Happy CNY... beware of the 'snakes'!

Posted: 08 Feb 2013 08:47 AM PST

To Malaysians, especially the Chinese, Happy Chinese New Year.

As I was born in a kampung where the Malays, Chinese and Indians assimilated well - socially and culturally - I don't find CNY celebration as one that belongs to the Chinese only. We were together during CNY, Hari Raya and Deepavali, enjoying every moment of it.

Personally, I believe the eras of 60s and 70s were the best in term of racial harmony. It even got better after that stupid 1969 tragedy incited by some irresponsible politicians.

Those were the days.

By the way, its the Year of the Snake. The reptile is fast, cunning and smart, some are dangerous while some are not.

As general election is around the corner, my reminder is - be careful of some political snakes trying to lucre from racial and religious issues. Better get rid of them first!


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