OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Out Of Harmony With Science

Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:56 PM PST

IKIM has written another viewpoint in yesterday's Star titled :  Faith and science in harmony.   You can click on the link above to read their original article.

The article starts off by saying that "what is needed is dialogue between science and religion as each can provide rich insights into reality which is integrated in nature."

I am afraid they have already started off on a wrong footing. The sentence is a mouthful - 'reality which is integrated in nature'?  Isnt it just a long winded way of saying 'reality'?

It is better to view things realistically, in the real world, wide awake, smell the roses, smell the grass, smell  the manure and everything. Stop living in the daydream world. Stop hallucinating ok. 

Who told you that man made "religion" is ethical in the first place? Please ponder this point : it is unethical religious values which create too many problems in this world. "Man made religion" which has  superstitions and witchdoctor's influences will not solve anything. 

The advanced science that we know has appeared on the scene fairly recently - say 150 years ago. And todate there has been very little harmony between science and "religion". Science deals with reality. Man made religion, on the other hand, too often deals with hocus pocus.  

Being a Muslim, the only exception in my view is the Quran - which does not seem to contradict science and is light years away from the man made rules and religions pretending to be "religion". 

Here is one proof : please read Surah 4:1 in Arabic and pay very, very close attention to the female and male genders used in that verse. (You can forget about ALL the current translations especially in English -  they intentionally mess up the gender references in that verse, hence you must read the Arabic).  Surah 4:1 talks about the creation of the human species - but who was the first "human" - a man or a woman? Please do read and find out. 

Now here is the catch. I hope IKIM will also read Surah 4:1. If they understand it differently now (after I have pointed it out) what will IKIM do? Slam the door on dialogue? Ignore the Quran?  Bury your head in the sand? What will IKIM do? 

In stark contrast to Science as well as the Quran - "religion" is often like  a pail full of chicken entrails - waiting to be deciphered by the witchdoctors. There is no way that "religion" is going to find harmony with science.  Some witchdoctors say female or male hair dressers cannot cut the hair of the opposite sex. They forget dentists, doctors, tailors and chiropractors. When enough pressure is piled on them, they can bend their ethics. Their 'religion' is therefore flexible.

Is IKIM too far removed from these witchdoctors? IKIM calls for "dialogue between two of the greatest cultural forces of mankind i.e. science and religion." 

They say quite plainly :  "What is needed is dialogue between science and religion as each can provide rich insights into reality which is integrated in nature."

How can there be dialogue between Science and "religion" when IKIM upholds laws that seek to prosecute Muslims who have different views about Islam?  Tak payah lah pi jauh-jauh nak cakap pasal dialog dengan saintis - sesama orang Islam pun tak boleh bercakap habis nak dialog apa lagi?

IKIM was at the forefront when Kassim Ahmad's book was banned. Sudah lupa ke?  IKIM even organised a public seminar (I was there) where speaker after speaker came up to condemn Kassim Ahmad's book.  They did not even bother to invite Kassim Ahmad to rebut their points. Habis ini style dialog apa?  And Kassim Ahmad was sitting in the audience - listening to them criticising his book. 

And this is Malaysian style religion. Not Gangnam style. I say this because even across the Straits in Indonesia they do not do any such thing.  In Indonesia there is no government department or religious enforcement authority which can arrest, prosecute and fine or jail any Muslim for believing in Ahlul Sunnah, Shiah, Muhammadiyah, Ahmadiyah or whatever.

I have a question for IKIM? Do the Indonesians have a different Allah?  How come in Indonesia there is no State sanctioned prosecution of Muslims for having different religious views?  

How can IKIM even suggest to dialogue between science and religion when they still ban books that do not agree with your religious views? What type of dialogue is that? Or you can prosecute people who speak about religion without a surat tauliah aka 'surat akujanji please toe the line' ? 

And at the same time there are thousands of "buku setan" which talk about kahwin dengan jin, tidur dengan hantu, lari dengan pocong, terbang dengan toyol and other such crap. All these rubbish is not banned.  

That is what I mean when I say hocus pocus religion seems to be ok, chicken entrails are ok, witchdoctors are also ok.  Talking sense is not ok. 

Here is a question for IKIM. Say that someone believes in magical flying horses with wings. Or they believe in imaginary pet unicorns. (This is a free world. You can imagine whatever you want.)  But what should be the proper reaction when someone tells you 'there are no such things as magical flying horses with wings'? There are no pet unicorns either. What shall be the dialogue then? Or will the dialogue simply say 'Tangkap dia'.

Would that be considered a harmony with science?  

I have said this before - these so called 'religious intellectuals' dont seem to know what they are talking about. Someone sent a comment and asked, 'they must know something'.  I beg to differ. 

The Muslims are in deep trouble (and poor) all around the world because they do not encourage the free and safe exchange of different ideas and views. Islamic societies all over the world (yes even in Indonesia, Aceh and parts of Java are dominated by jihadists) try to control the dialogue. They suppress differences of opinion.

This is a wrong thing to do even when you have the truth on your side. But what if your beliefs are wrong or they are not 100% correct or if they are flawed? You will nail the coffin over your own head if your beliefs are wrong and you do no allow free discussion that may help you correct your mistakes.  This is what the Muslims have missed out. This is why the Muslims are in such deep trouble. 

People like IKIM must treat this matter with much urgency. There is an urgent need for the Muslims to be able to listen to different views in a civilised manner. Without violence - ie both mob violence in the streets or state sanctioned violence through arrest, jail and things like that.  

If you cannot even dialogue among yourselves, nak dialog apa lagi dengan sains? Just wasting time.  There is harmony between the Quran and science. There is no harmony between"religion" and science. IKIM should understand this.

Alamak The Problem Is "U-Ni-Seksi". PPSMI Lagi !

Posted: 27 Nov 2012 09:47 PM PST

Here is the funny news story 
"ALOR SETAR - Hair salons here cannot use the word "unisex" on their business signboards as it is "a sensitive word", a city councillor said. "This has been clearly stated by the Alor Setar City Council," Chinese daily Kwong Wah Yit Poh quoted councillor Chow Hooi Pin as saying. He said that signboards with words like "hair salon" or "hair specialist" could be displayed at their premises."
In Kedah the PAS jokers have a different religion. In their version of religion male/female hairdressers CAN cut the hair of male/female clients but they dont want the word 'unisex' appearing on the shop fronts. Ha ha ha. This is the real issue. Folks, the problem is solved. Its another PPSMI related problem. They dont understand English. 
They thought 'UNISEX' means 'you ni seksi'. Thats why the PAS jokers keep saying that the unisex hair salons are places that encourage 'maksiat'.  They thought you go there and tell the barbers (which is what they are - just barbers) 'you ni seksi'.  
Pasal apa tak cakap awal lagi? These guys belong to the religion of PAS  - they have nothing except woman, woman, woman and sex, sex and sex on their minds. Day and night, night and day, 24/7.  I dont know why these guys just cannot get their minds off women and sex. Dah kahwin bini dua, tiga, empat and still they never get tired.  Bang, itu kopi jantan kasi kurang kaw lah. Sekali sekala minum lah air suam. 
This is yet more evidence that if you keep importing English words into Malay it will not work as well. I have explained the reason for this. There is no 'infrastructure' within the Malay language to absorb so many English words. You cannot simply say 'unisex' (English) has now become 'uniseks' (Malay). You cannot go to Kedah and simply say 'uniseks' to the people there. They will not understand 'uniseks' or 'unisex'.
It is easier to teach them English. They must understand what is 'unisex' (English). Once they understand it, then it is up to them to evolve and start using 'uniseks' (in Malay) if they want to. It must evolve naturally. You cannot force it down peoples' throats.  
Seks dia faham. Unisex pula dia ingat 'you ni seksi'. Tak pasal-pasal berahi dia naik :) 

Updated : Powerful But Bloody-Fool

Posted: 27 Nov 2012 07:11 PM PST

I received this in the email from Shamsul A.M.N.  It is short and to the point. 

Saya tertarik tulisan sdra mengenai bantahan" Himpunan Hijau"  

"HimpunanHantu@".kita telah dihidangkan pelbagai demontrasi, himpunan dll seperti; BERSIH 1, 2, dan 3. Demontrasi bantahan penyenaraian Felda Global Ventures Bhd, Dong Zong dan terbaru "Himpunan Hantu2 Hidup" yang dimonopoli oleh kaum Cina khususnya Cina ahli2 dan penyokong DAP.

Apa yang menghairankan kita rakyat yang menjunjung undang2 negara ialah demontrasi dan himpunan ini haram kerana tidak dapat permit dari PDRM.  Misalnya "HH" DBKL tidak lulus permit menggunakan Dataran Merdeka dan PDRM tidak menerima permohonan daripada penganjor untuk berhimpun tetapi "HH" tetap 'berjalan' diadakan dari Kuantan ke KL. 

Persoalannya mengapa pihak berkuasa tidak bertindak menahan pihak penganjor?.Setakat bagi "AMARAN" sahaja tak usahalah cakap dah muak kita dengar daripada mulut menteri dan pihak berkuasa khusus PDRM.  Apa yang membimbangkan apabila keadaan tidak terkawal berlaku yang menyebabkan rakyat tidak berdosa menjadi mangsa. 

Sewajibnya Kerajaan perlu bertindak tegas terhadap mereka yang tidak mematuhi undang2 BUKANNYA memberi amaran tegas akhirnya habuk pun tarak.  

Sempena Perhimpunan Agung UMNO ini saya ingin mengimbas kembali kata2 Allahyarham Dato Azman Attar dalam satu Perhimpunan Agung UMNO.(Allahyarham adalah bekas Senator dan Ketua UMNO Bahagian Batu,Wilayah Persekutuan ) " kita berpolitik untuk mendapatkan kuasa,apabila kita berkuasa kita menjadi 'POWERFUL' tetapi apabila kita ada kuasa dan tidak menggunakan kuasa 'WE ARE BLOODYFOOL'.  

Here is Rempahman's comment about this :

Rempahman said...

Kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri..

1. Apa jadi dengan mereka yang tidak menjelaskan saman trafik selepas tamat tempoh pemberian diskaun tempoh hari..???

2. Apa yang terjadi dengan Program 6P, apakah yang terjadi dengan mereka yang tidak berdaftar..??

3. Tak cukup lagi kah pendatang di negara kita sekarang bagi memenuhi keperluan perladangan, perlukah di bawa masuk yang baru dari Bangladesh..??

4. Kerapkali kita baca dalam suratkhabar di mana PATI ditangkap, soalannya ialah jarang sekali kita baca akan tindakan yang dikenakan kepada mereka yang menggaji PATI PATI itu, walaupun mereka ditangkap di tapak2 projek.

5. Anggota polis yang terlibat dalam perhimpunan BERSIH baru2 ini telah dibicarakan, malangnya mereka yang menjadi dalang perhimpunan itu seakan2 kebal.

Sila beri perhatian kepada kekecewaan kebanyakkan rakyat di peringkat akar umbi terhadap Kementerian Dalam Negeri...yang kini umpama Kementerian Tarak Gigi.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012 10:58:00 AM

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