rocky's bru

rocky's bru

Bring on Porntip, let's get it over with

Posted: 03 Feb 2013 08:52 PM PST

The name Dr Pornthip Rojanadunand familiar? Of course, it is. She's the punky Thai forensic expert brought in by Pakatan Rakyat in 2009 to challenge the autopsy done by the Malaysian authorities on Teoh Beng Hock. This second autopsy was jointly witnessed by a world renowned pathologist from Britain, Prof Peter Vanezis, who was brought in by Malaysian taxpayers. 

Many of us still remember how Pornthip concluded that TBH's death was "80% murder" just by looking at the first autopsy pictures sent to her. And how she did an about-turn on that theory later [Pornthip now says death was not 80% murder but rule out suicide] while Prof Venezis ruled out murder altogether. 

NOT MURDER! TBH Inquest April 26, 2010

Three years on, Dr Pornthip may be headed this way to witness a second autopsy on C. Sugumar, the security guard who ran amok and died. Pakatan's vice-president Surendran (#1 Busted of the Week) said so h e r e.

I say, bring on Dr Pornthip! As a taxpayer, I give my consent to bring in another pathologist to joint Dr Pornthip and make sure that we have the truth and nothing but the truth. Because the truth will set not just Sugumar but all of us free!

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