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#LiwatSaiful #UulangIsaman Anwar lu #samanla Yuktes (Bhg2) #AnwarSodomy Posted: 22 Mar 2013 08:30 PM PDT ![]() Penghakiman 2004 juga tidak menafikan bahawa kejadian liwat berlaku. Sila baca penghakiman penuh 2004 di bawah Wartawan Part 2 : Kebenaran Di Sebalik Liwat II It is indeed drama at its very best when a father who sits besides his son when the son swears in the name of God that he was indeed sodomised by the opposition leader, begs the Attorney General to appeal his son's case when the AG Chambers were in the process of contemplation but somehow somewhat makes a 180 degree turn and accuses his son of making himself a pawn in a political game. Throw in the name of the Prime Minister and confess that you have been a PKR supporter since 1998, you have a story that can make you millions albeit compromising your dignity, your own son's integrity and give unwarranted political mileage to the opposition coalition. I despise gutter politics, even if the person doing it was my idol, hence the reason I have decided to come up in the previous open letter with all the discrepancies that occurred during the course of Sodomy 2. If all Anwar could conjure is that I was not his lawyer, in an official statement in the PKR website, it lends credibility to my side of the story as to the happenings in Sodomy 2 for the very reason that not even one of my allegations were answered with facts. Of course, I got the usual bullshit of me being bought by Umno-BN but to be honest that is the least I bargained for knowing the PKR modus operandi of treating their de facto as "Anugerah Tuhan". As I had mentioned in my open letter previously, Anwar Ibrahim did not have the guts to take the stand and fight his case. This is the same man who went around the country in the run up to the judgment day on 9/1/2012 to explain his side of the story to the public but did not do it in open court. Anwar decided to play the Mandela role to gain public empathy and overseas sympathy that he was not offered a fair trial. He ran away from answering questions and that is the truth. Saiful Bukhari was asked questions in court by senior lawyers such as Karpal Singh and rest of the defence team. He had the guts and courage to withstand the questions that were thrown at him. Why Anwar failed to do the same? He claimed conspiracy from the word go but why so much hesitation and anxiety to take the stand if such an incident never occurred in the first place. Carefully notice that Anwar hesitates and is afraid to make any statement under oath or in the name of Lord. Something which the guy Anwar claims to be a consummate liar, Saiful Bukhari, has done so. Since he is a tree man now, he loses the charm and popularity that came when he played victim of an alleged Umno-BN conspiracy. The very court, which he had labeled as a "Kangaroo Court" and a BN tool, has acquitted him. How does he prove his point that BN is behind this saga again? Saiful's dad had no role whatsoever in the trial. He played the father who cared about his son until last week and now he claims conspiracy. Why? The answer is simple. Anwar wants to hammer in the point that he is a victim of conspiracy. He is making Azlan his mouthpiece. Saying the things he wants to say through Azlan. Remember that Anwar is the King of deception. Still skeptical over my explanations? Please ask "Anugerah Tuhan" to answer these questions: 1 Who prepared press statement Azlan read out in the press conference? If you are telling the truth, why pre-empt it? And I know for sure who wrote it Dato' Seri. 2 Why join PKR and claim that he has been a PKR supporter since 1999 when till recently he has been anything but supportive of their "apparent" and "deceptive" cause? 3 What is the haste and need in having Azlan coming up with such statement and immediately roping him into PKR, that too without the presence of the party president? Does she even have a say in the party? Anwar's intentions are simple. He wants to put blame on the government or more precisely Umno-BN for the bisexual image that has been attached to him. For him, it is the case of proving that his assertion of conspiracy is true. But the problem is, Anwar "allegedly" sodomised Saiful, not his dad. My open letter previously has made many question my integrity. The problem is when wrong things are happening right in front of my eyes, you can't just keep mum and move on, especially when you feel cheated that the very man you believed is a reformist and an honest man is not what he is. I am willing to take the flak as long as the rakyat know the real man behind the reformist mask. Attack me all you can. I have put forward questions to Anwar in my previous letters. I have now too. I have documents to back all my claims, even this. Astroboy no documents pertaining to your trial went without having a "check in" to my e-mail inbox. And this is not even part 2 of my article to your scam in Sodomy 2. Recall the alibi list? Recall the recorder that was passed to me by your brother, Rosdi to record all the conversations in the interview? My demand is simple. Do not use Saiful's dad for your political mileage ever again. Fight Saiful like a man. Former Anwarista, a boy privy to all underground happenings in Sodomy 2 |
#AnwarSodomy : @RafiziRamli dimalukan wartawan wanita. Failed! #UulangIsaman #UtanyaIpanggilPengawal Posted: 22 Mar 2013 05:30 PM PDT DENGAN WARTAWAN PUN TAK LEPAS ADA HATI NAK JADI WAKIL RAKYAT? Pagi tadi…Pengarah Strategik (Pengarah Strategik wooooo), Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Rafizi Ramli sudah buat sidang media untuk mempertahankan bosnya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Sebagai pekerja yang paling setia dan paling teruja hendak mempertahankan bosnya, Rafizi seperti biasa cuba berlagak bijak dengan membawa isu menuduh Suruhajaya Pilihanraya (SPR) gagal melakukan kerja dengan penuh amanah (takda benda baru ke nak tuduh?). Rafizi menuduh nama sebenar Papa Gomo, Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris dua kali namanya ada dalam daftar pemilih. Dengan penuh bangganya Rafizi mendakwa; "That means that 2008 besar kemungkinan dia mengundi dua kali dan 2013 kalau tidak dihentikan dia juga akan undi dua kali.". Sayang sekali… Ada satu aspek penting yang Rafizi terlepas pandang sebelum beriya-iya buat sidang media pagi tadi. Memanglah ada dua nama yang sama…tapi tarikh lahir jelas berbeza…so nama aje kebetulan sama tetapi sah itu dua individu yang berbeza. Lain tarikh lahir, lain alamat apa semua. Dengan penuh keyakinan Rafizi membuat tuduhan berbentuk kutukan terhadap SPR pagi tadi. Sudah la bergaduh dengan wartawan perempuan sampai nak panggil security guard apa semua…lepas tu keseluruhan kandungan sidang media itu salah kerana melibatkan dua orang yang berlainan…malunya… Berikut adalah transkrip soal jawab semasa PC Rafizi (selepas selesai baca kenyataan akhbar mengenai Papagomo tengahari tadi): Rafizi: I would like to caution chairman dan deputy chairman of SPR do not underestimate how this joke that actually will have a big impact on the trust and integrity of SPR. Simple saja. Dia boleh tolak. Dia boleh kata. Dia boleh tuduh. Tapi dengan bukti yang cukup jelas, kena atas batang hidung Papagomo pulak tu, I think it will spread very quickly, terutamanya pengundi muda – it will have a severe impact on SPR's integrity. Jadi saya akan tunggu respon daripada SPR. Papagomo ini is just a side issue saja. Dia nak meroyan lepas ini biarlah dia meroyan. I am not interested to entertain him. I am just interested to find out from SPR how did you allow a person who was convicted, sacked and no longer being in service with PDRM to continue to be in the database pengundi sebanyak dua kali pilihanraya. That means that 2008 besar kemungkinan dia mengundi dua kali dan 2013 kalau tidak dihentikan dia juga akan undi dua kali. Ada soalan? KL Pos: Tadi saudara Rafizi cakap suruh tolak budaya rasuah sedangkan DS Anwar Ibrahim dulu pernah juga terlibat dengan tuduhan rasuah. Rafizi: Semua tuduhan itu telah melalui proses mahkamah. KL Pos: Begitu juga dengan Papagomo Rafizi: Hang on…(tak bagi peluang wartawan teruskan soalan itu)….saya tak habis…semua tuduhan itu telah melalui proses mahkamah dan semua telah dibuktikan bahawa dia tidak bersalah. Bukti2 lain yg keluar yg jelas juga menunjukkan bahawa yang ini semua konspirasi dan fitnah yang dalangnya, termasuklah juga orang2 seperti Papagomo ini. I mean, you can write whatever you want to write. The ultimate judge is going to be the public. And the public is a lot more aware now. They can put two and two together. dia boleh tengok apabila lebih ramai tokoh2 yg dulu berada di belakang tabir yg terlibat dalam proses ini…pendakwaraya pun akhirnya mengaku, bapa kpd saiful bukhari pun mengaku, dan sampai sekarang tidak ada satu bukti yang betul2 jelas pun. Dan datuk seri melalui the whole proses. And the fact that he proved himself, he withstood the fitnah, dan sokongan yg dtg daripada rakyat menunjukkan rakyat tidak percaya dengan fitnah dan juga political set-up yang dibuat. So i think if Anwar Ibrahim went through all that dan kalau dia betul2 tidak melakukan rasuah, he will come out unscathed. Jadi, perkara yang sama juga dengan Papagomo ini. Finally i am telling Umno Barisan Nasional, the ultimate judge is the public. You can continue to use Papagomo. You boleh terus mendokong, menyokong dia. Ramai2 saya minta bila dia disaman nanti, menteri-menteri Umno turun ke mahkamah untuk memberi sokongan kerana itulah strategi terbaharu yang akan memberi kemenangan kepada Pakatan dan rakyat. Don"t underestimate the wisdom. Agendadaily: Tadi encik Rafizi cakap DS Anwar telah melalui proses dan Papagomo juga pernah melalui proses dan telah dihukum. You said you are not interested and all that. Tapi the issue here is, why Anwar berani saman Papagomo dalam isu ini tapi kes dahulu yang China Doll dia tak berani saman Papagomo dan juga Datuk Trio. Why? Rafizi: No. saman ini terhadap Papagomo is keseluruhan. Pertama kita orang islam, saudari…ayat quran cukup jelas bahawa apabila ada sesuatu berita itu dibawa oleh orang yang fasik maka kita kena menolak berita itu. I dont know about u. And you are are reporter, u carry news. I don't know about you. You have your news to fill up, tapi kalau saya…kalau seorang seperti Papagomo yg telah dijatuhkan hukuman, masuk penjara, semua rayuan ditolak, membawa berita yg memang jelas ada motif politik. saya akan lebih berhati2. Sebab itu saya rasa ramai rakyat malaysia mengambil pendirian menolak. But don't subscribe the big issue in this. That's your problem. What is the biggest issue? Papagomo is a non entity. The real issue is SPR. Kenapa you tak tanya, bahawa SPR ada pengundi hantu? That is a much…YOU DARI MANA? AD: Saya dari Agendadaily: Rafizi: Ahh patut pun!! Agendadaily? Hah! Kalau ada yang melibatkan Umno tiba-tiba Agendadaily akan datang tanya soalan2 macamn ini. Sy minta balik, tanya kepada pengerusi SPR, kenapa boleh ada pengundi hantu macam ini, yg dgn kuasa Allah, banyyak2 orang kita dpt buktikn, hari ini kita dpt buktikn Papagomo. AD: baru nak buka mulut…Rafizi terus… Rafizi: Bagi peluang kepada org lain kerana you are… (wartawan Agendadaily cuba tanya lagi)..No no no no no no. I have answered already. AD: Yes, I will ask SPR psl tu, tapi you belum jawab soalan saya. Rafizi (potong cakap). No No No. Can i get next question. Kita bagi orang lain. AD: Soalan saya kenapa tak berani saman Datuk Trio. Rafizi: No…sudah saman Papagomo. AD: Papagomo itu ikan bilis dibandingkan dengan DS Anwar. Rafizi: Can I have more questions yang lebih credible yang bukannya datang daripada portal yang lebih kurang sama seperti Papagomo? Can I get a proper reporter punya questions. AD: You amalkan kebebasan media. I pun mengamalkan kebebasan media untuk bertanya. Rafizi: No..saya dah jawab. Saya dah bagi ruang. Can I get the other ones? AD: You did not answer my second question. Rafizi: No. No. Saya dah jawab bahawa dia sudah saman Papagomo keseluruhanlah. We'll go through the process in court. You tunggu…you turun. AD: I ikut your suggestion, I akan tanya SPR, tapi you jawab soalan I. Rafizi: Yeah…I don't trust you at all. Kita boleh semak Agendadaily. AD: I only ask a simple question? Rafizi: Can we get the guard kalau begini seterusnya? Sebab saya nak teruskan dengan soalan2 yang lain. Kalau Agendadaily datang setiap kali hanya untuk tanya soalan dan mengganggu dengan bertanya perkara2 ini…kita dah beri ruang. Kita tak tolak pun. Tapi hormati sidang media yang ada orang lain semua. You akan tanya dan you akan ambil masa, semata-mata kerana you nak ambil 2-3. Bagilah pada orang lain. Ada soalan lagi? Okay di belakang…Aida (tunjuk wartawan yang die kenal bernama Aida) |
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