UMNO Online - “Merdeka Exhibition To Go On Tour” plus 8 more | |
- Merdeka Exhibition To Go On Tour
- Halal Food Sector In Vietnam Offers Promising Investment Prospects
- RM2.3 BLN In Unpaid PTPTN Loans Will Deny Over 100,000 Others Their Right To Get Loans
- MP Bukit Mertajam Dibidas Kerana Buta Sejarah
- Tidak Gentar Hadapi Saingan Pertahan Naib Presiden UMNO
- 1,200 Penduduk Dun Pasir Panjang Tonton ‘Tanda Putera’
- Government Is Committed In Efforts To Safeguard People’s Welfare
- Agong Takes Pride In Malaysian Investors Contributing To Vietnam’s Wellbeing
- Newly Approved MIJP Pledges Support For BN
Merdeka Exhibition To Go On Tour Posted: 08 Sep 2013 10:22 AM PDT KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 8 – The 56th Merdeka exhibition with the theme ‘Malaysiaku Berdaulat: Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku’ will go on tour after ending its 11-day stint here. Information Department deputy director-general (Strategic Information) Datuk Poziah Abdul Rahman said the exhibition will open in Johor on Sept 28 followed by Sabah and Sarawak . “This exhibition is a good initiative to create public awareness about the struggle for independence by our past leaders. “Despite the good conditions, we must be wary of negative elements from within and outside the country that can affect stability such as illegal assembly and the intrusion in Lahad Datu, Sabah ” she said after closing the exhibition here today. About 10,000 visitors including foreign tourists visited the exhibition held at KL Sentral here. The exhibition centres on the bloody intrusion in Sabah by Sulu terrorists from Southern Philippines which killed ten members of security forces and the independence celebrations since 1957. Poziah said to mark Malaysia Day on Sept 16, the Information Department will hold an oratory and narration contest on national figures rarely heard before. They include Rosli Dhobi, a native of Kampung Pulo, Sibu, Sarawak who stabbed governor Duncan George Stewart in 1949, causing him to be put to death at Kuching Central Prison in March 1950. |
Halal Food Sector In Vietnam Offers Promising Investment Prospects Posted: 08 Sep 2013 10:19 AM PDT HANOI, Sept 8 -The halal food industry is the latest investment prospect that can grow rapidly in Vietnam following the increase in Muslim tourist arrivals especially from Malaysia. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom said the entrance of any Malaysian companies to invest in Vietnam was strongly supported by the country and this should become the stepping stone for halal industry pioneers to explore the investment opportunities here. “I see there’s a lot of room in the halal industry that can be explored in Vietnam considering it has just started. “This is the best opportunity for any Malaysian companies in the halal industry to expand their business especially in the main towns in Vietnam,” he said to reporters here today. Jamil Khir is the minister-in-attendance in conjunction with the four-day visit by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Hajah Haminah to Vietnam, which ended today. Jamil Khir said the international flight schedule especially from Malaysia to the big towns in Vietnam has increased daily and more companies were urged to invest particularly in the halal sector to facilitate Muslims to get halal food here. He said the outcome of the visit by Yang di-Pertuan Agong was that the close diplomatic relations between the two countries could be strengthend besides enhancing the Malaysia-Vietnam economic relations which started since 40 years ago. He said the meeting between Tuanku Abdul Halim and Vietnam President Truong Tan Sang yesterday gave a positive impact for Malaysian investors to continue to do business here as the visit offered promising business opportunities following the improving economy here. “President Truong is impressed with the achievement by Petronas in the oil and gas industry and hoped the cooperation in the industry can strengthen the economy of both countries in the future,” he said. Vietnam is one of the contributors to the imports of raw materials such as coffee and rice to Malaysia and has a population of about 90 million, making manufacturing and plantation as the main industries here due to availability of a huge number of local workers.-MediaUMNO |
RM2.3 BLN In Unpaid PTPTN Loans Will Deny Over 100,000 Others Their Right To Get Loans Posted: 08 Sep 2013 10:13 AM PDT LENGGONG, Sept 8 – The 400,000 hardcore errant borrowers who owe RM2.3 billion in National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) loans are advised to pay up, or they will deny over 100,000 students their right to obtain study loans from the corporation. Its chairman Datuk Shamsul Anuar Nasarah cited that even if RM300 million PTPTN loans were unpaid, at least 15,000 students would not be able to obtain the study loans. “At the moment, there are some 400,000 hardcore errant borrowers owing RM2.3 billion. This is a big amount,” he said after attending an Aidilfitri function of the Lenggong parliamentary constituency, here, today. Shamsul Anuar said until July 31 this year, 2.24 million students had obtained the facility from PTPTN involving RM50.52 billion in allocations. Within the same period, he said, the corporation managed to collect back RM4.32 billion. “The paying back of PTPTN loans has improved among borrowers due to the awareness programmes and enforcement action carried out, and public cooperation,” he added. Shamsul Anuar, who is also the member of parliament for Lenggong, said the corporation managed to collect back RM553 million in 2009, RM638 million in 2010, RM737 million in 2011 and RM800 in 2012. He said each year, PTPTN gave out RM1.3 billion in loans to 200,000 borrowers and in future, it intended to give to more applicants to enable them to further their studies.-MediaUMNO |
MP Bukit Mertajam Dibidas Kerana Buta Sejarah Posted: 08 Sep 2013 05:39 AM PDT BALIK PULAU, 8 Sept – Naib Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal menyifatkan Anggota Parlimen Bukit Mertajam Steven Sim Chee Keong sebagai buta sejarah kerana enggan menerima hakikat pembabitan Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan negara. Katanya sejarah adalah fakta sebenar, bukan rekaan yang boleh ditolak sesuka hati hanya kerana sesetengah pihak tidak suka dengan kejadian yang berlaku. “Pahit ataupun tidak kita harus terima, kerana itu sejarah. Kita tidak boleh tukar sejarah yang berlaku dulu,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri Program Mesra Pemimpin Bersama Rakyat di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Pondok Upih, di sini. Turut hadir Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya dan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Negeri Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman. Mohd Shafie berkata demikian sebagai mengulas kenyataan Sim yang meminta kerajaan BN berhenti menyebarkan propaganda politik melalui penyelewengan sejarah termasuk dalam sukatan pelajaran Sejarah di peringkat sekolah. Khamis lepas, Sim yang juga Pengarah Pendidikan Politik Dapsy Kebangsaan dilapor oleh portal berita sebagai berkata kecaman terhadap Sasterawan Negara Datuk A. Samad Said adalah usaha BN menutup sejarah asli negara bagi mencapai kepentingan politik sempit. Mengulas lanjut, Mohd Shafie berkata kemerdekaan negara dicetuskan Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-haj yang juga Presiden Umno ketika itu. “Maknanya Umno, BN banyak pengorbanannya dalam memerdekakann negara. Itu adalah sejarah,” katanya. Sementara itu, Mohd Shafie yang juga Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah berkata pihaknya merancang mengubah suai Medan Infodesa di seluruh negara menjadi mini Pusat Transformasi Luar Bandar (RTC). Perkara itu bagi memastikan semua kawasan mempunyai mini RTC yang akan membantu masyarakat setempat, katanya.-MediaUMNO |
Tidak Gentar Hadapi Saingan Pertahan Naib Presiden UMNO Posted: 08 Sep 2013 05:31 AM PDT KLUANG, 8 Sept -Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein berkata beliau tidak gentar berhadapan saingan dalam mempertahankan jawatan Naib Presiden Umno pada pemilihan parti Oktober ini. Ketua Umno Bahagian Sembrong itu berkata beliau menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada anggota parti dalam membuat pemilihan dan yakin mereka bijak membuat penilaian terhadap masa depan kepimpinannya. “Perjuangan saya sudah bermula sejak 20 tahun lepas dari peringkat Bahagian sehingga Ketua Pemuda serta menerajui banyak kementerian. Yang penting, hati tidak boleh terhakis daripada Umno biarpun kalah atau menang. “Dengan tambahan pihak yang mahu bertanding naib presiden, saya fikir ia tidak banyak bezanya berbanding (pertandingan) sebelum ini kerana yang penting keikhlasan saya bekerja sudah terbukti dan yang menentukannya adalah anggota parti,” katanya kepada pemberita pada majlis sambutan Merdeka Raya peringkat Parlimen Sembrong, di sini, hari ini. Hishammuddin yang juga Menteri Pertahanan berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas hasrat bekas Ketua Menteri Melaka Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam dan bekas Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan Tan Sri Mohd Isa Abdul Samad bertanding jawatan Naib Presiden Umno. Dalam pada itu, katanya pindaan Perlembagaan Umno jelas merupakan langkah baik apabila 90 peratus daripada 20,300 cawangan Umno seluruh negara selesai bermesyuarat dengan lancar. Beliau bersyukur memandangkan anggota parti bersikap matang tanpa sebarang serangan peribadi mahupun sikap berpuak-puak. “Di Sembrong pula menyaksikan 40 peratus muka baharu dalam kepimpinan 64 cawangan. Ini bermakna kita boleh lakukan perubahan tanpa mengeruhkan perjuangan dalam parti,” katanya.-MediaUMNO |
1,200 Penduduk Dun Pasir Panjang Tonton ‘Tanda Putera’ Posted: 08 Sep 2013 05:25 AM PDT LUMUT, 8 Sept – Kira-kira 1,200 penduduk kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri Pasir Panjang daripada pelbagai kaum dan agama hari ini menonton filem ‘Tanda Putera’ di sebuah pawagam di sini, hasil inisiatif Pusat Khidmat Masyarakat Adun Pasir Panjang. Beberapa penduduk yang ditemui selepas menonton filem itu menyifatkan ‘Tanda Putera’ berupaya memupuk semangat cintakan negara dan sekali gus menolak andaian filem itu bersifat perkauman. G. Krishnan, 57, dari Kampung Serdang di sini berkata filem itu menceritakan mengenai sejarah negara sebaik sahaja mendapat kemerdekaan. “Ia sangat bagus untuk memupuk semangat cintakan negara terutamanya dalam kalangan masyarakat pelbagai kaum dan agama. Mereka yang belum menyaksikan filem itu khasnya di kalangan masyarakat India, digesa supaya menonton filem sejarah ini,” katanya. Bagi Normah Ali, 61, dari Bandar Baru Seri Manjung, filem itu sesuai untuk tontonan golongan muda supaya mereka mengetahui pengorbanan pemimpin terdahulu dalam mempertahankan kedaulatan negara. Adun Pasir Panjang Rashidi Ibrahim berkata tidak sangka inisiatif itu mendapat sambutan menggalakkan. “Kita hanya menyediakan 812 tempat duduk di keempat-empat dewan tayangan, bagaimanapun jumlah kehadiran melebihi anggaran kita dan saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak pawagam yang membenarkan mereka masuk menonton filem tersebut,” katanya.-MediaUMNO |
Government Is Committed In Efforts To Safeguard People’s Welfare Posted: 07 Sep 2013 09:35 PM PDT PETALING JAYA, Sept 7 -Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak tonight said that the federal government is committed in its efforts to safeguard the people’s interests by making their welfare an important agenda. He said continuous efforts would be made to ensure no one would be left out from enjoying the good life in the country, which he regarded as unique due to the multi-racial society and respect for one another. “As a caring government which always strive for the people’s welfare and well-being, efforts towards eradicating hardcore poverty and increasing the people’s income and living standard will be intensified,” he said at the launch of the DHRRA Malaysia’s Action Plan For Community Development here tonight. The text of the prime minister’s speech was read by Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam. Also present was Deputy Education Minister P. Kamalanathan. Najib also reminded the need for all quarters, including non-governmental organisations, the corporate sector, community leaders, and individuals to work with the government in creating a high-income nation. He gave his promise that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government would keep the trust given by the people in the 13th general election. “We pledge to give emphasis on improving the economy and human development aimed at creating a competitive workforce and society community in the global arena,” he said. In his speech, the prime minister also praised DHRRA in publishing a book “Laungan Kebenaran Dokumen Pengenalan Diri”, which was used as a reference material on issues pertaining to identification document, that was distributed to 30,000 community leaders. Meanwhile DHRRA Malaysia president S. Saravanan said the organisation would focus on 10 matters through through the Community Development Action Plan Programme for the period from 2013 to 2023. The plan will cost RM2.95 million and is expected to benefit 86,450 people through programmes like women development, youth and sports, project to register Malaysian children, legal and counselling service and career guidance DHRRA raised RM334,000 for the programme tonight. |
Agong Takes Pride In Malaysian Investors Contributing To Vietnam’s Wellbeing Posted: 07 Sep 2013 09:30 PM PDT HANOI, Sept 7 – The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah today praised the commitment of Malaysian investors in Vietnam, in not only ensuring their investments get returns but also contribute to the local community’s wellbeing. “Projects undertaken by Malaysians in the country have created numerous employment opportunities and brought positive impact to Vietnam’s economy,” he said at a dinner with Malaysians here on Saturday night, in conjunction with his four-day state visit to Vietnam, beginning Thursday. The Agong, who was accompanied by the Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Hajah Haminah, also expressed confidence that Malaysian companies would demonstrate exemplary business culture based on high professionalism. He said there was huge potential in various fields in the country in which Malaysia could share its expertise to assist Vietnam to develop. “It was therefore, important for the government to strengthen the existing cordial relations with the country,” he said. Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah also complimented the roles played by Malaysian individuals in Vietnam in various activities to build bilateral ties between the people of the two countries. At the moment, there are 300 Malaysians living in Hanoi, with about 650 more in Ho Chi Minh City involved in business and investment. The Agong hoped Malaysians in Vietnam would uphold the good name and image of the country and respect the local customs and way of life. “We should be conscious of how we conduct ourselves as it could tarnish national image, especially in the pursuit of our desires,” he said. |
Newly Approved MIJP Pledges Support For BN Posted: 07 Sep 2013 09:26 PM PDT KLANG, Sept 7 – The newly approved Malaysian Indian Justice Party (MIJP) has pledged undivided support tos the Barisan Nasional and will strive to meet the aspirations of the Indian grassroots, said party founder and president, Datuk Seri V.Krishna. He said the Indian-based political party, which has about 340,000 members and supporters to date, had many appealing objectives such as care for justice, economic well-being, politics, uplifting moral ethics as well as ensuring the rights of every citizen are safeguarded. “The party will be able to function as a legal platform to continue the struggle of the Indian community and we are willing to cooperate with other Indian-based political parties including MIC to move forward,” he told a press conference here today. Commenting further, he said MIJP, which was officially registered in January 2010, will go to the ground in explaining the various initiatives undertaken by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to uplift the socio-economic status of the Indian community. He said many Indian grassroots were ignorant on the various assistance provided by the government especially concerning Tekun Nasional loan scheme. Asked whether the party will further divide the two million over Indian community in Malaysia taking into account the mushrooming Indian- based political parties, Krishna said he believed the party still had its own identity which needed to be safeguarded. “We are also open to the proposal to merge all Indian-based political parties under the Barisan Nasional (BN) umbrella into a single entity if the need arises. “MIJP doesn’t practice political hostility with any party in the best interest of the Indian community,” he said , adding the party aimed to open service centres in each state. On another note, Krishna said he will have discussions with the relevant authorities on ways to tackle the issue of secret societies at secondary school level. He said the activities of secret societies could only be stopped if the root cause was addressed amicably. |
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