OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Netanyahu's Bomb

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 01:59 AM PDT

Israeli PM Binyamin Nitanyahu went to the United Nations on Friday and made a speech about Iran's nuclear program. He warned the UN that Iran was close to making a nuclear bomb. For effect Nitanyahu showed a graphic of an Iranian bomb.

Nitanyahu's cartoon has actually bombed on the Internet. Plenty of people are making fun of his cartoon. Here are some remakes of Nitanyahu's graphic. Try to spot the graphic which Nitanyahu actually showed to the UN.

When China Rules The World

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 08:51 PM PDT

When will China overtake the US as the largest economic power in the world? I recently attended a most interesting talk by Dr Martin Jacques, a British academic and ardent Sinologist.  Martin is the author of the best selling book "When China Rules The World." I was fortunate to buy the book at a good discount and also got Martin's signature. You can see the book in the picture.

I have also read another book on China 'The Dragon's Gift' by Deborah Brautigam which describes China's engagement with Africa.  The writing is actually on the Great Wall of China - the Chinese "civilisation state" is going places at a super fast pace.

So when will the Chinese economy overtake the US economy? People once said by 2050. Later the forecast was readjusted to 2027. Then 2020. Now Martin Jacques says China will overtake the US economy by 2018. That is just six years away. 

China has already overtaken the US in the consumption of steel, coal, oil, handphones, production of cars, the world's largest exporter and so on.  In 1992 many countries conducted less than 5% of their trade with China. By 2012 China has become the largest trading partner of nearly all these countries. (China is now the largest trade partner of almost all African countries).

In 2010, just two Chinese banks the China Development Bank and the Chinese EXIM Bank made loans in excess of US$110.0 billion to developing countries - more than the US$100.0 billion lent by the World Bank and its cohorts. China's exports and imports total US$3.27 TRILLION. And get this - half this amount is settled in Chinese currency, the Renminbi.

About 25% of Australia's exports go to China. Because of this Australia was the only Western country not affected by the curent economic recession in the West.  Martin Jacques says that Australia and also Japan will turn more towards China because China is their largest trading partner.  

Hence he feels that American hegemonic policies like the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) which is a more corrupted version of the APEC and which is designed to shut out China will just not work. Martin Jacques says the so called "Washington Consensus" is effectively dead. The Washington Consensus is another term for American gangsterism. 

Here is an example.  Under the Washington Consensus the Americans wanted "Colombia to deregulate its financial services industry, scrap its ability to design innovative policies for development, and open its borders to subsidised farm products from the United States. According to a study by the UN, the agreement will actually make Colombia worse-off by up to $75m, or 0.1% of its GDP"

Do you get the feeling that the Americans are becoming more moronic? 

But here is something that Martin Jacques said which really grabbed my attention.  Despite China being so robust, efficient and soon to become the world's largest economy they are only half way through. Half of China's 1.5 billion people are still poor. They need basic things like good homes, tv sets, cars, motorbikes, schools, hospitals, travel opportunities and a billion other things. 

Listen carefully folks, especially our policy makers. In other words if China just provides basic services to all their 1.5 billion people (at todays GDP and todays prices) their economy will be twice the size of the US economy already.  And factor in the fact that their economy is also growing at a rapid clip (the Chinese economy has grown more than 30% in the past 5 years) it means that China will be about four times the US economy by around 2030-2040.

The Chinese GDP is said to be in excess of US$7.30 Trillion (nominal) and  US$11.29 Trillion (at PPP).  The US economy is around US$15 Trillion in size (nominal GDP).  Imagine a US$60 Trillion Chinese economy in about 30 years.  

If we play our cards right by the Chinese economy, our kids and grandkids are going to be extremely rich as well.  And they will live in relative peace and harmony with their neighbours. Forget about the Americans.  They are gangsters and they love to shed human blood.

No Money No Religion : Corruption Whistleblower Not Protected

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 06:05 PM PDT

  • VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican opened the public trial Saturday of the pope's butler for allegedly stealing and leaking papal correspondence to a journalist, the most embarrassing scandal of Pope Benedict XVI's papacy.
  • Paolo Gabriele, faces up to four years in prison if he is convicted of aggravated theft in the worst security breach in the Vatican's recent history. 
  • He has already confessed, saying he acted to shed light on what he called "evil and corruption" in the church
  • Gabriele, is accused of taking the pope's correspondences, photocopying the documents and handing them off to Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi
  • The most damaging letter reproduced in the book was written by the former No. 2 Vatican administrator to the pope, in which he begged not to be transferred as punishment for exposing alleged corruption in the awarding of Vatican contracts. The prelate, Monsignor Carlo Maria Vigano, is now the Vatican's U.S. ambassador.
  • Nuzzi has said his source .. wanted to shed light on the secrets of the church that were damaging it. 
  • access to Gabriele's trial is limited.. No television, still cameras or recording devices are allowed, and the court transcripts won't be available to the public.
  • Gabriele (said) during his interrogation ..he felt the Holy Spirit was inspiring him to shed light on the problems he saw around him. 
  • "Seeing evil and corruption everywhere in the church ... I was sure that a shock, even a media one, would have been healthy to bring the church back on the right track," Gabriele was quoted by prosecutors 

My comments : Remember this folks - No money no religion.


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