An asshole in Pemuda Umno!

Posted: 04 Dec 2013 06:37 PM PST

This guy, Abdilillah Ishak, is another snobbish ass---- appointed by Pemuda Umno chief Khairy Jamaluddin to head its new media team.

Sad to say, this is the kind of person who will contribute to Umno trashing in the next general election by sowing hatred towards the party and its youth wing.

I believe pro-Umno new media player were disgusted at what he said yesterday, belittling the role of blogs, twitter, FB, news portal and other social media outlets in lending their hands to Umno and Barisan Nasional during the last general election.

What a snobbish and stuck-up person he is!

We don't need people like this in Umno. I am not sure if KJ owes him anything but from now on, I am sure Pemuda will start to lose support from pro-Umno new media practitioners!

And please don't humiliate people like me, Mazidul, RockyBru, Syed Akbar Ali and others who are not and had never been under Umno payroll. You can keep your money in your big smelly mouth. We are here to help the ruling party, using our own resources!

Who do you think you are to pass such a judgement on people like me and a few others who 'spend money and wasting time for nothing' in support of the government?

Go fly kite, please!

CSL, a true gentleman

Posted: 04 Dec 2013 02:03 AM PST

MCA president Chua Soi Lek is a true gentleman. Not because he managed to lead the party and gained wider support at a time when MCA is embroiled with 'uncompromising' leadership tussle, he is a man of words.

Yes, he walks the talk and in some aspects, he is much better than any other Umno and MIC leaders.
MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek announced today that he will not be defending his party president's post, keeping the promise he made last month.
"I hope after 28 years in MCA, I have earned my retirement," he told reporters at the party headquarters in Kuala Lumpur today.
The former cabinet minister also promised not to go back on his words.
"This is in tandem with my announcement on May 6, after MCA's election disaster.
"I do not want to go down in MCA's history as a leader with no integrity, so I will not go back on my words... this is a journey of no return."
He had in October said that he would step down soon, taking full blame for the party's dismal performance during the polls.
Chua had also challenged his deputy Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai to step down together with him, saying that the latter was "weak" and was not the right person to lead the party.
"I want to retire with integrity and credibility.
"Even if I win in this coming party election, I will lose my credibility and integrity if I stay back and it will be a hollow victory," he said.

Currently, the contest for the MCA presidency is between Liow, Gan Ping Sieu and former president Ong Tee Keat.

With less than three weeks to nomination day on Dec 16, the MCA hopefuls in the presidential race are preparing for their last sprint to the finish line scheduled next month on the 21st, a few days just before year end Christmas celebrations.

While Umno and MIC already concluded their respective party elections, MCA poll will for sure gain center stage as it will chart the much-needed collaboration for BN to keep Putrajaya in the 14th general election.


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