rocky's bru

rocky's bru

For MAS, life begins at 40

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 09:00 PM PDT

40 years ago
Malaysia Airlines has lost a great deal during the last decade or so. But it has not lost the support of many Malaysians who believe that MAS can still, warts and all, be the best there is. More importantly, the airline and its people have not lost their will to succeed. In just a little over a year, airline boss AJ has steadily brought back some semblance of calm and confidence that MAS is known for, at least for a good part of the last 40 years since the first MH took off on Oct 1, 1972 
AJ hasn't won over all the cynics and the critics but in the short time that he's been there, he has gained the support of many for his integrity. In an e-mail to staff (which his detractors did not leak out, of course), AJ asks them to "move together and in one direction" to keep up with the rest of the world:
"I am cognizant that over the years that while we have seen muchsuccess and many highs, there are also some lows. However, it is soimportant to move forward together in ONE direction or else we will
miss opportunities for our own recovery.  
"While our daily work may seem routine, though it reflects ourprofessionalism built over the years, the world around has changeddrastically. It is much faster, quicker than we would have everimagined 40 years ago. To stay in the running for next 40 years andmore, we need to change; be quick and nimble in order to stay in this
highly competitive and evolving industry."
AJ also reminds us why we wanted a national carrier in the first place:
"We are here to continue to fulfil those 5 national obligations.a.      To provide the people of Malaysia with an efficient and profitableair transport system which enhances the standing of the nation and thepolicies of the government.b.       To develop an efficient domestic service within Malaysia whichalso directly links Sabah and Sarawak with Peninsular Malaysia andcontributes to the economic and social integration of the country as awholec.      To select, train and develop local personnel using the mostup-to-date and appropriate managerial techniques.d.      To provide simultaneously competitive and profitable internationalservices which support Malaysia's trade, tourism and other activities.e.      To contribute meaningfully to national aspirations and foster anorganization which is in harmony with the multi-racial objectives of
Amin. And all the best, MAS!

Take Another Step: MAS' latest, the A380
p.s. I am curious as to how MAS and Malindo will work with each other. Not many people know that MAS and Lion Air, which is the Indonesian half of Malindo, had had advanced talks on collaboration before the ill-dated share-swap with Air Asia suddenly and unexpectedly came into play. Naturally, we can expect MAS and Malindo to take a look again at possible synergies between them, especially after the national carrier's inception into One World alliance with a dozen of the world's top airlines. You can read more about that in Happy 40th Birthday, Malaysia Airlines


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