OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Nasharudin Mat Isa On LGBTs.

Posted: 28 May 2012 12:59 AM PDT

Ostat, soalan saya simple saja. Ostat dah sampaikan mesej ini kepada Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim ke atau belum?

Poll : Which Non Muslim Would You Vote For Prime Minister Of Malaysia

Posted: 27 May 2012 08:53 PM PDT

Hi folks,

I am running a poll to the right of the page : 

Which Non Muslim Would You Vote For Prime Minister Of Malaysia?

Please feel free to take the Poll. Thank you. 

Part 3 : Pengerang Integrated Petrochemical Project - Lobsters

Posted: 27 May 2012 04:23 PM PDT

Hi folks, as I said over a week ago this is Part 3 of Pengerang.  KIta buat berita bergambar sajalah. A picture is worth a thousand words. 

Yesterday while over 500,000 people gathered peacefully in Putrajaya, the Liwat fellow was in Pengerang stirring up trouble again.  I received these two pictures here yesterday just as the events in these pictures were happening. 

This is Pengerang Johor where Petronas and Dialog are developing an RM62.0 billion integrated petrochemical complex which will basically change the face of Johor as well as the energy geo-politics of this region permanently. It is a damn good project. We should all support it.  Do not expect any of the Pakatan dunggus to understand it. Many of them hardly read anything. (Reading the label on a whiskey bottle does not count ok). 

Anyway my source says only about 300 people turned up to listen to Liwat in Pengerang yesterday. You can see the pictures yourself. Tak ada orang pun. 

Pengerang in Johor has an extremely interesting history. More of this later. 

Back to the project, the PIPC will displace about 3000 plus people from their homes. At least two pretty large masjids, more than one Chinese temple and 18 graveyards (11 Muslim, 7 Chinese) will also be shifted.  

Folks let me ask you something  : have you had to answer this question from your wife  before : Which way shall we take to get there? Sounds like an easy enough question.  For those of you who are not married (atau bini sudah lari) you wont know how complicated this question can get.

Now imagine solving the problems of transferring 17 graveyards of people who have been buried as long as 200 years ago - including members of the Brunei Royal family.  And compensating people for their houses, their land and their livelihood. All this is being done in Pengerang.  

As I have blogged earlier, we were in Pengerang to study the project and see what was happening on the ground.  A picture is worth a thousand words. In these two pictures, you can see a huge bungalow house on a hilltop.  (You can click on the pics or zoom them up on your screen). The distance from the massive gate to the house is easily half a kilometre - up the winding road.

This hilltop bungalow house in Pengerang is built of imported pine wood by a Singaporean millionaire. It overlooks across the Straits to Singapore.  We are not supposed to reveal exactly how much compensation will be paid to this Singaporean bungalow owner but it runs into millions of Ringgit. 

So folks, kalaulah non-citizen, non-voting Singaporeans are going to be compensated millions of Ringgit,  wont it be absolutely foolish of the Gomen NOT to properly compensate our own voting citizens in Pengerang ? ?

Thats me (tummy is post lunch ok) talking to some Pengerang residents at the Information Center that has been set up to engage with the residents. We noted that none of the many posters were in Chinese. This is a mistake - plenty of the affected residents are Chinese. There were also no Chinese speakers to explain the compensation package to the Chinese people.  Kekawan, this is Malaysia lah. The Gomen says Chinese schools akan kekal. So please get some Chinese speakers to talk to these people. 

Anyway the man who is speaking to me is also seeking compensation.  But I found out that he has just returned from Singapore - after working there for seven years. He left his factory job in Singapore (with seven years seniority)  and is back in Pengerang.  I think he is expecting some good compensation.   

The compensation package is good. Say your grandpa bought a piece of land in Pengerang in the last century and now there are three generations of your family living there - in multiple houses built on your grandpa's land. As long as your dwelling has a separate front door and kitchen  you get a brand new rumah batu - bungalow type.  There is cash compensation which will be used to pay for the new house (easily half the house cost) and the balance is payable via an easy loan (about RM125 ++ a month for 25 years !!).

The new house is built on 6000 sf of land for which the affected residents pay RM1/= only. If you had agricultural plots, you will also get compensated with two acres of land (about three kilometres away only). 

Folks - there are numerous "bird hotels" in Pengerang. You know those tall buildings with tiny holes for the swiftlets. Most of these swiftlet hotels are illegal (no license) or they are built illegally on TOL land. Listen to this - they also get compensation. 

Some fisherfolk complained that they will lose their jetties. "Where will they land their fish?" they asked.  No problem. The Gomen is building a brand new RM87.0 million  fish landing jetty for the fisherfolk. Complete with ice making machinery.  Everything has been thought out. Tapi still, some boat owners are unhappy. Why? Please read on.

I have to say something about moving the graveyards. The old graves have to be moved to new graveyards. Now the Muslim graves are pretty straight forward. Prayers must be read and new graves prepared. They estimate about RM2000 to move each Muslim grave. 

With the Chinese graves it is a bit more complicated. The sinsehs have got into the act. Some have suggested that to move each grave there must be a brand new funeral all over again - complete with music players, paper Mercedes Benz, official mourners,  hearse and such. Cost : up to RM100,000 per funeral !!  Wow !! Now can you appreciate how trivial is arguing with the Mrs about "Which way shall we take to get there?"   I am certain the Pegawai Daerah Kota Tinggi never imagined in his life that all this will come his way in quiet, forgotten Pengerang.

Here is a picture of that beautiful bridge across the Sungai Johor estuary (Desaru Hiway)  which connects south east Johor (the Ramunia and Pengerang area) to the rest of Johor.  Please see the map next.

Before the bridges across the Johor estuary were built this was among the most isolated places in Malaysia. To go to Johor Bharu, it was easier for people to take the ferry from Pengerang to Singapore, then take the bus to Woodlands and across the Causeway to JB. 

Folks say when the Indonesians landed here during the Indonesian Confrontation, it was two weeks before anyone else got to know about it.   That is how isolated this place was.

Which also made the Pengerang area a haven for smugglers. This business is still going on until today. In the old days, there was plenty of smuggling going on between Singapore and Pengerang. Just to refresh your memory, Singapore used to export a few times more tin than it officially imported from Malaysia.  Not all of that tin crossed the Causeway.

Tin is not smuggled out anymore.  N'theless there are other things being smuggled into the country as well.  So some lobsters will not find the new RM87.0  million  fish landing jetty of much use to them.  An entire way of life is changing for them. 

Dirgahayu Dr Mahathir Oleh A Samad Said

Posted: 27 May 2012 04:24 AM PDT

I received this in the email from a tokoh negara. It is about a famous pantun by A Samad Said titled  Dirgahayu Dr Mahathir.  

Some background from my tokoh negara friend :

"Petikan  beberapa bait dari puisi A. Samad Said  DIRGAHAYU DR MAHATHIR yang diciptanya antara 28 Ogos hingga 8 September 2003. Sajak ini panjang tetapi saya ambil sebahagian kecil sahaja.. 

Mungkin dia gila nak dapatkan hadiah nobel yang memerlukan orang yang memperjuangkan  demokrasi ala barat.  Semuga dengan sajak ini Saudara Samad akan mendapat hadiah nobel."


Kau seorang pemimpin paling sering mengejutkan
sehingga dalam panas kami mudah kesejukan
dan dalam sejuk tiba tiba kami kepanasan.

kau seperti damai menyaksikan kami terkejut,
kau ransang kami menjadi juara jangan takut.
Daki gunung, lawat Antartika, rayapi buana
rentasi samudera dan saingi berniaga-
segala yang puncak-selalunya itu kau pinta.

Kau pengingat bangsamu yang sering benar pelupa
penyedar suatu perjuangan yang belum selesai;
juga penghayat tanah airmu yang sungguh damai.

Memang ada yang senantiasa membencimu
dan sesekali,soal bahasa yang mampu,aku juga begitu.
Tapi daun bakti yang lain wajar jua dikira
pemimpin tak semua benar,tak semua salah.
Dan dalam sedikit gulana resah batin bangsa
aku tetap menerima pemimpin berharga.

Memang kau telah berjaya menumbang banyak bakti
menjadi amat payah untuk sekedar membenci 
apalagi yang diragukan lebih teka teki

end quote.

Puisi nukilan A Samad Said sebelum beliau tercemar.  Here is a picture of A Samad Said, this picture was possibly taken before taking his medication.


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