Pakatan will only trust PDRM if Anwar is PM!

Posted: 26 May 2013 11:26 AM PDT

IGP Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said:
"PDRM has never memihak (favoured) and pro anyone. The police is a body that only enforces laws that are issued and take action on those trying to create tension.
If we don't act, our country may face a public peace crisis and place Malaysia as a country that is unsafe to reside in. No matter who and which individual that breaks the rules, we will arrest," he told Malay-language daily Utusan Malaysia in an interview published yesterday.
Lim Kit Siang said:
Does Khalid really think his claim that the police will act without fear or favour against all law-breakers, whether they are Umno/BN VVIPs or bigshots to be believed by the general Malaysian public? If so, then the police leadership is suffering from a double malady – a grave public credibility gap as well as an equally serious denial syndrome..."
It looks like nothing that PM Najib, BN government, the police, the army and any BN-related agencies do is right in the eyes of Lim and Pakatan Rakyat. All is wrong just because its a Barisan Nasional government, and that the government can have them under its control.

Lim, Anwar Ibrahim, Ambiga and others believe in what they feel, that a government will have full control of everything, including the police and the army as the tools to protect its survival.

They don't trust Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) and its impartiality. They accused the police of being too pro-BN and 'over-acted' for 'taking in' three Pakatan leaders a few days ago, a sign which they attributed to BN's post-general election crackdown on dissidents.

Pakatan leaders are losing their mind, so to say. While blatantly accused the Election Commission of forming a cahoot with BN for the latter to stay in power, they themselves have forgotten to wash their hands of their own dirty tactics during the election period.

Why don't Lim answer to this allegation by Perkasa:
"Perkasa is very suspicious of the massive majorities scored by PR candidates in some of the federal seats they won," he said in a statement here.
Particularly in the federal seats of Batu Pahat, Bukit Katil, Shah Alam, Sepang, Pokok Sena and 70 other parliamentary seats won by PR."
Their allegation of 'blackout', Bangla votes and phantom voters among others, were proven as part of their dirty scripts to implicate the EC of wrongdoings. And in covering it, they refused the legitimate proper channel to contest the results, which is via petition.

No. They dont subscribe to petition. They pressed for all EC members to resign en mass, and called for Bersih 2.0 to 'take over' the role. Ambiga as our next EC chairman?

And now they attacked and rubbished the police role in national upkeep, that the police will never be fair to the opposition leaders and their followers; that PDRM will only protect the interest of Najib, BN and pro-BN supporters.

What actually does Lim Kit Siang want? That the government sacks the IGP and all policemen and replace them with new ones? Who is most suitable to replace Khalid? Rafizi? Or Azmin Ali? Or Ambiga?

Or Lim would prefer foreign forces to take over PDRM's duty? Australian police, perhaps? Or Mossad or KGB or CIA or Singapore Police! He should have said: "I will only trust the police had Pakatan won the GE and formed the Federal government!"

If Pakatan doesn't trust the police for its impartiality, then in whom do they trust? I wonder what's in Lim's mind right now if the police fails to patrol his neighborhood in the next few days and burglars ransack his house? Will he call the police or Ambiga?

And if they don't trust PDRM, its their problem. But I believe they will have the full trust in PDRM if they manage to take over Putrajaya! Malaysians know that!

PR leaders have been contesting the results of the election, insisting it had been stolen from them through widespread fraud and cheating allegedly by BN and its agents.

It has also embarked on a series of mammoth rallies nationwide to prove it has the backing of the majority of Malaysia and its leader Anwar Ibrahim, has also vowed never to surrender until PR claims its rightful place in Putrajaya.

At its 10th rally Saturday night, the pact announced plans to sign up 500,000 volunteers to protest at EC offices nationwide until its members resign in favour of replacements who report directly to Parliament.

What are the volunteers for? To replace our police force?


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