OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Absolutely Uncertain: Round 1 Obama and Romney Debate

Posted: 03 Oct 2012 11:15 PM PDT

Tuesday November 6th, 2012 is just 33 days away. That is the date of the 2012 Presidential elections in the US. Last nite Obama and Mitt Romney had the first round of their Presidential Debate. 

Before you see the You tube (if you wish) here is the schedule of the remaining two  rounds of the Obama - Romney Debates. There will also be one round of Vice Presidential Debate on Oct 11, 2012.

The Blogger Barking Magpie, has said something about the Obama Romney debate. Titled  "The world must be ready for the next new president of the USA!" Magpie suggests that Obama will lose the November 6th elections.  Here is a gist from Magpie :
  • Watching him debating with Mitt Romney confirmed my suspicion that his answers during the debates were full of rhetoric and semantic and not convincing  enough for Americans who would want him to win the second term.... 
  • we have to wait and see if Romney is actually a country bumpkin as portrayed by the media or a real suave and savvy US president. But, I suspect he is a smart cookie, and frankly for me I am tired of Obama and his star studded status!
Now here is the You Tube. I think Mitt Romney clearly bested Obama in the two minute opening statement. After the first four minutes both of them got mired in arguing tax cuts, deficits, the rich, the middle income etc which I think few people really understand. 

Here is something a bit more interesting. The following video is 18 minutes long and if you have the time do watch the entire video. This video comes from Israel. You can click on the title : Absolutely Uncertain: Obama and the Threat to Israel.

The title of the video certainly makes it sound like it is Obama who is now the threat to Israel. Watch the video and there will be no doubt that they potray Obama as a threat to Israel. This video is made from a security standpoint, the defense of Israel, particularly against the threat from Iran.

What is interesting are the number of American leaders in the video (opinion leaders, leaders in academia as well as political leaders) most of whom are Jewish Americans who voice serious concern about Obama's commitment to Israel.   

A glaring point is the inability of Obama and the US Government spokesman in the video to  answer the question : What is the capital of Israel - Tel Aviv or Jerusalem?

This video has just come out today - 33 days before the US Presidential  elections. I think  the Israelis are already casting their votes.  

There are two more rounds of Presidential Debates, the last one on October 22 (just 15 days before the elections) is slated to discuss Foreign Policy.  

The Israelis will most likely wait for the results of November 6th before they decide on Iran. Under Romney it may become cheaper for the Israelis  to bomb Iran - the American taxpayer will foot a significant portion of the bill.  If Obama wins, they still have their options available.

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