Sedition Act 1948 to stay!

Posted: 06 Jul 2013 02:19 AM PDT

They had applied tremendous pressure on the government to repeal the Internal Security Act (ISA) 1948, and they finally got it. They even claimed 'victory' when the Emergency Ordinance 1969 was scrapped.

Many quarters were against such moves but the opposition, the Bar Council and the human rights groups lauded it and treated the decision as a permit for them to continue breaking up the nation with their unfair politics.

They ride on it well and as the result, the are fed with streets demo, illegal assembly and provocative politics almost everyday. They even challenged the law and mocked the Constitution and the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

And now they want the Sedition Act 1948 to be abolished. Why? They want to fully utilise the 'borderless world via IT' and the freedom to create inter-racial and inter-religious hatred among Malaysians, incite social disharmony and destabilise the nation with their propaganda of lies, sedition and abasement.

Are we going to submit to them, again? No! Not again! Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is stern about it, that the Sedition Act will stay for good. 
KUALA LUMPUR (July 6, 2013): Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi today hit out at those demanding for the Sedition Act 1948 to be abolished without thinking of the negative impact.
He drew attention to the demands made by certain quarters previously, which resulted in the government repealing the Emergency Ordinance 1969 and the Internal Security Act 1948.
"Now they want the Sedition Act to be abolished. I don't think there's a need to do this, because what is left then to protect the people and to ensure continued public order and peace?"
Ahmad Zahid said this when met by reporters after flagging-off the motorcycle convoy expedition organised in conjunction with the 75th anniversary celebration of Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad, here, today.
"Furthermore, if the Sedition Act is abolished, all the lies, slander and unfair condemnation made by the inciters will be regarded as 'halal' (permissible), whereas democracy does not ask us to do that," he said.
Ahmad Zahid said the repeal of certain laws before had seen rising crime rates in the country.
"Even if they were arrested and charged, they (criminals) would always look for technicalities to get away with their crime and the police could not do anything even if they had strong evidence."
Meanwhile, Ahmad Zahid said there would be more in-depth discussion on the law to replace the Emergency Ordinance.
"To demonstrate a policy of openness on this, the Home Ministry, police and Attorney-General's Chambers will hold a dialogue with non-governmental organisations, individuals and others to obtain feedback, input and comments on the matter," he said.
Zahid may have made some unpopular decisions when it comes to national security but majority of the rakyat are with him.

Having an absolute freedom in a multiracial country like Malaysia will not guarantee anything but chaos, subversive and a sectarian conflicts. Those who see total freedom and full democracy as the essences of human rights should look at the West which already observed moral and social decay, high crime rate and uncontrolled racism.

But they are one-society nations. Unlike racial and religious pluralism in Malaysia, the US, UK, Germany, France, Sweden and the rest are 'one nation, one race' nations albeit political segmentation.

Over the years, we have seen one too many incidents where the people breached the freedom of expression by posting anti-racial and anti-religious remarks on the social media, namely Facebook, blogs, portals, Twitters, etc.

It stirred an uproar when those affected by such words went overboard by demanding the government take stiff action against them. Some even went to the extent of producing 'counter post' statements by asking others to kill or bash up the inciters.

This is not the kind of environment we want in the country. The opposition, the ruling party and others must word together in the nation's upkeep. The law must be fully observed and respected, not because it confines an individual from getting a total freedom but to keep Malaysia safe and sound.

Unless the opposition and the pressure groups have plans to level that!


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