Nik Aziz - another Khomeini?

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 08:22 PM PST

I've never written anything about Nik Aziz Nik Mat, the Kelantan Mentri Besar and 'tok guru' among PAS followers. The reason being, I had respected him as an ulama.

I used to fancy his methods of wooing supporters during his early days as a politician and Mentri Besar. He even won respect from many Malays outside PAS.

However, that good feeling and impression about him fizzled out after the began to issue one fatwa after another, some of which made him 'sit next to God'! He makes PAS a 'party of God', thus turning its followers into a bunch of fanatically dangerous lot.

They see heaven in Nik Aziz, especially after his stinging statement that those who join PAS would go straight to heaven when they die, which I liken it to how the late Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini brainwashed his soldiers who fought against Iraq during the 1980-1986 Guld War.

I was there on a few occasions to observe and report the war. Excerpt from my book 'A Journalist at War' soon to be published:

"Inside a POW camp in Basrah, I was given about an hour to talk to a few Iranian soldiers. I met 16 of them, still clad in their full Iranian uniform, their spirit running high, not deterred by the thought that they might die and rot there... "No. We are not scared. Our great leader Imam Khomeini will guarantee us the Jannah (heaven) if we kill more Sunni Muslims... the world must embrace our Shiite way of life..."

Six months after Khomeini died on June 3, 1989, I had the chance to visit his tomb in Behesti Zahrah near Qom. It was actually a mercy flight to send medical supply for the earthquake victims in Iran, aboard a TUDM C-130. With me were a few journalist and Deputy Home Minister Abdullah Fadil Che Wan who led the mission.

Khomeini was still very much 'alive' then. All Shiite visiting his tomb - housed in a big mosque-typed golden building, will pray facing his grave, irrespective of where they stand. His tomb was their 'qiblat'.

I remember Nik Aziz's words that those with PAS are better than the Muslims in Umno. When he issued a fatwa that a non-PAS imam cannot lead a prayer, the Malaysian Muslim, majority of them are Sunni, broke apart, leading to some mosques conducting prayers, including Friday prayer twice - led by a PAS and non-PAS imams.

I am not so pious a person but my basic and little knowledge on Islam is based on moderate teachings - that all Muslim are brothers, hence they must remain united and help each other.

But Nik Aziz, the most popular so-called ulama of an Islamic party and the oldest in the country, has actually shamed Islam by making irrelevant statements and stand on many issues, including hudud, aurat, women and politics.

His latest burst by labeling those who took the BR1M as chickens or fowls, really made Malaysians disheartened. Truly he reflected himself as a 'sour politician' rather than a learned Muslim given his shallow, bias and politically motivated mind in looking at the government's aid to rakyat to ease their burden.

Nik Aziz, head of the ulama who was even respected by some Umno grass roots and leaders, has now lost all credibility and respect when he shot his mouth without any basis of Islamic considerations.

Islam teaches its followers to appreciate all good things and all good acts by anyone to anyone regardless of race and religion without malaise and biasness, without questioning the 'nawaitu' or intentions of the doers.

The 'nawaitu' or intentions of the doers should be just leave it to ALLAH the Almighty to judge because HE is the One who will reward or punish – if one does good with good intention or 'nawaitu' then ALLAH will reward the doer with good things and if one does good with bad or evil intention, then ALLAH will punish the doer HIS way – ALLAH's ways are strange.

For Nik Aziz to ridicule and worse still to liken the takes of good deed like BR1M as fowls being fed when needed, obviously he is not sincere and not truly religiously following Islam's ways and thought.

As Muslims, on the surface value, we should appreciate Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's move to extend aid to lessen the rakyat's burden in facing their daily needs and this act can be considered as Najib indirectly promoting the 'welfare state' that PAS is talking about.

What Najib is doing is just not cash aid of RM500 but also other aid such as aid for school going children, college and varsities students and many more, with the objective to lessen burdens. He obviously does not know how many of those would vote for the ruling BN coalition but he intention is clear…helping out the rakyat as a responsible government.

So Nik Aziz should not, by any account misjudge or pass out remarks that does not reflect the attitude of 'bersyukur' or grateful to ALLAH for opening up Najib's heart and mind to share the country's wealth directly with the rakyat that lessens their financial burden.

Aaaa-hhh, Tok Guru... he is getting too old!

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