Haiyaaaa.... Lim Guan Eng!

Posted: 06 Nov 2013 11:33 AM PST

Melayu must stay in their kampung; they won't survive in urban areas.
Melayu are only good at farming, as fishermen and 'kerja kampung'.
Melayu have no knowledge whatsoever to venture into Chinese-like businesses.
Melayu will fail if they operate big conglomerates, including hotels.
Melayu should not compete with other race because they are lazy.
Melayu will forever depend on subsidies and stay sluggish.
Melayu got no class!

No, it didn't come from me. Maybe this is what DAP Lim Guan Eng thinks of the Malays, as perceived by former Cabinet minister Zainuddin Maidin aka Zam.

The Penang chief minister came under fire for questioning the capability of Felda - a Bumi agri-based company - to invest in irrelevant sectors, namely hotel and hospitality services. Lim's statement triggered wave of criticism from Felda and some Umno leaders.
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 6 — Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin has lashed out at Lim Guan Eng for doubting Felda's recent RM500 million London hotel foray, accusing the DAP secretary-general of looking down on the ability of the Malay community to venture out of their comfort zones.
According to the former information minister, Lim's criticism had shown that the Penang Chief Minister views the Malays as incapable of managing international hotel chains, believing that only the Chinese deserve to do so.
"In Guan Eng's opinion, Felda should only focus its business in agricultural fields only," Zainuddin wrote in his blog, Zam Kata.
"This opinion reveals how low and contemptible Guan Eng's perception is against the Malays and Malay organisations.
"They only deserve to stay as farmers, fishermen and village workers. They cannot join the global trade."
In Parliament last month, Lim had demanded answers from Putrajaya on how it planned to turn Felda's RM500 million London hotel foray into a lucrative investment, alleging that the land authority had overpaid for the property by RM100 million.

Citing a media report, the DAP secretary-general noted that real-estate agents Savills and Knight Frank had valued the 198-unit Grand Plaza service apartments in Bayswater, London, at £80 million (RM408 million), when Felda had paid the inflated price of £97.9 million.

Adding salt to the wound, the Bagan MP pointed out that Felda, with its core business in commodity plantation, had neither the prior expertise nor intricate knowledge in running hotels.
"No Malay individual can afford to enter the high-cost real estate market in London alone except through Malay-dominated organisations, bodies or financial institutions but there are a lot of non-Malays especially Chinese who can do so," said Zainuddin.
"If this is not wrong to be done by Chinese individuals then why are Malay farmers and fishermen, who took decades to build up their financial might with their own sweat, counted as guilty in buying London properties and entering the London market?" he asked.
He also accused Lim of trying to garner support among the Malays by using "cheap slander" to sow seeds of discord among Felda settlers and the ethnic community.
So furious, Zam?

However, perhaps Lim Guan Eng himself would want to clear the air. Both Zam and Lim have been trading barbs since the past decades over similar issues - Malays and Bumiputra.

But does the DAP secretary-general really looks down at the Malays? I hope not!


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