Israel enters Syria... for good!

Posted: 07 Feb 2013 08:02 PM PST

Israel has entered Syria. After annexing Golan Height from the Arab state in the 1967 war, Israel soldiers are now to stay, much longer.

This is not Tel Aviv original plan in destabilising Syria and opening up a passage to Iran. They only wanted to supply arms to Syrian opposition to overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, one of its strongest nemesis in the region.

However, the drawing plan was done in Pentagon. President Obama's top officials were involved in the plan to wreck the political and military might of the Arab, the Muslims. They had excelled in Algeria, Egypt and Libya and Syria - one of the last few formidable Arab forces, after Iran - is collapsing according to the plan.

We have seen how they ruined Iraq and Libya, killing Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. The economy of both countries are now paralysed and it will take many years to rebuild it.

With its air strikes against targets inside Syria last week, Israel announced its formal entry into the Syrian crisis. The Israeli targeting of Iran has thus entered the Syrian playground. Washington has given a green light to Israel to carry out yet further strikes. And blessed with such carte blanche, Israel is already planning an escalated level of intervention.

The Israeli strike inside Syria was thus clearly not an isolated affair, but a prelude to a deepening Israeli intervention long in the making.

In a February 2012 New York Times op-ed, former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy argued that beyond punitive sanctions and military confrontation, the crisis in Syria created a third option 'to rid the world of the Iranian menace'.

"Ensuring that Iran is evicted from its regional hub in Damascus would cut off Iran's access to its proxies (Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza) and visibly dent its domestic and international prestige, possibly forcing a haemorrhaging regime in Tehran to suspend its nuclear policies," Halevy argued.

This would be a safer and more rewarding option than the military one. Once this is achieved, the entire balance of forces in the region would undergo a sea change. Iranian-sponsored terrorism would be visibly contained; Hezbollah would lose its vital Syrian conduit to Iran and Lebanon could revert to long-forgotten normalcy.

Hamas fighters in Gaza would have to contemplate a future without Iranian weaponry and training; and the Iranian people might once again rise up against the regime that has brought them such pain and suffering.

Such notions of a new Middle East amenable to the interests of Tel Aviv and Washington have long held an allure for Western planners. In fact, nearly seven years have now passed since Israel's 2006 invasion of Lebanon was cheered by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as 'the birth pangs of a new Middle East'.

It's little surprise, then, that the dream of forging a new Middle East through the destruction of Syria has come to be championed by the US neo-con crowd.

But the hope of using the crisis in Syria to boot Iran from the Arab world more generally is widely shared. Indeed, the marginally more sober have begun to warm to the idea of intervention into Syria as a means to purge the 'Iranian menace'.

And in order to achieve that, Syria has to go down first!

 For Israel, the weakening of Syria as a result of this war is of strategic importance because Syria is quite an enemy of Israel. And the internal battle is also removing the issue of withdrawing from the Golan Heights from the agenda.

Whether Israel's formal intervention into Syria is thus meant to fan the flames, or whether it is instead intended to hasten an end game, remains uncertain. At the moment, though, it certainly appears Tel Aviv is quite content with letting Syria burn.

But whatever the case may be, Israel's ultimate aim is quite clear - if Assad goes, Iranian hegemony over Syria must go with him. Anything less would rob Assad's departure of any significance!


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