OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Selamat Hari Raya

Posted: 17 Aug 2012 02:18 AM PDT

Well its the Hari Raya holidays again. I will resume Blogging a few days after Hari Raya.  (unless Vesuvius destroys Pompeii again or something similar). I will try to read readers' comments though.

My wife and I look forward to this time of the year with much anticipation. Its the only time we get a holiday together. As usual we will be travelling as a family for a few days.  As our children grow into adults (and we grow older) we know there will be less opportunity to travel together.  Time is so precious.

Allow me to wish everyone, friend and non friend alike, Selamat Hari Raya. Wishing all of you very happy moments in  your gatherings with family and friends. Drive safely back to your hometowns and kampongs. Dont speed and pace yourselves well on the road.

Most important of all this is the time to be with the people we care about and the people who care about us. This is very important. Dont waste your precious time with the folks who are less than polite or who may not give you the time of day.

Here is an old song. This is for the kids.

Dictators Action Party : 18 Yr Veteran Kicked Out Over Talam Scandal, Gag Order

Posted: 16 Aug 2012 09:41 PM PDT

Here is the news from The Star :

Before we go any further, here are stories of TWO other DAP members who were SACKED from the DAP recently :
Here is the news about the latest guy who was kicked out :
  • Sepang DAP committee member Tan Tuan Tat quit the party 
  • saying it has deviated from its original spirit and essence.
  • Tuan Tat, in party for 18 yrs, (those) vocal against party forced to resign or sacked. 
  • "There is no future, faithful grassroots members ..shoved aside," 
  • chairman of Sungai Pelek branch, ..DAP now led by arrogant, incompetent and unprofessional leaders.
  • disciplinary chairman Tan Kok Wai said Tuan Tat forg(ed) 149 membership forms ..
  • ".. their MyKad used to up as DAP members without their knowledge," 
  • "..held a press conference to speak on Talam Corporation Bhd." 
  • On Talam, Tuan Tat said Khalid Ibrahim and Anwar Ibrahim should come clean 
  • .many unanswered questions how Selangor had negotiated with Talam 
  • explanation provided by the DAP leaders were contradictory.
There are people who dont like the BN and especially UMNO. This is because many of them are just plain racist. So they support the DAP - at all cost. Please open your eyes. If the Pakatan rules, democracy will die in this country. 

This Tan fellow is another DAP guy who has left the party. He was actually kicked out. This is their democracy. You criticise the DAP and you get kicked out.   Two Indian guys in DAP Johor were sacked on July 15. Then they set fire to the DAP Rocket. Here is a picture :

Sacked DAP duo set fire to rocket out of anger

  • JOHOR BARU: Two Johor DAP leaders who have been sacked 
  • Thulasi Das and Murugan, seven other DAP members, protest in  Skudai 
  • Murugan claimed Johor leader Dr Boo Cheng Hau a racist 
  • turned a blind eye to the Indian community. 
  • "We are really unhappy to receive an expulsion letter. 
  • sacked for reportedly criticising party leadership
  • DAP disciplinary committee chairman Tan Kok Wai stated 'unanimous' 

Folks, this is the DAP for you. You criticise the party, you get sacked.  So many others have also been sacked. 

The DAP should now be renamed. It is no more the Democratic Action Party. DAP stands for "Dictators Action Party". 

In UMNO and BN it is different. I call the Cabinet the "Billionaire's Club" and I get invited for dinner with the DPM.  I hentam the Cabinet Ministers as morons and they go ' he he he, nampak marah saja'.

So I also went 'he he he, ye le marah sikit aje, he he he'. Everything is cool. No one has been kicked out of UMNO for criticisng the party leadership - except during the time of the corrupt Slumberjack when the Blogger Zahrain was kicked out for saying that Slumberjack wore adult papmpers. 

In UMNO it will be quite suicidal to kick out any UMNO member unless he has broken the law like liwatting people and then claiming 'saya pemimpin Islam'. Even that caused severe backlash in the party.  After that Nazri moron moved the motion to suspend that MIC MP for six months, the BN lost their two thirds. Expelling people, banning people just because they said something is simply not acceptable behaviour. 

Except in the Dictators Action Party. And all you racists out there will support this type of gangsterism. Racists and dictators seem to go hand in hand.  

To conclude folks, the Pakatan Rakyat has imposed yet another gag order. Here it is :
  • Pakatan-led Selangor government has impos(ed) gag orders 
  • (Syabas) gag order not first time to protect personal interests.
  • Syabas no longer allowed to issue statements without consent Selangor government.
  • Khalid Ibrahim claimed only state government had  power to issue statements 
To all of you Pakatan supporters, this is a warning ok. You cannot speak about Syabas. You are banned to speak about Syabas. You just cannot speak. If any of you criticise the Pakatan leadership, especially the DAP, you will be kicked out.

An Islamic Achievement

Posted: 16 Aug 2012 02:41 PM PDT

  • SEATTLE - These aren't your typical loos. One uses microwave energy to transform human waste into electricity. Another captures urine and uses it for flushing. And still another turns excrement into charcoal.
  • part of a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation competition to reinvent the toilet for the 2.5 billion people who don't have access to modern sanitation.
  • Scientists have taken up the challenge
  • world's next toilet, it must operate without running water, electricity or a septic system, not discharge pollutants, preferably capture energy or other resources, and operate at a cost of 5 cents a day.
  • field test its first prototypes within the next three years.
  • recycle waste into animal feed, water for irrigation, or even just energy and water to run their own systems.
  • winning project from Caltech, use chemistry and engineering to completely transform the waste.
  • one from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine that sends black soldier fly larvae inside latrines and even home toilets to process waste, resulting in high quality, environmentally friendly animal feed at a cost of a penny a day.
  • government ministers from African nations, utility workers and potential financial partners like UNICEF and Oxfam.

  • handed a $100,000 prize to the California Institute of Technology for its work on a self-contained, sun-powered system that recycles water and breaks down human waste into storable energy.
  • Gates is focusing on a new type of toilet as his foundation's push to improve health in the developing world. 
  • Open defecation leads to sanitation problems that cause 1.5 million children under 5 to die each year, Gates said
  • sparking new inventions in toilet technology, which has not fundamentally changed since flush toilet in 1775.
  • announced $3.4 million in new funding for toilet projects, bringing total investment in its "Reinvent the Toilet Challenge" to about $6.5 million.
  • About 2.6 billion people, or 40 percent of world's population -- mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia -- lack access to safe sanitation and are forced to defecate in the open, according to Gates.

I hope Allah will shower His choicest blessings upon this man Bill Gates 'Allahuma Solli Alaikum'.  This is a fantastic effort - a truly Islamic effort -  to improve the lives of billions of people who dont have access to a clean toilet system.

In India alone there are 600 million people who do not have access to any type of internal plumbing or toilet. Yet India is a nuclear power and their prime minister says in 2013 they want to send a probe to the planet Mars.  

"India Wants To Send A Probe To Mars By 2013 :  India is hoping to send its first spacecraft to Mars by next year in new $82 million plan, according to Bloomberg. ..announced a plan today during a speech by  Prime Minister  Manmohan Singh commemorating the 65th anniversary of India's independence from British rule." 

That is how stupid the Indians can get. Their priorities are upside down. They dont have toilets in their houses for 600 million people yet they want to spend billions of Rupees to go to Mars.  Maybe they will discover a flushing toilet on Mars.

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