OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

New KSN (m), New PSD Chief (f)

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 09:41 PM PDT

Lately I have been meeting and shaking hands with many people. This is bad because once you become friends, it is more difficult to hentam them in my Blog. The only exceptions being the Khazanah Nasional dunggus and some really dunggu Cabinet Ministers.  Those morons deserve no respect.  By the way the Billionaires Club aka the Malaysian Cabinet should be put on notice that people are working to sabotage your candidacy if some of  you reappear as calon or candidates. Just yesterday someone was telling me about the SIL's 'black crows'  appearing out of nowhere as 'volunteer campaign helpers'. Do watch your back. 

Well there is a new KSN or Ketua Setia Usaha in town. The Chief Secretary to the Government. His name is Datuk Seri Dr Ali Hamsa, a mamak guy who hails from Johore.  I have met him just once before when he was at lunch with a mutual friend. Here is a picture:

Talk is Ali Hamsa was appointed by the Prime Minister over and above the heads of other aspiring candidates, some of whom had more seniority than Dr Ali Hamsa. He has served with note at UKAS - the part of the PM's Department which dishes out Government projects and privatisations. People say he works without favour or favours.  Let us all pray that Dr Ali Hamsa will continue in this manner. Obviously the PM is impressed with his track record. 

At first the rumour was that Ali Hamsa was a crony of that dunggu mamak Minister who has been screwing things up without end. However further checking reveals that may not be the case.  

Well I hope that Ali Hamsa is not anyone's crony and that he will save the "water face" of the mamaks as well - which has been badly battered lah bro since Slumberjack took over the Gomen and after that Lembu Condo case as well.  Stupid mamaks have also been closely identified in the entourage of  the Tokoh Liwat Negara aka Bapa Rasuah Malaysia.  Its time to rehabilitate a better image of the mamaks in the service of the public - jangan biar OutSyed The Box seorang saja !! 

The Government will also be announcing a new head of the Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam or JPA (Public Services Department or PSD) today.  Talk is all three top contenders are women. Isnt this sexual discrimination? What happened to the guys? I am not insisting that a guy must be made the Chief of the PSD tapi takkan there are no guys even among the three contenders?

Here is the news from The Star :
  • PSD likely to appoint first woman chief
  • The (PSD) is likely to get its first woman chief following the abrupt departure of Tan Sri Abu Bakar Abdullah.
  • ..Datuk Madinah Mohamad and Datuk Faridah Mohd Ali have been frequently mentioned among senior government officials to lead the 1.4 million-strong workforce.
  • Datuk Madinah Mohamad  is the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry secretary-general 
  • Faridah, meanwhile, is the PSD deputy director-general and has served, among others, in the Economic Planning Unit.
  • Another senior woman officer, Datuk Dr Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur, who is Women, Family and Community Development Ministry secretary-general, has also been mentioned as a candidate for the post.
First of all my heartiest congratulations to these three women who are in the running. They seem amply qualified and experienced. I believe by the time this Blog post is uploaded, the name of the new PSD Chief will be made known.  But where are the guys? I say Datos and Tan Sris - lu orang semua sudah jadi kaki lepak dan Mat Rempit ke? Tak tahu buat kerja? The girls are beating your pants off, guys. Malu lah.

Anyway I was prompted to write this after I received a hot sms from our cybertrooper support just this morning. Here is the sms :

"Mintak tolong kwn2 belasah dan tuntut perletakkan jawatan NST Group Editor in Chief, Dato Jalil Hamid kerana menyiarkan laporan "Saya sedih khidmat ditamat lebih awal" mengenai bekas Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam, Tan Sri Abu Bakar Abdullah di Berita Minggu.

Sebenarnya Abu Bakar diberi tugasan khusus untuk sekim gaji baru SBPA tapi menggunakan peluang utk mengkayakan dirinya dan rakan2 top2 Govt Servant. Bila ianya disedari gagal, dia tak mahu mengambil tanggungjawab. Kerana itu, dia dihentikan dan tidak naik jadi KSN. Abu Bakar tiada hak merungut tak jadi KSN kerana perlantikan KSN adalah prerogative dan kuasa Perdana Menteri. 

Isunya sekarang kenapa Jalil Hamid memberi ruang untuk Abu Bakar menimbulkan keresahan di kalangan pegawai kerajaan membenci pemerintah ??? Isu ini dah di pick up di Malaysian Insiders dan pasti diguna pihak pembangkang utk dapat sokongan kakitangan awam. 

Jalil patut dipecat kerana membantu Abu Bakar memalukan Najib yg terpaksa buat u turn dalam isu SBPA  dan kononnya Abu Bakar diberi layanan buruk. Sudahlah NST tak membantu kempen kita di kalangan pembaca akhbar Inggeris, kini tembak kaki kita." 

So New Straits Times and Group Editor in Chief Jalil Hamid please take note.  If you want to read a really pedas chili padi version of this, please read The Unspinners here.

The former PSD Chief Tan Sri Abu Bakar Abdullah was terminated from his post on 30th June 2012 - about three years before his 60th birthday. Abu Bakar has been quoted as saying that the Gomen had agreed to extend his service until his 60th birthday. Here is The Star again :

  • The PSD, in a brief statement on Friday, announced that Abu Bakar's service ended yesterday.
  • The rather sudden termination of service, meanwhile, has left the 57-year-old Abu Bakar dumbfounded as to the reason for being asked to leave and the manner he was treated.
  • "My option to serve until 60 was accepted and agreed upon by the Government effective Jan 1 this year.
  • "They must have a strong reason to terminate (my service)," he said 
  • He was said to be the target among the civil servants who were unhappy with the Public Service New Remuneration Scheme and blamed him for the poor planning.  The scheme was introduced on Jan 1 this year but was scrapped two months later.
Well if you all recall, the PSD had almost on its own accord engineered the passing and implemention of a new remuneration scheme which was insanely biased towards high ranking Civil Servants. While high ranking Civil Servants were to get thousands of Ringgits in salary increments,  the lowest ranks.were given ridiculously stupid salary increases as low as  RM10.00. This not only caused a great hue and cry but also terribly embarrassed the Gomen and the PM. To the extent that the PM had to flip flop the issue, cancel the silly salary increment   and re-announce another salary scheme which was better received by the Civil Servants, especially the huge majority of lower ranks in the Civil Service.

(Sesiapa DG ke atau TKSU atau KSU nak pi undi pembangkang pasal tak dapat gaji lebih, please go ahead. This is a free country. And how many DGs and KSUs are there? Two dozen?)   

But here is the catch : the senior Civil Servants had already been paid their highly bloated new salaries. So after the PM rescinded the scheme the Gomen told the senior Civil Servants to repay their "rescinded"  increased salaries.  Folks, bukan semua dah bayar balik pun. Some of them have already spent the money - kahwin dua, tiga, beli kereta baru, pi overseas and stuff like that.    Well, now a woman shall be the Chief of the PSD - padan muka.

And the man who was Chief of the PSD at that time was none other than Abu Bakar Abdullah.

This story is not over. I think Jalil Hamid the Group Editor in Chief of the NST (whom I have met just once - hi bro) will also face some more flak. People are watching you bro.  As much as you have the right to pick your stories, others also have the right to disagree with you.

Lee Kuan Yew

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 08:40 AM PDT

This is a video of  Lee Kuan Yew paying his final respects to his old time friend and colleague Dr Toh Chin Chye who died on Feb 3, 2012.

It is obvious that Lee who will be 89 this year has lived a long and fruitful life. He has forged a Singaporean nation which I hope will survive him.  

However, going by the way they are, my view is that in the longer run, the Singaporeans are also doomed.  They are a kiasu republic which has drummed up a great fear of enemies and dangerous beasts, real and imagined, to frighten their people to toe the line.  They cannot see that they are their own worst enemies. Kiasu is not good for any society.  


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