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Negeri PR - Kedah GAGAL, Negeri BN - Melaka Maju #BNbagus #Vote4BN #tolakPR #TukarKedah

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 08:30 PM PDT

Kajiselidik Universiti Teknologi MARA & Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka mendapati pentadbiran Melaka di bawah kerajaan BN, mendapat pujian dari rakyat Melaka. terutamanya golongan muda.

·       Melaka telah diiktiraf sebagai negeri maju pada 2010.
·       83% dari responden kajiselidik ini berpuas hati dengan prestasi PM Najib
·     38.5% responden adalah lepasan sekolah, 55.4% pemegang diploma & ijazah sementara 6.1% pemegang ijazah tinggi.
·  48.3% responden sangat setuju & 41.1% bersetuju bahawa PM bersungguh-sungguh meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat Malaysia.
·       Kajiselidik ini mengambil sampel golongan muda antara 21-40 tahun di Melaka.
·       Jelaslah golongan muda di Melaka menerima pembangunan yang dibawa oleh BN.

Tinjauan : 5 tahun gagal, PR akan hilang Kedah #ManifestoBukanJanji #TolakPR #TukarKedah

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 05:30 PM PDT

PR Kedah banyak tak tunai janji, sebab tu tak akan bentang manifesto baru

Kajiselidik Merdeka Centre mengatakan Kedah mungkin dapat ditawan semula oleh BN dengan kembalinya sokongan pengundi Melayu & Cina kepada BN.

Pentadbiran lemah kerajaan Pas Kedah bakal mengembalikan negeri ini kepada BN
PAS Kedah di bawah MB Azizan Razak seolah-olah tahu kelemahan sendiri
Rakyat Kedah mula tunjuk semula sokongan terhadap BN

Survey shows Pakatan may lose Kedah with 6pc swing in Malay, Chinese vote

APRIL 04, 2013
KUALA LUMPUR, April 4 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) could lose Kedah in Election 2013 with a mere six per cent swing in votes from the Malay and Chinese communities, a private survey by the Merdeka Center for Opinion Research has found.
A Kedah PAS leader told The Malaysian Insider that a possible reason for the drop in Chinese support was Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Razak's ailing health, which he said had added to the perception of instability in the state government.
The leader also noted that Malay support for opposition parties PAS, PKR and the DAP during the 2008 general election had not been very strong to begin with, owing to the parties' slim victory in the country's rice-bowl state during the tumultuous polls.
"For example, in the Tanjung Dawai state seat, we won by barely a hundred votes," the PAS leader said on condition of anonymity.
He added that the trend of votes from the Chinese community in supporting Barisan Nasional (BN) candidates at state-level but backing PR at federal level appeared to suggest a serious lack of confidence in the Kedah PR leadership.
Merdeka Center director Ibrahim Suffian underlined three likely factors behind the loss of support for the Kedah PR government, including the RM500 cash handouts under the Najib administration's Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) programme.
"Secondly, there may be internal issues within the state government, such as its service delivery and thirdly, the new crop of candidates that Datuk Seri Najib Razak has proposed have begun to draw voters back into BN's fold," he said when contacted by The Malaysian Insider.
The prime minister dissolved Parliament yesterday and several states followed suit while the Kedah MB said he would seek the state Ruler's consent today. Elections are expected by the end of April.
Azizan has expressed confidence in PR's chances in Kedah despite the reported in-fighting among state PAS leaders that could topple the fledgling pact in the state.But PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu dismissed the independent pollster's findings, saying it would not hamper the Islamist party's efforts to keep Kedah in Election 2013.
"I will go all out to help PAS and Pakatan recapture Kedah. Yes, I am aware of Merdeka Center's findings," he said when contacted by The Malaysian Insider.
"We promise to improve on our weaknesses to ensure that we will get to rule for a second term," said the PAS leader, who is expected to contest in Kedah's Pendang parliamentary seat.
In a recent interview with The Malaysian Insider, Azizan expressed confidence in PR's chances in Kedah despite a recent prediction that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's influence and in-fighting among state PAS leaders could topple the fledgling pact in the state.
Azizan said voters should continue to support PR in Kedah because of several measures undertaken by his administration, including eliminating corruption and providing insurance coverage to all senior citizens, regardless of race.
"There is no corruption in Kedah. If there is, just arrest them," said Azizan.
"I give aid to the rakyat without looking at their race. I use the Kifaalah system... all dead people, Malays, Chinese Indians, all get it," added the Sungai Limau assemblyman, referring to an insurance scheme for all senior citizens in Kedah that was first introduced by the Kelantan PAS government.
"I give education, education assistance... I also introduced the Kedah agricultural agenda," said Azizan.
PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said recently that Azizan will continue to lead Kedah PAS as its state commissioner in facing Election 2013 that must be held by late June.
In Election 2008, the loose coalition of PAS, PKR and the DAP soared to a surprise victory in Kedah when it trounced BN, sweeping 22 of the state's 36-seat assembly.
But two PKR representatives — Bakar Arang's Tan Wei Shu and Lunas' Mohd Radzhi Salleh — subsequently quit to become BN-friendly independents, citing their growing disillusionment with their party leadership.
Their quit decision effectively narrowed the seat margin between BN and PR to a mere four.
In May 2010, rumours began circulating that the state's PR-led government would lose its already tenuous control of the state assembly and even fall back into BN's hands due to more defections from PKR assemblymen.
But in a mammoth ceramah on the night of May 22, all remaining 20 PR state assemblymen turned up to defy the rumours, declaring their allegiance to Azizan's leadership.
The PAS leadership has yet to officially indicate who will lead the party's campaign in Kedah for Election 2013.
Politicians from the ruling BN and opposition PR will be fighting tooth and nail to wrest majority control over 222 parliamentary seats and 505 state seats in the coming polls, which analysts have said will a toss-up between both pacts.


Rakyat pertikai "#Kit Siang - Dulu, Kini, Selamanya" ! @limkitsiang #resignlah #tolakPR #PRU13 #GE13

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 11:17 AM PDT


Yang berubah mungkin hanya cermin mata... Dari `siang' bawa ke senja, 
dah nak masuk malam pula... 

DAP = Kit Siang, Kit Siang = DAP

At 72-years-old Lim Kit Siang should pave the way for the younger leaders to take over the helm of the party.

He should not continue to cling on to power in the party and start grooming up new and younger leaders.

He is now a dinosaur and a political frog having contested in four states – Selangor, Penang, Malacca and Perak in the span of 10 general elections since 1969.

He has never actually served his constituents for long, abandoning one seat for another to avoid backlash from voters who realised that he does not provide service. The only service he provides is Lip Service.

This coming 13th general election, he has been named as the candidate for Gelang Patah in Johor.

Well he should seriously call it quits. It is time that he takes his retirement leave and look after his grand children.

He should dutifully carry out his role as a good grandfather and not neglect his grand children like what he has been neglecting his constituents by jumping from one seat to another.

The UBAH slogan as advocated by Pakatan Rakyat should start from within DAP by changing dinosaur leaders like Kit Siang.

They should start the UBAH or change from within  Pakatan , with the renewal process starting from Kit Siang paving the way for the young.

mari kita tengok apa komen pembaca. Of all, I LIKE the LAST ONE -

JasOne says:
Ubah is never DAP, PAS or PKR philosophy as to them is Mampus. Hold the position till their last breath. Nevertheless their belief is treat it like their grandfather party

Jackal says:
After LKS reign..will come LGE reign….emulating the mentor down south..after so many years (20+ years) of leading PAP…then becoming senior minister..and now minister mentor..just to make everything will be done according to his will…serupa komunis Pyongyang dah…

Anonymas says:
Kit Siang changed his specs like only 2 times in 50 years? Also, PAS. Nik Aziz all the way (like Ayatollah)

Jolly Green Giant says:
Ever since Lim Kit Siang entered politics, he has retired into a world sustained by the money of the Rakyat, his parliamentary allowances, etc.etc. It is so lucrative to be a politician that his son and family joined him in this evergreen profession of Malaysia. Forever there will be racial differences and this is where the smart and the acute thrive and live and survive. Even though he did not become a Minister anywhere, his son did and this is what fulfilled his ambition. But his grandson has a chance to be a Prime Minister of Malaysia. For all Malaysians, Malaysian politics is a new core industry worth RM8 Billions which has been pioneered by the old politicians and is comparable to that of the United States. The only qualification is the gift of the gab !

anon says:
Understand that if hold more than 2 terms , there will a lifetime allowance?
Also does holding many posts(whether perform or not) or more than one constituencies attract multiple allowances?
If really a lucrative biz,
any university offering a course on how to be a politician?
Syllabus , if applicable:
a)Glib talking 101
b) Strategy 102
c) 3D 888 – distract, deny, disparage others

Lim Lynn says:
Kit Siang please don't give people in Johor headache and heartache like in Penang. Moreover, your characteristic is similar as you age. When comparing with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad when he was younger he's full of political zeal [what I heard from my grandpa when I was a young] , when he ages gracefully with wisdom and passionate to give advice to younger voters who didn't have a chance to see historical yesteryear.

Equalizer says:
Just one question :- What has this Warlord Lim, father of Tokong Lim, ever contributed to society all these years ?
Just one word answer : BULLSHIT.

Chinaman says:
Not even a public toilet

Tan says:
Kit Siang run away from one constituency to another because he never gives service. Do not fall unto his trap, Gelang Patah voters.

RD. says:
I think Kit Siang should just retire from active politics. We need young and healthy people as YBs. Of course he can still be mentor to DAP. Last time I heard, he was almost blind already. Like Nik Aziz and Hadi, the Rakyat don't want to have a YB who might spend most of their time in hospital. Furthermore, with all his family members in the top post in DAP, Rakyat in other constituent will be affected too. Their YBs will have to visit or take care their father or grandfather in hospital. (That is why a husband and wife cannot be working in the same department. Both will most probably take leave, together).
I think it's about time we enact a law, prohibiting old and sick people from contesting in GE. We want healthy politician who will not die on us in office. We do not want to waste our (Rakyat) money and the unnecessary political issues related with by-election. We want our YBs to serve the Rakyat and make the country prosper. Not playing politics, all the time.

Cucu LKS says:
Please vote my grandpa LKS out so that I can play with him. My daddy always busy with Rainbow and my mummy Betty is busy following my daddy. My mum told me that my daddy tokong very naughty so she has to be like yellow man, follow my daddy everywhere he goes. I am very lonely at home. Please do not vote for LKS. Thank you.


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