OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Akal Awak Yang Terbatas

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 12:27 AM PDT

Lately a few people have been saying I am anti Islamic, anti this and anti that. I think I should write something soon about who is a satan (syaitan) and who is a kafir. That might shock some sense into these people. They may never look into a mirror again.

Anyway here is a boring You Tube video featuring Hadi Awang - the president of PAS. Folks look at the title of this You Tube : "Tuan Guru Hj Abdul Hadi Awang - Akal Manusia Terbatas" !!   Bukan saya cakap. Depa yang cakap. Jangan marah saya ok?

Isnt that an interesting way of announcing yourself : "Hello. Apa khabar? Akal saya terbatas".  

Imagine this conversation : 

i.  "Excuse me sir, how are you today?"
ii.  My akal is terbatas you know. Thank you.
iii.  And who are you sir?
iv. I am the future Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Listen to the You Tube. It is boring, boring, boring. To save time you can move the cursor to minute 6:30 and watch till the end.

Hadi Awang quotes a verse from the Quran.  Predictable of all the serban people he only quotes the verse partially. Plus he does not mention the reference - because he knows people might check it up and expose his mistake. 

Hadi Awang quotes :  "..wa maa ootitum min-al ilmi illa qaleela.." and translates it "dan tidak diberi kepada kamu daripada ilmu melainkan sedikit saja.."

Ini bukan ayat yang complete bro. Dia cerita sekerat saja. 

He is implying that the human being has been given very little knowledge about a lot of things. Maybe about everything. That is why to Hadi the 'akal is terbatas' because Hadi thinks human knowledge is also always terbatas. This is what happens when the Muslims do not read the Quran. If you do not read the Quran, you will become "akal terbatas" just like Hadi Awang.

I will give the exact verse reference shortly, quote the ayat in full and discuss what it means. 

But before that let me tell you the reason why Hadi Awang is doing all this linguistic gymnastics. It is simple : no money no religion.

First he must frighten the people. "You do this you will burn in hell. You do like that Allah will punish you".  

If you try to find Allah on your own, if you try to read the Quran by yourself, then Hadi and his "akal terbatas" supporters will say "Siapa baca Quran tanpa guru dia akan jadi sesat".  

Folks these are just their cheap tricks to ensure their job security. These people know the intelligence level of their supporters very well.  (So ask yourself this question : are you smarter or is Hadi Awang smarter than you?)

Hadi says "berpandukan akal sahaja manusia tidak mampu mengatasi kelemahan yang sedia ada pada dirinya.."

He says 'akal manusia terbatas'. What he really means is 'akal awak terbatas'. He is referring to your akal. Folks here is a simple trick - Hadi Awang will never say 'akal saya terbatas'. It is always 'akal awak terbatas'.

Why? Because only then can Hadi Awang convince you that you must listen to him if you ever want to know all those mysterious things which your 'akal terbatas" cannot figure out for itself.  (And I can assure you - all these mysterious "tidak masuk akal" things are NOT found in the Quran). 

So it is just a cheap trick by these people to trap you. So that you will have to go to them, the so called religious experts, who will explain to you all those things that your 'akal terbatas' cannot understand.

Hadi Awang also says :

i. 'ahli falsafah membelakangkan wahyu..'
ii. 'mereka tidak pakai Kitab Allah'

Ha ha ha! Mari kita lihat siapa belakangkan wahyu ok? Jom kita lihat siapa tidak pakai Kitab Allah.  What does the Kitab Allah say?  

Surah 10:100 "Dan tiadalah sebarang kuasa bagi seseorang untuk beriman melainkan dengan izin Allah dan Allah menimpakan kekotoran (rijis)  atas orang-orang yang tidak menggunakan akal (laa ya'qiloon)"

Here is Shakir in English

Surah 10:100 "And it is not for a soul to believe except by Allah's permission; and He casts uncleanness (kekotoran) on those who will not understand."

So if we do not use our akal then we become morons. Allah will then seal our brains with al rijsun or kekotoran or uncleanness. 

What type of uncleanness? Maybe kafir beliefs which can include stupid thoughts, syirik, munafikeenism. All these are definitely kuffar and unclean.  

First they invent non Quranic and stupid stories similar to  "Santa Claus can fly through the sky on a magic reindeer". Of course logical minds cannot accept such crap. To overcome this they say 'Akal awak terbatas. Awak tak boleh faham perkara2 yang tidak lojik. Sebab itu awak kena rujuk tok guru untuk menjelaskan perkara yang tidak lojik. Tok guru lebih tahu perkara yang tak masuk akal".

Pendek kata, bila sampai bab "tak masuk akal", sila rujuk tok guru. Depa lagi expert 'tak guna akal'.

So the tok guru will say stories similar to 'Santa Claus lives above the north pole. He can fly through the sky on a magic reindeer'.  And you must listen to him. Otherwise he will say you are sesat. These are the simple tricks of the tok guru. Dont worry folks - they can only fool the stupid people. Orang bodoh saja boleh terjerat. So ask yourself this question : are you smarter or less smart than the tok guru? Fikir baik-baik. 

Here is another ayat Quran, this time translated by Sher Ali :

Surah 17:36  "And follow not that of which thou hast no knowledge. Verily, the ear and the eye and the heart - all these shall be called to account."

In other words do not follow things blindly like a "kerbau yang kena cucuk hidung". You are not lembus either. 

Always use your ears to listen, use your eyes to observe and use your conscience to guide you. Think, evaluate, use your otak and use your akal. Why? Because you will be held accountable. You will be held responsible for your actions. NOT your guru. 

Folks, NO WHERE in the Quran does it say that "akal manusia terbatas". The two verses I have quoted above say the exact opposite. Always use your akal, always use your brains (Surah 17:36). If you dont use your akal, you will become morons (Surah 10:100).

Now please ponder this question. The Quran was taught to us by the Rasul. In Surah 10:100 and Surah 17:36 above the Rasul says, 'use your akal, use your eyes, ears, conscience. If you dont use your akal then Allah will seal your brains with filth".

Having said this, will the Rasul turn around on another day and say 'akal manusia terbatas'? The answer is a NO.  The Rasul will be contradicting himself. 

The Rasul cannot say one thing in the Quran and do something different from what he has said. It will become 'cakap tak serupa bikin'. Saying one thing one day and doing something else another day. Folks, the Rasul that is described in the Quran was NOT a hypocrite.

Surah 61:2 O you who believe! why do you say that which you do not do?
Surah 61:3 It is most hateful to Allah that you should say that which you do not  

In other words "jangan cakap tak serupa bikin". And Allah really hates "cakap tak serupa bikin". "Cakap tak serupa bikin"  is certainly the work of the syaitan.

That is why nowhere in the Quran does it say that 'akal manusia terbatas'. There is no verse in the Quran that says any such thing. 

OK here is that verse in the Quran which Hadi quoted incompletely. It is Surah 17:85 : "Wayas-aloo-naka anil-roohi qul al-roohu min-amri rabbee wama ooteetum minal ilmi illa qaleelan.

Here is the English :

Surah 17:85  "And they ask thee concerning the rooh. Say, `The rooh is by the command of my Lord; and of the knowledge thereof you have been given but a little.

This verse speaks specifically about the rooh. It begins with 'yas - aloo naka anil-roohi' which means 'they ask you about the rooh'. 

Then the verse says 'QUL' which means "say". Say what? Say "al-roohu min-amri rabbee wama ooteetum minal ilmi illa qaleelan"  (The rooh is by the command of my Lord; and of the knowledge thereof you have been given but a little).

The verse addresses a specific question about rooh. The rooh has been created from a command by the Lord. The knowledge given to us about the rooh is very little**  That is all. 

There is nothing in this verse which says that 'akal manusia terbatas'. This verse is specific to 'rooh'.

And please note, the rooh is found mentioned INSIDE the Quran. This verse does not refer to the non-Quranic Santa Claus type "magical reindeer flying through the sky" stories. Those non Quranic stories memang tak masuk akal and memang the Quran (and the Rasul) cannot explain those stories.  You have to ask the tok guru to explain all those non Quranic 'tidak masuk akal' stories.

Akhir kalam, bagi bab yang lojik, yang masuk akal dan yang perlukan penggunaan akal  -semuanya terjumpa dalam Quran. Dan Al Quran itu adalah Islam. Untuk bab lojik dan masuk akal ini kita rujuk Allah dan RasulNya (attiullaaha wa attiu-rrasool) dalam Al Quran.

Bab yang tidak lojik dan yang tidak masuk akal terdapat diluar Quran. Untuk bab tidak masuk akal itu bolehlah rujuk tok guru.

** (The usual translation of rooh is soul but I dont agree. Soul is another Biblical idea, it is NOT Quranic. Maybe we will discuss that another day).

Malaysiakini's 'Non Muslim' Only Free Previews

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 10:55 PM PDT

I received this in the e mail:

Date: 16 August 2012 (Thursday)
Time: 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Venue: Malaysiakini Office
Address: 48, Jalan Kemuja, Bangsar Utama, 59000 KL.
Job opportunities revolving around the Internet today are plenty. 

We will train and develop high quality web professionals who can do the following on
  • working knowledge of HTML
  • program an eCommerce web 
  • use Photoshop 
  • use Illustrator 
  • working knowledge of Basic 
  • develope applications with basic Facebook 
  • working knowledge of Search Engine 
At the successful completion of this program, the attendees will be:
  1. Proficient in basic web 
  2. Completed the Google .
  3. Able to execute web .
Note: This requires NO prior technical experience! 
To know more, join our preview session! 

My comments : I say my friends in Malaysiakini, 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm is exactly buka puasa time lah. The Muslims who have to buka puasa will not be able to attend your free preview. Only the non Muslims can attend. You have done this on purpose so that the Muslims who are doing the buka puasa at 7:30 pm cannot attend your free preview session.  You know this damn well. 

How do I know? Because throughout this bulan puasa, you know very well what time to go and buy the "kuih buka puasa" near the mosque in Bangsar (which you buy by the bag-ful).   Do not pretend to be so ignorant. Why do you sickos still have these racial prejudices? This is the 21st century lah. 

If you want the Muslims to attend, you can have your free preview from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. This is Malaysia. There is electricity, air conditioning, water and car parking available 24 hours a day.  And you dont have to incur as much overtime for your staff.

Low Car Prices = High Income Nation

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 05:46 PM PDT

I received the following in an e mail. I have written the same things years ago. I believe my posting even had pictures. Here is a quick read:

These are US car prices with US duty and import tax paid, which are just like Malaysian car prices with duty and tax also paid, but here, you will see, they are much lower and less exorbitant than in Malaysia.

Bear in mind all cars are CBU (complete built up) Japan, CBU South Korea or CBU Germany.

The following cars we get here are CKD (complete knocked down) cars with more than 50 percent Malaysian content and "supposedly" are cheaper due to their being CKD and supporting Malaysian manufacturers.

I cannot understand, we support our own Malaysian manufacturers and "Beli barang buatan Malaysia" (buy local), and yet the prices can be higher than "Barang buatan Jepun" or Jerman which is usually higher in quality.

And yet, to make matters worse, the US GDP per capita is higher than Malaysia and the average American earns five times more than the average Malaysian.

Mainstream car prices (comparison between US and Malaysia)

                                      In US                         In Malaysia
Honda Accord       US$21,480 (RM64,440)         RM150,000
Honda CRV          US$22,495 (RM67,485)         RM150,000
Honda Civic          US$15,955 (RM47,865)         RM115,000

Toyota Altis            US$16,130 (RM48,390)         RM112,000
Toyota Camry        US$22,055 (RM66,165)         RM180,000
Kia Sorento            US$23,150 (RM69,450)         RM160,000
Hyundai Tucson      US$19,245 (RM57,735)         RM140,000
Hyundai Sonata      US$20,895 (RM62,685)         RM150,000
Hyundai Elantra      US$16,695 (RM50,085)         RM98,000

Luxury car prices

BMW 328i              US$36,500 (RM109,500)         RM300,000
BMW 528i              US$46,900 (RM149,000)         RM400,000
BMW 535i              US$52,500 (RM157,000)         RM600,000
BMW X5                US$47,500 (RM142,500)         RM580,000
Mercedes E350      US$51,000 (RM153,000)         RM400,000 (CKD E250)
Jaguar XF              US$53,000 (RM159,000)         RM500,000
Jaguar XJ              US$73,700 (RM221,000)         RM1,000,000

Porsche Cayenne   US$48,850 (RM146,000)         RM570,000

Most Malaysians pay close to 50 percent of their salary for their monthly payments for their cars.  Not only do the banks get an easy ride (cause everybody is "forced" to take loans), we have to live in debt for over seven years, depriving our family of better food and clothes."

The writer has a solid point about 'Belilah Barang Buatan Malaysia' which has been part of the Government's campaign for many, many years. There is even a 'Belilah Barang Buatan Malaysia' logo. Here it is :

And if I remember correct the suggestion to "Beli Barang Buatan Malaysia" was once incorporated as part of the fight against inflation - because logically "Made in Malaysia" should be cheaper. But as the car price list above shows, we are paying two to three times the prices of cars than the Americans.

For your information, just after Dato Seri Najib became the Prime Minister he met with a few of us Bloggers at his house. Among the things I raised with him was the very high prices of cars in Malaysia. It surely struck the PM's ear. He listened but did not say anything.

And the last time I wrote about this, as one comment said the "tak tahu niaga tak tahu kira" folks came in with all sorts of really mind boggling comments saying that car prices in Malaysia were actually cheap. Some even said that if car prices became cheaper, then even the 'kerani' will be driving Honda Accord. This is the feudalistic mind that still controls peoples' minds. What is wrong if the 'kerani' drive Honda Accord? If the "kerani" can drive Honda Accord then the "pegawai" can drive Mercedes Benz. What is wrong with that? 

Our per capita GDP is now about RM25,000 per annum. The Gomen wants to  move us to a higher income of RM45,000 per capita by 2020. That is an income increment of 80% over the remaining 8 years or about 10% a year. Our economic growth is now in the 5% to 6% range.  Folks that higher income is NOT going to happen to everyone. 

(I also think the per capita income of the Malaysian Chinese is already above RM45,000. So are a sizeable number of Indians above this threshold)  The per capita GDP of Americans is already about RM145,000, which is almost six times our per capita GDP. Yet the Amerivans pay only one third to half the prices for their cars.

The Honda Accord sells for RM64,000 in the US versus RM150,000 here in Malaysia. Honda CRV sells for RM67,000 in the US versus RM150,000 here in Malaysia. The BMW 528 sells for RM149,000 in the US versus RM400,000 here in Malaysia.

It is true that Malaysians may end up paying 1/3 to 1/2 their monthly incomes for their cars (monthly instalments plus maintenance). The Americans who earn six times more than us pay 1/3 or 1/2 for the same cars.  No business or economic logic can justify this. The only way anyone can justify this vast discrepancy is if you are proud, arrogant, stupid or all three.

Now here is an easy method to achieve three things : 

i.   raise the disposable income of our people 
ii.  lower the cost of living 
iii. reduce Gomen expenditure


If a Honda Accord sells for only RM64,000 in Malaysia (as it should) instead of RM150,000, then your monthly car instalment will be three times less or 1/3 only. If you are paying RM1,500 per month, you may only pay RM500. Immediately you save RM1000 - which goes to your disposable income. That is RM12,000 a year. That is two way airfare for eight people to Beijing and back. Travelling does open up our horizons and our minds, especially childrens' minds. That should also improve our lives. Which should lead to better expectations, better outlooks which can also lead to higher incomes.

Gomen expenditure (taxpayers funds) will be reduced because the Gomen will not have to spend as much money to raise our incomes to RM45,000. If the burden of their monthly car instalments are reduced to 1/3 people wont feel as much of a pinch if they are not earning RM45,000 p.a. 

Yes even the kerani will be driving Honda Accords (to the chagrin of the feudalistic dunggus). But lets prepare for that. For the Penang, JB and KL people - spread out the urban areas. Build more townships and business centres complete with super duper malls, hotels, hospitals, entertainment outlets and spread them out. Spread out the factories. Then people will not congregate in just one location. 

In urban areas like KL replace major junctions like traffic lite junctions and roundabouts with flyovers and underpasses to smoothen traffic flow. It has to be an ongoing effort. As the population increases we have to keep adjusting.

Then people can live more spread out because car prices are cheaper. They can afford car ownership without breaking the piggy bank.

Even little things help. We have U turns at some traffic light juncions. You must drive to the end of the road divider and then make the U turn. In South Korea they remove the last 50 feet of the road divider and make it a "U turn Zone". So when the light is red for the opposing traffic, up to five cars can take the U turn at the same time.

So we have to constantly innovate. They say if car duties and taxes are reduced the Gomen will lose RM8.0 billion in revenue. That may be so but other tax revenue will increase because the people will spend more rom the savings they make in cheaper car prices. 

Here is the golden rule : Jangan menyusahkan manusia. Make thing easy for the people. 

You do not understand this simple rule, you invite disaster.

Vision 20/20

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 04:52 AM PDT

1. Liu Yang, China's first female astronaut, waves during a departure ceremony at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Gansu province, on June 16, 2012. China sent its first woman taikonaut into outer space this week, prompting a surge of national pride as the rising power takes its latest step towards putting a space station in orbit within the decade. Liu, a 33-year-old fighter pilot, joined two other taikonauts aboard the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft when it lifted off from a remote Gobi Desert launch site.

2. The Shenzhou-9 manned spacecraft, Long March-2F rocket, and escape tower wait to be transferred to the launch pad at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Gansu province, on June 9, 2012.

3. The Long March II-F rocket loaded with a Shenzhou-9 manned spacecraft carrying Chinese astronauts Jing Haipeng, Liu Wang and Liu Yang lifts off from the launch pad in the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, on June 16, 2012. China launched the spacecraft putting its first woman, 33-year-old female fighter pilot Liu Yang, in orbit. 

4. Tourists line the Great Wall of China during a weekend at Badaling, north of Beijing

5. Part of the vast skyline of Beijing, China, seen on June 12, 2012. Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China and one of the most populous cities in the world, with a population estimated at over 19 million people as of 2010.

7. The world's highest "suspended in the air" swimming pool built 24 storeys off the ground on the Holiday Inn at Pudong in Shanghai, China. The pool is cantilevered from the building and has a glass bottom. You can see the outline of a swimmer against an airplane flying above.

China is moving far ahead of the rest of the world. 

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