Not fit as Pemuda chief!

Posted: 21 Sep 2013 10:23 PM PDT

He is not even there yet but he already called others name. If he wins, he can get worse and become a stuck-up and snobbish politician.

Syed Rosli Syed Harman Jamalullail called Pemuda chief Khairy Jamaluddin a 'Bangladeshi' just because the latter was not born in Malaysia and only came back to the country at the age of 20. I bet KJ knows about Malaysia and the Malays better than Rosli himself, having learned it from his father and via a lot of readings.

And I think it is not proper and pro at all to call anybody by that name just because he is contesting for Pemuda No.1 post.

Syed Rosli should stay cool like Akhramsyah Sanusi who vowed to restore the wing to its rightful role as a pressure group within Umno, a role which he said has been usurped by right-wing Malay groups such as Perkasa.

The 37-year old Syed Rosli should step into the ring with dignity and moderate appearance but his style is making him lose respect. All he gets is attention, the blase ones!
An aspirant for the Umno Youth chief post has said incumbent Khairy Jamaluddin was like a "Bangladeshi national" working in Malaysia as he never studied in the country.
Syed Rosli Syed Harman Jamalullail (pic) said Khairy never grew up in the country and would never be able to understand and defend the rights of the Malays.
"He is akin to a Bangladeshi who is in Malaysia (to work). He was 20 when he returned. When he talks about Malay struggles, what does he know? He has never been educated here.
"To understand the struggles of our community, we have to at least experience it ourselves," the 37-year-old told reporters after submitting his nomination forms at the Putra World Trade Centre this morning.
Syed Rosli, who is from the Pandan Umno division, pitched his case to be elected to the post by declaring that he had a feel for the grassroots.
"I grew up in Malaysia, so I understand the problems faced by the grassroots. Khairy has his advantages of course, but he failed to understand the problems, so what's the point of being highly-educated?"
I personally would like to see good contest for all levels in Umno but those contesting must refrain from making personnal attack on others.

Syed Rosli will not become a good politician for his mouth. He will only draw hatred from many, believe me!

MACC too 'gila kuasa'!

Posted: 21 Sep 2013 10:00 AM PDT

Case 1.   A former general manager of Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang was sentenced to ONE DAY JAIL and fined RM20,000 on Thursday for making false claims three years ago. He was charged under Section 18 of the MACC Act 2009 for making false claim amounting to RM1,360 supposedly for corporate T-shirt at the LPP office in Trong.

Case 2.   Former Enforcement Director of Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ), Kapten (B) Abdul Kudus Ahmad was sentenced to six months jail and fine amounting to RM90,000 for six graft offenses totalling RM15,000 about 10 years ago.

Case 3.   In September 2012, four immigration officers were slapped with jail term of 12 years and penalised RM361,400 by Shah Alam Session Court for accepting bribes amounting to RM86,850 from a ferry operator and a middleman in 2010.

Case 4.   Two policemen were sentenced to a year jail and fined RM20,000 for accepting RM1,000 from a suspected drug addict.

In case No.1, the deputy public prosecutor said the offense was very, very serious but the man was only jailed for a day!

What difference does it make in comparing this particular case with the other three? Comparing Case 2 and 3, those under Case 3 (by logic) took less than that of Abdul Kudus but they had to spend three years each in jail!

What actually made Case 1 so special? Did the magistrate strike 4D and 'suka-suka' sentenced the former general manager to a day jail? What a mockery of the MACC stipulated 'constitution'!

Its really beyond comprehension, so to say. The jail term and fine are actually up to the discretion of the judge or magistrate, and even the DPP representing the MACC. Pity the policemen for having to serve a year in jail for taking bribe amounting to RM1,000 while those who took more were sentenced to a few months... and even a day!

Last week, the MACC summoned a former political secretary Suhaimi Ibrahim to give his statement over a corruption issue. Upon arriving at the MACC office in Putrajaya (voluntarily), he was handcuffed and question for a few hours.

Not just that, he was kept in the MACC special lock-up, which is located just beneath the headquarter, for 4 days. Had the investigation officers decided to extent his 'vacation', Suhaimi could have gone bananas!

Is Suhaimi already found guilty of corruption to deserve such a humiliation? But compared with many others, he was lucky because the MACC did not send a 'gila kuasa' team to ransack his house and 'drop his water face' before his neighbors!

When I asked a senior MACC officials about their SOP, he gave me a simple answer: "Ini memang cara kita!"

They are worse than the police. While PDRM is already applying more human approach to its investigation - not even detaining those who come voluntarily to give statement and assist investigation, unless serious crime - the MACC is a bit overboard.

Most of its enforcement officers are below 40. They are so proud and possessed with the power to pin down anybody who commits corruption, to the extent that they have forgotten its human that they deal with, and not animals!

I personally do not think Suhaimi should be cuffed as he went there voluntarily to defend himself. o Why didn't the MACC cuff some VVVIPs who were summoned to help investigation, and how sure is MACC that people with good and solid information on corruption would feel safe to show their face at any MACC office?

What happens to the PEACE concept its subscribed a few years ago - using more human approach and applying good discretion when dealing with suspects (a man is innocent unless proven guilty) and witnesses?

Many things must change here.

It is not right for MACC to have its own lock-up. If they think they have the rights to one, any Majlis Agama Islam will feel the same - to have similar lock-up to hold those suspected of close proximity, 'zina' and other religious offenses.

Then other enforcement units too would want their own lock-up, especially SPAD, JPJ and Perhilitan. What the heck!

When you get so 'gila kuasa', you tend to lose your human touch! Is all MACC staff are as such?

Oopsss... one more thing. I was told that the MACC treats money politics in the run-up to Umno election next month as 'very, very serious'. No contestant should use money to but votes and support from delegates.

However, money for votes during the 13th general election was not treated as corruption! What?

You want me to write more? Just wait...


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