The 'no green' Wong Tack

Posted: 23 Apr 2013 06:42 PM PDT


It is sad that the green movement in this country is hijacked by the politicos in the Opposition for their own use.

This was proved again when Wong Tack, the self-appointed leader of the greenies decided to join the DAP to contest in the coming GE in Bentong.

Now, Wong Tack is a rebel with only one cause – his own. STL has received documents that show Wong's business interests in Sabah, the state Wong ran to when he ran into financial trouble in Pahang.

Wong is involved in a Sabah registered company called Marvellous Resources, which is into oil palm business.

Yes, only in Malaysia we will have an 'environmentalist' who also cuts down trees to grow oil palm.
To make things worse, the Environment Protection Agency once even warned Wong's company for its unplanned and over-cultivation of oil palm trees.

Yes, the same man who cunningly wears a green shirt and leads hundreds of anti-government protesters whenever the opposition needs them has no qualms cutting down a few trees for an extra ringgit.

The Himpunan Hijau movement is an opposition tool, anyone with a reasonable mind would be able to see that.

Maybe that is why Wong Tack's ceramah in Bentong last night (April 23) was cancelled due to a zero turnout.

Wong who had appeared in front of the Old Town Coffee shop where a stage had been set up had expected a few hundred people at least. He was shocked to see just 10 attendees and left quickly.
STL has been reliably informed that even the 10 in attendance were DAP staff!

Anyway, all is not lost for Wong Tack. If he fails to make the grade in Malaysian politics, he can always utilise his Canadian PR and move on to Toronto.

PAS at odds with PKR

Posted: 23 Apr 2013 03:25 AM PDT

No ending! PKR, PAS and DAP are now at loggerheads over who should contest more seats in the 13th general election.

Latest, PAS said it will contest against PKR in some Parliament and state seats, a sign that the row between them will drag on without a way out. Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim who himself is from PKR has done nothing thus far to address the problem.

The only solution not is for PAS to leave the political pact Pakatan Rakyat before polling on May 5 and stand on its own.
The decision made by PAS to contests against PKR in seven states and parliamentary seats in the 13th general election has shown that they are not reliable to rule the country."They cannot even agree on the small things like this what more if something bigger," said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin after launching of Kulim-Bandar Baharu district education office here yesterday. Muhyiddin also said that even the candidates chosen by PKR did not received approval from Pas. He was commenting on the statement made by Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang on the reason why the party decided to put their own candidates to go against PKR. He also claimed that some of them fielded had moral issues.
Why not?

Majority of PAS members have been applying pressure on their leaders to leave Pakatan over some 'Islamic' issues, including 'hudud law' and 'Allah' that faced strong opposition from both DAP and PKR.

So, no point staying with them anymore, right Tok Guru and Hadi Awang?

Of course, Anwar and Kit Siang would be happy to ged rid of the problems!

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