Pakatan Rakyat - a constructive or destructive Opposition?

Posted: 27 May 2012 09:35 PM PDT

Yes, most Malaysians want a clean and fair election. But at the same time, most Malaysians want a peaceful country free of political violence and ugly street demonstrations that obstruct their routines.

Similarly, they are also looking forward to a constructive opposition to represent them at the Parliament, not a destructive one who objects everything the government does and introduces as if they opposition is all perfect and the government is not.

A good and constructive opposition is a what the people and a country needs. In many countries, their opposition works hand in hand with the government in correcting the imbalances in whatever policy introduced, sitting on a special joint-panel to discuss and regulate or amend new laws and making major decisions.

However, the last time Malaysia had an 'okay' opposition was during the 80s and early 90s. Some of them are still around. Lee Lam Thye, Tan Seng Giaw, Hadi Awang, Tengku Razaleigh (under Semangat 46), Pairin Kitingan and Sim Kwang Yang, no name a few.

Lim Kit Siang and Karpal themselves used to be very fair but they lost sight when DAP, PAS and PKR formed Pakatan Rakyat, and of course with strong backings from the Bar Council, Bersih, Hindraf and other radical groups.

There were times when BN and opposition MPs voted in unison to certain issues, including the move to limit the power of the palace under Tun Dr Mahathir's era. They were also joined in issues about national unity, development and political stability.

But gone is the era. The opposition is no longer constructive. They reject each and every government's move to improve the economy, develop the country and the people, and in planning for the future.

Gone are the days when the Opposition supported what was supposed to be good and rejected anything that was deemed not beneficial to the nation and the rakyat.

What happened?

They were not only motivated by what took place in Japan (when the LDP lost grip after more than 50 years in power) and in Europe (France, Italy, Serbia, Poland and others) but also with the growing support they get from abroad.

But it is not a right move to turn Dataran Merdeka into another Tahrir Square. It would mean bloodshed. They planned a coup by planning to remove the legitimate government by force before the next general election.

They have forgotten the simple fact that the government was elected by the people through election. Any means to unseat it by force will be seen as not respecting the peoples' decision and votes. In a democratic country, any party should wait for the next national poll and do its utmost to win before forming a government.

Malaysia is not Indonesia, Thailand or the Philippines. This is another fact which slides from the Opposition mind. As multiracial and moderate politics are the key to our development and national security, they should give their best shot to woo the electorates, and not by taking to the streets and creating chaos.

Malaysians are wise people these days. They have options, and they will opt for the best. They will opt for future security and reject anything that would harm or disrupt their life. Unless they are radical and extreme enough to put it to test!

Barisan Nasional is not everything perfect but the opposition (unless they win the next national poll) will gain more respect and appreciation should they embark on a new dynamic approach to their politics. Moderate is the keyword while constructive is the pillar.

However, it is saddening to note that they are fighting for the politics of a person, somebody who (by hook or by crook) wants to become a Prime Minister. So, where is Pakatan Rakyat leading to?


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