Please wake up, Ranjit!

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 08:38 AM PDT

Come on la, Ranjit! Your duty as the new SC chairman is not confined to 'warming up' the chair but more on actions, solid actions.

It has been brought to your attention that Talam deal with the Selangor State Government had emitted too much stinks. And now that we all know about it, don't you feel obliged to investigate and clamp those involved?

Please Datuk, wake up!

Don't worry. We will back you up. You may be new there but you got the right experience and a perfect team to dig up the matter, expose and clean it up.

As how Stopthelies puts it:

"The Securities Commission should have started investigating the improprieties of the RM1 billion deal involving Talam Corporation Bhd and the Selangor government by now.

Why is it still keeping silent and still snoring away when one of the biggest land scandal has exploded?

Talam Corporation – now renamed Trinity Corporation – has clearly misled and cheated its shareholders by providing false information, claiming its valuation of the deal was scrutinized and approved by the SC and Bursa.

The SC and Bursa have, in the past, hauled in companies and even the press for smaller violations.  Businessmen have been jailed for providing false information and yet the SC is sitting tight..."

Don't be afraid. Get cracking, will you?

Also read Rocky's Bru on similar issue...


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