Political violence a la Bersih

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 09:48 AM PDT

Shut up la Ambiga! There is no need for you to condemn and criticise those culprits who threw 'bombs' at BN operation rooms in Nibong Tebal, Sekinchan and Ipoh.

You and Bersih taught them to be notorious by opening the door to political and street violence. Have you forgotten?
"We view the recent bombings very seriously along with the other incidents (of political violence) and we are glad that the police have acted and taken urgent action," said Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan.

The coalition noted that incidents of political violence have escalated from threats and minor injuries to the recent bombings, and reiterated its call for all politicians to condemn every instance of political violence regardless of who is targeted.
Bersih has become a bad influence over the last three years. Together with the opposition, they inculcate a culture of political clutter among Malaysians, especially the youth.

And now they try to demonstrate their grave concern over the incidents. A thief condemning another thief!
Three youths hurled two molotov cocktails at a BN operations room in Buntong, Ipoh at 5am, causing fire but minimal damage.
According to Perak Police Chief Datuk Mohd Shukri Dahlan, two police special patrol teams saw a red car, believed to be driven by the suspects, speed away after the attempt to burn the operations room early this morning near SK Buntong.
"The two police teams gave chase and the car driven by the suspects crashed five kilometers away from the incident. Three male suspects was seen exiting the vehicle and managed to escape," said Mohd Shukri.
Two lit molotov cocktails were found intact in the vicinity of operations room. No one was injured and the small fire was under control within minutes causing minimal damage.
Nope, I dont think Ambiga and friends are sincere. Isn't this what they want - a violence political revolution to unseat Barisan Nasional?
Two explosive devices was planted near Barisan Nasional's (BN) operations centre in Nibong Tebal, Penang on April 24.
The first device exploded at about 10.15pm behind the operations centre in the midst of a speech by Penang Gerakan chief Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan.
A 35-year-old Umno Youth member was injured in the incident when he was hit by shrapnel from the explosion.
Penang Police Chief ACP Datuk Abdul Rahim Hanafi said that the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) was made without splinters, by professionals, with intention to create a loud sound and unrest.
Election reforms are good but Bersih failed to detach itself from the opposition, an indication that the movement is bias and pro-Pakatan Rakyat. Ambiga could have gained a lot of respect had Bersih moved on a neutral platform.

One doesn't need to ally with any political party if the objective is political reform alone. But Bersih has its own political agenda by forming a cahoot with Pakatan.

How 'bersih' are you people in Bersih?


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