Guns, guns and more guns!

Posted: 29 Jul 2013 11:10 PM PDT

Murders, one after another. Guns are getting popular, it seems.

Where did the guns come from and how did it easily get to the hands of such people, is a serious question. But who should answer it? The police? Custom? Immigration? Or those smugglers at our common border with Thailand?

The spate of shootings over the last few months is really mind boggling. The victims could be anybody. Isn't there sufficient surveillance and law to bring those people down?

And today, PM Najib Tun Razak issued a directive for the police to use all existing laws to combat serious and organised crime, in order to restore public confidence.
PUTRAJAYA:  Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has instructed the police to use all existing laws to fight serious and organised crime.
Najib said the police would have to look under existing laws on what action must and could be taken to restore public confidence.
"I am very concerned with the latest incidents, where murders using firearms occurred in a very brazen manner.
"The police must take immediate action to restore public confidence and the Government will provide whatever is necessary for them to enhance their capacity to fight serious and organised crimes," he told newsmen here Tuesday.
Najib was asked about the recent shooting incidents, including on Monday when Arab Malaysian Bank founder Hussain Ahmad Najadi was shot dead in broad daylight in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.
That was just a 'general order', I suppose. Its usual for such a directive to be issued whenever something 'alarming' shook the nation.

Actually, I am more enticed by this news from Sabah, Paying A High Price for EO Repeal:
Sabahans are urged to take measures to curb crime seriously, taking heed of the recent trend in violent crimes in Peninsular Malaysia.
Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) national exco member Tan Sri Robert Phang (pic) said, Monday, Sabahans should play their respective roles to block such trends happening here.
He noted that Sabah is still relatively safe, adding that criminal activities are still limited to petty crimes like break-ins.
"But we need to wake upÉ and initiate relations with all of our neighbours, set up neighbourhood patrols, associations and notify the police each time we go out on holidays," he told a MCPF press conference here.
Phang felt the escalating crime rate and violence in the peninsula was somehow related to the release of 2,017 underworld bosses, after the Government decided to repeal the Emergency Ordinance (EO) in 2011.
"The order was created to detain 'taikos' who cannot be charged due to insufficient evidence to charge them," he said.
He said that crimes were so rampant that even taxi drivers became victims while young girls were abducted and raped.
However, Phang said the Government, especially Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, is doing its best to zero down criminal activities in the country.
He said the first reading of a new Bill against crime will be held in the September parliament sitting.
Yeah man, where did the 2,017 underworld bosses go? Are they still 'at large' in the country and back in business since most of the cases (after the abolition of ISA and EO) are believed to have their connection?

Let's not question the 'right and wrong' when we repealed the ISA and EO but the remaining laws, especially Sedition Act 1948 which would be replaced by the National Harmony Act must contain similar elements and provisions if we want a safely-secured nation.

We made mistakes, a few but there is still time to reconsider and weigh our next course of action in formulating a new and better set of law.

Doesn't matter if the provisions contain a harsher penalty as long as we are able to tell the people that 'you are in the safest country on earth'.


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