrument of Malaysian colonialism" and that it was Malaysia which was "pulling the strings" behind the MILF.

Mohammad pointed out that it was Malaysia who called for the formation of the Bangsamoro Solidarity Conference (BSC) in 2002 to unite the MNLF and MILF factions, as well as to promote a common position among them, especially in their dealings with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

"How could Malaysia use the MILF to strengthen its claim to Sabah when Sabah has never been made part of the agenda of the peace talks since 2001?" said Mohammad.

He said Malaysia did not volunteer to facilitate the peace talks between the MILF and the Philippine Government, but it was the then president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, in 2001, who requested Malaysia to act as a negotiator.

Mohammad questioned why Misuari was so eager to raise the Sabah claim now when throughout his 21 years of peace talks with the Philippine government, he had never raised the issue.

"It is a pity that Misuari is blaming everyone else for the failure of his leadership and growing irrelevance to the Bangsamoro struggle to self-determination," he said.

"As a leader, Misuari has nothing more to prove. It is better for him to rest, write his memoirs, and allow the new breed of leaders to lead the Bangsamoro people towards the fulfilment of their true aspirations."

Projek Mega DAP ditentang Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang, Tun M dan Rakyat #ubahPenang #tolakDAP

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 08:00 AM PDT

Nampak sangat Lim Guan Eng tak baca Manifesto PR sebab tu dia masih cadangkan tol dikenakan. Salah satu bukti bahawa Pakatan Pembangkang sebenarnya tidak sepakat dan Manifesto PR hanya Manifesto Bukan Janji seperti yang diikrarkan oleh Khalid Ibrahim. Sebelum ini jelas manifesto PR tidak dibuat secara sepakat apabila tuntutan Royalti Kelantan dan Terengganu tidak dimasukkan dan bila Anwar Ibrahim sendiri kata akan melaksanakan projek Lynas jika PR menang dan didapati selamat.


Tidak seperti Anwar Ibrahim yang berpusing-pusing tidak menjawab soalan mudah sama ada beliau homoseksual atau biseksual, Tun Dr Mahathir memberi jawapan yang ringkas, pedih dan tepat tentang isu panas di Pulau Pinang.

Lim Guan Eng DAP tentu merah muka dengan sindiran negarawan tersebut. Ianya bukan sahaja pedih dan tepat tetapi tidak mungkin akan mampu dijawab oleh anak Lim Kit Siang DAP itu.

Apakah Setiausaha Agung DAP itu mahu mengungkitkan pembinaan jambatan Pulau Pinang diera Tun Dr Mahathir yang kononnya membazirkan rakyat oleh DAP dan pembangkang ketika itu?

Sudah tentu tidak kerana jika diungkitkan juga, DAP yang akan tampak bangang dan menanggung malu kerana projek tersebut viable dan sangat diperlukan ketika itu.

Tambahan pula, perkhidmatan feri sahaja tidak mungkin akan dapat membantu kepesatan dan kemajuan yang dikecapi rakyat Pulau Pinang yang diusahakan oleh Barisan Nasional selama ini.

Dan yang paling kelakarnya ialah ketika Manifesto Pakatan pembangkang berdongeng tentang 'tiada lagi bayaran tol' atau pun 'toll free' tetapi projek ciptaan DAP pakatan pembangkang itu menggenakan tol!

Sila baca :
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad menyifatkan cadangan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng untuk membina terowong dasar laut sebagai satu pembaziran duit rakyat. 
"Saya tidak tahu apa perlunya pembinaan terowong itu. Kalau kita nak mengelak kapal daripada nak lalu, ikut mana pun kapal sudah tersekat dengan jambatan sedia ada," katanya. 
Beliau berkata, pembinaan jambatan adalah lebih murah berbanding pembinaan terowong yang menelan kos yang tinggi. 
"Ini sengaja nak membazir duit rakyat. Tidak ada alasan yang munasabah bagi pembinaan tersebut," tegasnya. 
Jambatan ke-2 Penang belum siap lagi tapi dah bazir buat terowong
Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditemui selepas majlis bersama warga Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) di Dewan Seroja, Kementerian Pertahanan, Jalan Padang Tembak, di sini hari ini. 
Guan Eng baru-baru ini bertegas untuk meneruskan projek mega bernilai RM6.3 bilion itu, yang mengandungi pembinaan terowong dasar laut sepanjang 6.5 kilometer (km). 
Pembinaan tersebut bermula dari Persiaran Gurney ke Bagan Ajam di Butterworth, jalan pintas sepanjang 4.6km dari Lebuh Raya Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu ke Bandar Air Itam dan jalan empat lorong sepanjang 12km menghubungi Tanjung Bungah ke Teluk Bahang. - UTUSAN.
Sebelum ini, syarikat yang membina terowong tersebut akan dikurniakan tanah prime di Gurney Drive yang sekarang ini pun sungguh sibuk dengan kenderaan dan kondominium-kondominium mewah. CAP pula mengatakan bahawa 110 ekar tebus tanah (reclaimed land) akan dikurniakan.

Ironinya, tindakan mengaitkan kenyataan CAP dengan BN merupakan satu respons yang amat bodoh dan sudah pasti menimbulkan kemarahan rakyat Pulau Pinang.

2nd Penang bridge in the making so why need terowong?

Rakyat berasa meluat apabila semuanya dikaitkan dengan politik dan parti politik padahal kenyataan CAP itu berdasarkan kepada pemerhatian dan penyelidikan mereka yang mengambil kira kepentingan rakyat Pulau Pinang.

Dalam masa yang sama, Lim Guan Eng DAP telah mempamerkan sikap negatif beliau di dalam mengendalikan luahan perasaan wakil NGO dan tindakan itu kurang cerdik.

Bagaimana pun, dengan label Cocky dan Arrogant yang dikurniakan kepada Guan Eng DAP, MiM tidak yakin anak Kit Siang itu akan menarik balik projek tersebut walau apa pun berlaku kecuali jika beliau ditolak oleh rakyat Pulau Pinang di PRU13 nanti.

So, kepada seluruh rakyat Pulau Pinang yang bersetuju dengan pandangan CAP itu disarankan supaya jatuhkan anak Kit Siang DAP itu di pilihanraya kelak. Itu sahaja cara untuk mengajar pemimpin politik yang Cocky dan Arrogant.

Kita tunggu respons Lim Guan Eng DAP yang seterusnya. Batal atau tidak? Berani atau tidak?

Sebelum ini, Utusan melaporkan Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang (CAP) yang hairan hairan dengan tindakan tergesa-gesa Ketua Menteri, Lim Guan Eng untuk meneruskan projek pembinaan terowong dasar laut di negeri itu.
Pembinaan terowong itu dilihat akan menyebabkan negeri itu terutama di bahagian pulau menjadi sebuah kawasan yang bukan sahaja tidak sihat malah tidak sesuai untuk dihuni.  
Sehubungan itu, Presiden CAP, S.M. Mohamed Idris mendesak kerajaan negeri membatalkan projek mega tersebut khususnya pembinaan terowong dasar laut kerana akan mendatangkan kesan buruk selain risiko keselamatan. 
Menurutnya, sehingga kini, beliau tidak nampak bentuk kajian yang dibuat oleh Kerajaan DAP Pulau Pinang bagi melihat kesan projek terhadap alam sekitar dan sosial. 
Katanya, sebagai seorang pemimpin, Guan Eng tidak boleh terus mahu melaksanakan sesuatu yang tiba-tiba muncul dalam fikirannya tanpa mengambil kira kesan terhadap alam sekitar dan hidupan lain. 
"Pendekatan sedemikian adalah salah. Ahli politik memerintah untuk sementara, mungkin hanya lima tahun (sepenggal) tetapi penduduk dan generasinya akan kekal tinggal di situ. 
"Sedih melihat Pulau Pinang sekarang yang tidak dapat menampung jumlah kenderaan malah banyak laluan sudah menjadi jalan sehala, setiap 200 meter berlaku kesesakan kerana ada lampu isyarat manakala penguat kuasa akan kunci tayar jika letak kenderaan merata-rata," katanya dalam sidang akhbar di sini hari ini. 
Guan Eng baru-baru ini bertegas untuk meneruskan projek mega yang mengandungi pembinaan terowong dasar laut sepanjang 6.5 kilometer (km) dari Persiaran Gurney ke Bagan Ajam di Butterworth, jalan pintas sepanjang 4.6 km dari Lebuh Raya Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu ke Bandar Air Itam dan jalan empat lorong sepanjang 12 km menghubungi Tanjung Bungah ke Teluk Bahang. 

S.M. Mohamed memberitahu, jika hasrat Guan Eng mahu menyuraikan masalah lalu lintas di negeri ini, beliau sepatutnya menunggu Jambatan Kedua Pulau Pinang beroperasi dan melihat keberkesanannya terlebih dahulu. 
Katanya, di negeri ini, sebanyak 100,000 kenderaan baharu memenuhi jalan raya setiap tahun dan masalah kesesakan meruncing akan berlaku lebih awal dari dijangkakan.
Beliau turut mempertikaikan kemampuan pihak yang terlibat menjalankan projek tersebut terutama daripada aspek keselamatan terowong dasar laut. 
Serentak dengan itu, katanya, beliau bersedia mengetuai rakyat negeri ini untuk membantah projek pembinaan terowong dasar laut tersebut. 
S.M. Mohamed berkata, pelbagai tindakan boleh diusahakan jika rakyat bersatu untuk memastikan projek yang hanya mendatangkan keburukan kepada mereka dan negeri ini dibatalkan. 
Menurutnya, CAP akan menghantar surat rasmi kepada Ketua Menteri, Lim Guan Eng berhubung bantahan tersebut dalam tempoh terdekat. 
"Kami mahu mendapatkan maklum balas dan pandangan daripada orang ramai serta pelbagai pihak mengenai projek tersebut,'' jelasnya. 
S.M Mohamed yang juga Presiden Sahabat Alam Malaysia menambah, pihaknya pernah menubuhkan sebuah kumpulan yang terdiri daripada orang ramai bagi membantah projek pembangunan di Bukit Bendera pada sekitar 1990-an dahulu dan berjaya. 
Orang ramai yang ingin memberikan pandangan atau maklum balas mengenai bantahan terhadap projek pembinaan terowong dasar laut itu boleh menghantar e-mel ke cap1@streamyx.com atau menerusi www.consumer.org.my.
Di bawah pula adalah kenyataan akhbar CAP :
CAP would like reiterate most emphatically its opposition to the latest mega-project proposed by the Penang state government to resolve the state's traffic problem. The project comprises a 6.5km undersea tunnel from Gurney Drive to Bagan Ajam in Butterworth, a 4.2km Pesiaran Gurney-Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway bypass, a 4.6km Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway-Bandar Baru Air Itam bypass, and a four-lane 12km road linking Tanjung Bungah with Teluk Bahang. 

In justifying in the construction of the roads, the argument that has been advanced is that they will expand the existing network of roads. By dispersing the traffic, they will thereby, it is argued, relieve the pressure on the existing roads and thus open up more space for public transport and pedestrian walkways. 
The argument is attractive one, but unfortunately it is misconceived. Countless studies have proved conclusively that building more roads (or even widening existing roads) is only a short-term solution as the new roads will invariably attract more traffic and soon the roads will be congested again. In the case of Penang, with 100,000 new vehicles hitting the roads every year, the culmination of such a process will be sooner than anyone can anticipate. 
As for the undersea tunnel, it has been suggested that it will further ease the trans-channel traffic. But this blithely ignores the fact that this will result in more motorized traffic on the island and create more congestion on the island's roads. The new roads can only afford temporary relief to this situation. What is often overlooked is that the island too has a limited carrying capacity at any given time and no consideration is given to this fact. 
Moreover, if the concern is to alleviate the cross-channel traffic, the fact is that the second Penang Bridge is not even operational yet. Given that its impact on traffic is yet to be seen, one wonders why the Chief Minister is in such haste to push through the construction of an undersea tunnel which is beset with risks and adverse effects. 

The terms under which the project has been agreed to are also controversial. Apart from receiving a 30 year concession period, the developers will also benefit from 110 acres of reclaimed land as payment. This land will appreciate tremendously in value in the coming years. Penangites will not benefit from this added value but the developers will, many times over their initial cost of construction. 
But perhaps the Chief Minister is right after all to conclude that a third road link will be necessary. After all, who should know better the impact of his own transport policies than the Chief Minister himself? In view of the fact that the whole thrust of his policies is directed to prioritizing private motorized transport over public transport, it won't be long before congestion begins to bulid up the second bridge. In short, a third road link will be necessary because the Chief Minister is intent on pursuing policies which will create the very gridlock requiring relief. 
There are also other disturbing features about this package of projects. The payoff for the consortium undertaking the project is 110 acres of reclaimed land. By agreeing to this, the Penang government has given no consideration to the consequences of further land reclamation along Penang's coast even though the adverse consequences of earlier reclamation projects have clearly blighted the island's coastline. Such a reckless indifference to the environment is shocking, to say the least. 

Questions have also been raised about the financial viability of those undertaking the construction. However, more important is the safety of such tunnels. 
The 1996 Chunnel fire shows the limits of human technical ingenuity and engineering skill. The Chunnel – the underwater tunnel beneath the English Channel which links England and France – was regarded as the the eighth wonder of the world and had been exhaustively tested for safety, including extensive modelling and and full-scale fire tests, before it was opened up to traffic. 
Yet when the fire broke out, experts were hard put to explain how the fire occurred. In Malaysia, there was a reported vehicle fire occurring every month, for 8 consecutive months in 2012. Such an incident could turn into a national disaster if it happened in the proposed undersea tunnel. In addition to inherent risk, given the absence of a well-developed culture of safety in our society, is it not a grave risk to embark on such a project? 
Moreover, questionds have also been raised as to the expertise and experience of those undertaking the project in building undersea tunnels. While they may well have undoubted expertise and skills in other types of construction, the real question is their expertise in the specific field of undersea tunnels.
While we are mindful of recent statements that the state government is intent on going ahead with the project, we strongly urge them to reconsider the whole issue. Such a reconsideration must involve a rethinking of the whole basis of the current transport policy which privileges the owners of private motor vehicles at the expense of public transport commuters. 
 All talks of a "Penang Paradigm" is meaningless without this paradigm shift. 
Media Statement - 18 March 2013

[Video] [Gambar] Rakyat Pulau Pinang tolak kerakusan Guan Eng bina Projek Mega #ubahPenang #TolakDAP

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 05:30 AM PDT

Nelayan tolak cadangan Projek Mega LimGuan Eng dan DAP


Himpunan Rakyat di Padang Kota Lama sebentar tadi telah menarik ramai rakyat Pulau Pinang untuk bersama-sama menyatakan tanda bantahan mereka kepada ketidakmampuan Lim Guan Eng DAP di Pulau Pinang.

Teng Chang Yeow bersama Dato Zainal Abidin 

Banyak isu dibangkitkan. Di antara yang dibangkitkan ialah isu rumah kos remdah dan mampu milik yang tidak muncul tiba. Selain itu adalah isu pembohongan Kampung Buah Pala yang kononnya mahu dijadikan Kampung warisan kaum India.

Selain daripada itu ialah tindakan Lim Guan Eng DAP yang masih berkeras untuk membina terowong bernilai bilion ringgit padahal telah mendapat bantahan daripada ramai pihak seperti CAP dan lain-lain.

Projek bilion ringgit ini dianggap membazirkan wang rakyat kerana jambatan ke-2 Pulau Pinang masih belum siap dan tidak menyelesaikan isu penting yang menyusahkan rakyat iaitu kesesakan jalanraya.

Foto seterusnya : KLIK SINI

Pulau Pinang hari ini digegarkan dengan Kebangkitan rakyat negeri itu untuk menyatakan bantahan kepada Lim Guan Eng DAP dan pakatan pembangkang.

Perhimpunan yang sepatutnya bermula 2 jam lagi telah mulai mendapat sambutan luar biasa apabila sudah ada yang berkumpul di Padang Kota Lama.

MiM laporkan secara live dari Padang Kota Lama.

#Rempuh234 Projek Mega RM8b - Guan Eng Ketua Menteri PP paling korup? #ubahPenang #tolakDAP

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 01:30 AM PDT


Dalam Pakatan Pembangkang, nampaknya Pas adalah parti paling bodoh dan naif; sebab itu hanya layak jadi balaci sosialis DAP dan PKR...

The Corrupt Saga of Lim Guan Eng's RM8 Billion Mega Project in the secret PowerPoint files – Exposing the Mega Cronies behind the scenes (Part 1)

In our previous article, we promised to reveal and expose the cronies behind the scenes who benefited from Lim Guan Eng's Mega folly of a Mega Project which costs over RM6.3 billion.

The projects involve:

a 4.2km Gurney Drive-Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway,
a 4.6km Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway-Bandar Baru Air Itam 4-lanes bypass,
a 6.5km Penang-Butterworth Tunnel; and
a 12km road connecting Tanjung Bungah and Teluk Bahang (four lanes)
In order to know the real story behind this mega corruption and abuse in Penang, we need to go back to the night of December 17, 2013 – just a day after the DAP National Congress held in Penang where the DAP CEC Members were elected.

No need to talk about the DAP CEC Election fiasco and their inability to use EXCEL to do proper calculations. The elections went well and the results were largely within the leaders' expectations and so there was an obvious cause for celebration.

But in Guan Eng's mind, there was an even bigger reason to celebrate – because he has finally completed all the discussions on the allocation of spoils for Penang's largest infrastructure project. The discussion was held a day earlier on December 16 – a day immediately after the CEC Elections held on December 15, 2012.

The discussions with the partners were intense and filled Guan Eng with adrenalin – pumping with excitement to see such huge numbers that his small 8-digit pocket calculator could not even accommodate the massive calculations which easily stretched into 10 digits. Guan Eng mumbled a note to self: "remember to ask secretary for a new 12-digit calculator".


There is an indescribable joy when one punches the forbidden numbers into the calculator and viola, one sees the apportioned amounts and siphoned profits camouflaged as blatant overcharging. Guan Eng was thrilled to bits – for the first time, he is really gonna be a billionaire…a dream come true for a failed accountant…but a successful Chief Minister and politician.

The final allocation in terms of kickbacks and gifts expressed in percentages were nailed down reflected in a single Powerpoint slide. The thought of it pleased Guan Eng so much that he could not resist firing up his notebook computer to take a look on the Powerpoint slide again.

"This is the time for harvest…" as Guan Eng's thoughts lingered away…see what power can do – and this is Real Power.

"I'm not going to be a CM without power like that bo-hoot (no balls – seedless) durian Koh Tsu Koon. Me will be a CM with Real Power…"

The screen on the notebook computer showed this PowerPoint slide:


We already know from media reports the following:

CZB – or also known as Consortium Zenith BUCG Sdn Bhd
BUCG – Beijing Urban Construction Group
ST – Sri Tinggi Sdn Bhd
JU – Juteras Sdn Bhd
ZC-CRC – Zenith Construction Sdn Bhd in a joint venture with China Railway Construction Ltd (CRCL)
But we don't know who the following people or entities are:

Annie & Party
Leslie & Co
Jimmy & Party
These names are likely to be code-names representing certain personalities…who are these people…Read the DAP Insider for the next article as we break the puzzle and reveal the identities of each of these code-names…


Reformis tegar percaya #Liwat3 kerja team Azmin? #AnwarSodomy

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 11:00 PM PDT

Sodomy 3: What if it's an inside job?
CT Ali | March 23, 2013

Just bear in mind that the hunting season within PKR and Pakatan has already begun and the hunted is Anwar himself.

Let the games within Pakatan Rakyat begin.

From my personal experience, when your father is not that wealthy, there is no infighting within the family to get what you think is your "fair" share of his money.

Let the first million roll in and then it's a free for all to get into his good books. By the time the second and third million is in his bank, all hell will break lose.

If the father is resolved that money will not break his family asunder, then maybe all will be well. 

If the father plays favourite, then life for everyone in the family will be, to say the least, interesting.

This is the situation in Pakatan Rakyat today. Each passing day seems to bring it closer to the jewel in Putrajaya, with which the prime minister-designate, Anwar Ibrahim, is to be crowned with.

The ebb and flow of party politics within Pakatan coalition now starts to coalesce – not merging all factions into one seamless entity that will confront Barisan Nasional for the seat of government during the 13th general election but into factions and groups: one that wants Anwar to be the prime minister-designate, and the other that does not.

The ambitious ones within Pakatan know they have to make their move now, but they must do so covertly. What have they started to do?

They need to build upon the foundations laid by BN, even if the foundations languish at gutter level.

They start by besmirching Anwar's personal character. Another sodomy tape would be a good place as any to start.

Of course, our gut instinct would be to round up the usual suspects – Najib Tun Razak, Muhyiddin Yassin, the Three Datuks, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, or anyone in Umno.

But, methinks, this time around if the fallout from Sodomy Two has taught Najib & Co anything, it is to make sure that if a Sodomy Three were to happen, it must happen ala Dr Chua Soi Lek – where events overtook any possibilities of a defence corridor being thrown around Chua (nasi sudah jadi bubur) – and all Chua could do then was to resign.

This Sodomy Three images that have been put onto the public domain lack clarity and those that matter – the rakyat – are already questioning its authenticity.

Sodomy Three lacks the "Oomph" that only money can provide to make the release of the images from the video to be a "national event".

It has all the hallmarks of a half-hearted attempt to destabilise Anwar within the Pakatan coalition and also within his own PKR.

In short, it looks like an inside job by insiders within Pakatan or PKR – who are making mischief for Anwar by releasing the so-called Sodomy Three images.

This Sodomy Three "incident" does not seem to have any of Umno or BN "trade mark".
Inside job?

I would be so bold as to say that this attempt to implicate Anwar this time round has its roots from within Pakatan… from deep down the bowels of Pakatan where a deep-seated dislike for the prime minister-designate exists and may even thrive among a hardcore few.

If they believe that Pakatan has a decent chance of taking government, then they would begin to realise that they must start their campaign to oust Anwar as the premier-designate now – and as is the norm among the financially challenged politicians – nothing could rival the use of gutter politics if you want your opponents to bite the dust.

However, they have failed in one aspect so far.

Anwar does not capitulate nor has he succumbed to the worse that Umno or for that matter, anyone, have so far hurled at him – sexual innuendos and other salacious accusations of the verbal or imaginary kind included.

Whal all this Sodomy Three tape will make Anwar do is: he will deny and the masses will believe.

Then it may degenerate into the cleansing of those who are perceived to be the culprits. This will cause much damage to PKR's and Pakatan'a credibility among the voters.

Or they can do the usual: deny! deny! deny!

Your guess is as good as mine: just bear in mind that the hunting season within PKR and Pakatan has already begun. The hunted is Anwar himself: so let the games begin!

CT Ali is a reformist who believes in Pakatan Rakyat's ideologies. He is a FMT columnist.


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