Scorpenes a clean buy

Posted: 06 Oct 2012 10:37 AM PDT

So, its confirmed that Scorpene was a clean buy, no scandals and no hidden hands involved.

Defence Minister Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the Auditor-General has already explained that the purchase of Scorpene submarines was made according to legal procedures and his official report must be accepted by all quarters.
In response to the opposition's plan to bring in a French lawyer, William Bourdon, to brief the Malaysian lawmakers on court proceedings in France on the purchase of the submarines, Ahmad Zahid hopes no quarters would twist the existing facts on the matter. 
He was also of the opinion that the lawyer was invited to Malaysia by the opposition merely with political motive and not so much for legal business. 
The purchase of the submarines should be seen from the aspects of an offset programme, training, and performance assurance for certain period of time, he said, adding that it was really an old issue brought up to create public anger and confusion.

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim went to Paris last week to meet the lawyers acting for both SUARAM and DCNS in the Scorpenes corruption trial, with the intention of inviting them to come to Malaysia and brief Parliament on the latest status of the case.

Pakatan Rakyat, through its media like Malayskini, Malaysian Insider and others had accused PM Najib's Cabinet of using RM7.3 billion public money to purchase both submarines.

Even NGO like SUARAM plays a leading role in 'exposing' what the opposition alleged as 'the biggest scandal' the BN government ever committed, and that Najib, his wife Rosmah and former aide Razak Baginda were the culprits, linking them to the murder or Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu, a person they believed was part of the 'scandal'.

And now that the Auditor-General has confirmed the purchase was legal and according to procedure, I believe the opposition will lambast it as a cover-up cahoot.

Let's hear to what Anwar & Gang have to say about this...

For sure they will call the Auditor-General 'a big liar'!


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