This is a better one...

Posted: 02 Nov 2012 05:22 AM PDT

At least MCA avows it aloud that the party, leaders and members respect the Federal Constitution, recognising Islam as the official religion, the rights of Raja-Raja Melayu... and the rights of each and every citizen of Malaysia!

Comparatively, Pakatan Rakyat had on few occasions mention about amending the Constitution, turning Malaysia into a secular country and questioning the rights of the Palace.

When it comes to hudud, DAP and PKR strongly oppose it. On Barisan Nasional side, MCA too joined them but in a totally different tone.

MCA is right, that in this multiracial society, any new law on religion must be clearly explained to avoid it be perceived as intimidation to other faith. And PAS hudud, while still unclear of its content and enforcement mechanism, is rolling on politics.

Many agree that if PR wins the next general election, there wouldn't be any hudud at all because PAS only wants to share the Federal power with its two allies.

However, after that stinging statement by MCA president Chua Soi Lek on 'hudud a la PAS' the other day, many were driven by their Islamic sentiment to condemn him and the party as being anti-Islam and anti-hudud.

MCA has been there much longer than PAS, PKR and DAP, way back before the country achieved Independence and is perhaps the only party next to Umno which understands what Islam for the country is.

And here is a simple statement by MCA about what it's all out against that 'hudud a la PAS'...
KUANTAN: MCA respects the position of Islam in the country but does not want political parties to claim authority over religious matters, said central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker.
He said there were already institutions that had been authorised to regulate Islamic matters and political parties should allow them to perform their duties.
"The public should not confuse political parties with institutions like the National Fatwa Council. No political party should encroach into the jurisdiction and authority of these institutions," said Ti at a press conference here Friday.
He said MCA respected the law and the Federal Constitution but would not tolerate political parties that sidelined the Islamic institutions by implementing their own version of the law.
"The law that is to be implemented by PAS is inconsistent and not in line with real Islamic law. For example, the PAS spiritual leader has said it will be enforced on non-Muslims as well. Also, a MP has questioned their law which allows husbands to sodomise their wives.
"From time to time, PAS also amends its law to fit its political agenda. So it cannot be said that PAS law is the same with hudud law," he said.
Ti, who is also Kuantan MCA chairman, said the division would continue supporting party president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek in voicing the people's concerns on PAS' version of hudud.
"It is a flaw to say we cannot comment when a political party wants to legislate laws in whatever form in the name of Islam. It is not right to intimidate or threaten non-Muslims who have questions and want explanations," he said.
The Malays, the Muslims deserve every right to uphold and defend the religion. They usually will react strongly when someone 'non-Muslim' talks about Islam and the Islamic law, forgetting that there are many non-Muslims out there who study and understand Islam better than majority of the Muslims themselves!

On the contrary, there are Malays who like condemning other religions without taking into consideration its sensitivity.

And I wonder how many 'average' Muslims today can read Jawi eloquently like former MCA strongman Lee Kim Said and ex Shin Min Daily editor Cheng Seong Huat.

Remember how the Jawi newspaper 'Utusan Melayu' had to close shop? Partly because the Malays themselves are not interested to read Jawi!


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