BR1M should stop, says Dr Mahathir

Posted: 01 Oct 2013 11:13 AM PDT

Former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yesterday suggested the annual cash handouts under BR1M should stop as it makes the low-income group depends too much on it. It other words, it 'makes them lazier'.

At the same time, he said the recipients are not showing any gratitude toward the government's goodwill and assistance.

PETALING JAYA, Oct 1 — The Najib administration should stop its cash handouts as the programme is causing dependency among its low-income recipients, who have not shown gratitude for such aid, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today.
When asked about his opinion on the upcoming Budget 2014, the still-influential former prime minister suggested that Putrajaya should stop the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) programme.
"I only disagree with BR1M. But they wanted to give more," said Dr Mahathir here, referring to the recent announcement that BR1M will be awarded twice per year starting from 2014.
"Whatever we get for free, we will not treasure it. That's why even with much BR1M given, when the polls came, nobody supported (Barisan Nasional)."
According to the nation's longest-serving prime minister of 22 years, BR1M has led to a breed of Malaysians who are dependent on the government and lack personal initiative to lift their financial status.
"Better if we train them with some skills, so they can earn by themselves," he suggested.
On Sunday, Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah said the government plans to implement distribution of the BR1M twice yearly from 2014.
He also said the government is looking to implement the best assistance models for households with income between RM4,000 and RM5,000.
He said the increased distribution of the BRIM this time will enable recipients to use it within a specified time and in a more careful manner compared to a one-off hand out.
Last month, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had said it would announce measures to ease the burden on the lower and middle-income group in the 2014 Budget, including the possibility of increasing payments on the BR1M from the present RM500.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had recently said the government might consider giving cash aids under BR1M twice a year.

Wonder if Budget 2014 will contain this...

Opposition's fiddlestick!

Posted: 01 Oct 2013 04:55 AM PDT

Read this four incidents and you will understand what Pakatan Rakyat and its gang are made of. They turned themselves into a heap of cow dunk over the past few days. But we should thank them for making our day.

Crap 1:  'MALULAH' Bar Council. They questioned the government on the criteria of appointing judges and complained why their consent was not sought. What a cheapskate institution to think too highly of its position in the judiciary when in fact it is losing a place in the society for having both feet with the opposition.
The Malaysia Bar Council was consulted on a case-to-case basis on the promotion of judges, said Chief Justice Tun Arifin Zakaria yesterday.
Responding to the Bar Council's reported disappointment at not being consulted on the latest judicial appointments, he said it was never a practice to consult them.
"Nothing in the law states that we have to consult the Bar. We only ask them informally," said Arifin at the launch of the book Malaysia and Singapore Tax Cases Digest.
Arifin said the Bar would only be consulted in instances where lawyers who appear before the courts know the judges better, but "there is no need ... if we know the judges well enough".
"I don't even remember if I did speak to the Bar about judges' promotions. We do ask (them) from time to time but just in a loose sense. When in doubt, we will ask the Bar," he added.
Bernama reported Arifin as saying that the appointment of judges was made with confidentiality, without influence from anyone.
Crap 2:  Karpal Singh threatened to take action against the Registrar of Societies (ROS), accusing it of being a Barisan Nasional's tool to finish off DAP. Why must the government interfere in ROS when it never had any hands in what it does, similar to DAP allegation that the government 'used' the Election Commission to secure its victory in the last general election. Losing your mind, Karpal? What would Pakatan do to the ROS if it comes to power? I believe you and your team will dictate it! What a boyish statement!
Karpal issued the warning during DAP's 2013 Special Congress on Sunday, where 2,500 delegates from nearly 1,000 branches are expected to elect 20 members into its central executive committee (CEC) at the One World Hotel here this morning.
"I hope (after this), we will be left alone. I am giving a last warning to ROS. I will not let them go if they do something detrimental to the party," he said during his opening address.On July 30, the ROS had ordered the DAP to hold its CEC elections again, as it was not satisfied with the party's explanation on voting irregularities and alleged manipulation during its last party polls on Dec 15 last year.DAP was later ordered to re-election or risk being de-registered."The ROS must not take our patience for granted. After this special congress, we want to be left alone so that we can get on with our work. There is a lot to be done after the recent 13th General Election ended," Karpal said.
Crap 3:  PAS is petrified with the thought that Budget 2014 will entice voters to pick Barisan Nasional candidate in the Sungai Limau by-election following the death of its wakil rakyat Azizan Abd Razak last Thursday. And for that reason, PAS is pressuring the Election Commission to set the by-election date before PM Najib tables Budget 2014 at the Dewan Rakyat. PAS' fear reflects its recognition for the national Budget.
PAS wants the Sungai Limau by-election in Kedah to be held before the Budget 2014 is tabled in Dewan Rakyat, said party vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar.He said this was to avoid the perception that the Budget would be used by Barisan Nasional to woo voters with offers of election goodies.
"If it is held after the Budget, they cannot avoid the perception that the Budget would be used to woo votes," he told reporters at a press conference in Parliament lobby Monday.
He said that the Election Commission had the power to fix the date of nomination and polls within the next few days.
Mahfuz, who is also Pokok Sena MP, added that the deployment of police personnel should not be excessive as the Kuala Besut by election in Terengganu last July, where some RM8mil was spent on police alone.
He also said that the by-election should not clash with the Umno polls this Oct 19 and PAS' general assembly on Nov 20.
Crap 4:  Bersih boss Ambiga led about 30 people to demonstrate outside the Parliament building on Monday, voicing out their disgust at the proposed amendments to the Prevention of Crime Act (PCA). The lawyer said the amendment would be as good as bringing back ISA and EO. So what? Why are you against such a preventive law, unless you are behind those murderers, rapists, drug dealers, armed robbers and kidnappers? Why are you so protective of the underworld?
A group of about 30 people gathered outside of Parliament today in protest over amendments to Prevention of Crime Act (PCA) which effectively brings back indefinite detention without trial.
Representatives from Suaram and Abolish ISA Movement(GMI) as well as other activists shouted slogans asking for the withdrawal of the proposed 'draconian' law.
They also handed over a memorandum to Pakatan Rakyat MPs asking them to reject the bill to amend the PCA.
At the protest were also those from Centre of Independent Journalism, students, Bersih 2.0, and Lawyers for Liberty.
Bersih 2.0 leader S. Ambiga said that there are serious flaws in the law.

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