rocky's bru

rocky's bru

Why UH is right to deny Pornthip a chance at redemption

Posted: 07 Feb 2013 08:24 AM PST

Dear Readers, 
I wrote Bring on Pornthip, let's get it over with (2/4/13) because I don't think a second autopsy on Sugumar can help the Thai expect redeem her reputation. To me, her 80% murder theory in the Teoh Beng Hock case was one of the most ultimate "fails" ever witnessed by Malaysians (apart from the Y2K and Anwar Ibrahim's Sept 16, 2008 declaration). So if Surendran, Latifah Koya and whole PKR want Pornthip back, give her to them. It's their own grave, was the way I saw it. 
I underestimated the overwhelming opposition towards the very thought. It seems that Malaysians have had enough of Pornthip and the PKR antics. My regular commenter Warrior 231 convinced me why she doesn't deserve a second chance (attached, his comments at the end of this posting). And then I received this letter in the mail today supporting University Hospital's decision to refuse a second autopsy on C. Sugumar involving Pornthip. 
In short, she's not welcome anymore.

The Letter to Editor:

Dear Sir,

Malaysian Medical Committee – Only second best?

It is no secret that many Malaysians are in a state of shock over the death of Mr. Sugumaran, a security guard. The details of his death have left many feeling angry, and in this writer's opinion, rightfully so. Speculators have said that Mr. Sugumaran, a family man, was murdered, not by some common criminal thugs, but police officers, whilst within their custody, as eyewitnesses present. An autopsy was performed, however suggesting that Mr. Sugumaran was not murdered as critics claim. At the ire of many, requests were made for a second autopsy, to be performed by Thai Pathologist, Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand, famed for her involvement in the Teoh Beng Hock case previously.

However, a question comes to mind - Why isn't a Malaysian pathologist allowed to perform a second autopsy? Why must a foreign pathologist look at this case? It is without doubt that any grieving family would only request for the best when it comes to a situation as controversial as this. Justice has to be served. More concerning however, what does this implicate in regards to the local Malaysian pathologist and medical committee? Incompetence? Distrust?

For every murder committed, do we simply call foul of the system because it does not provide the desired outcome? The calls made by PKR and opposition members exaggerate a system filled with corruption, a buzzword overly used to build distrust amongst the less informed due to its morally superior standing compared to compromise.

What of the good doctors and good people in the medical body of Malaysia? Why not in still some pride in our own people by providing them the equal opportunity of bringing justice to a fellow Malaysian? Are we so distrusting?

Mr. Sugumar does not deserve such a politicized death. He deserves more than that. Using the passing of a man as leverage to win over sympathy votes destroys the concept. The only wish is that peace goes with the man, that even in death his life is still being abused for a cause other than healing his own family's wounds.

Thank you.


Warrior 231 wrote on Feb 4 in response to my posting, h e r e
You are wrong on this one, Bru. I am surprised you want sluttish dross like this piece of 'cancered' post menopausal shit conducting weighty tasks such as this. Better for the gov' to expend some dough to get a true unblinkered professional to conduct the post-mortem to the satisfaction of all parties including the usual suspects of loser, whiners and whingers. 
I bet you remembered how flossy conjectured Tongkanese messenger boy was murdered WITHOUT even touching his freaking frigid corpse...I bet she must have used a divining rod there...hahahahahaha
Whore's reputation has alwyas been questionable. And none more discredited than here: 
Hankering for some free laughs, folks. Scroll down to government response to read scumbag's esteemed comments in the above link and see how stupid some idiots can get.
I always wonder how some slimepoop called a human can live with its conscience....... 
Warrior 231

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