OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Ground Zero Of Malaysian Politics By Hidup Tuah

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 03:21 AM PDT

This is taken from Blog Hidup Tuah here .   I strongly recommend all of you who are 40 years old and below to click on Hidup Tuah's Blog and read this in full. It will not take you long. 

This is Ground Zero for the current political situation in Malaysia. This is why it all began - between 1990 something up to 1998,  and now even continuing into 2012 (China Doll, Liwat 2, Bangkok video and entah ape lagi).

This is the "Statement of Defence of Datuk S. Nallakaruppan, the 1st Defendant" in his affidavit of defence in reply to an RM100.0 million suit against Datuk S Nallakaruppan brought by Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim.

Why is this so important? 

A few days ago I met a Blogger who is about 30+ years old. He did not know a thing about names like Munawar Anees or what transpired between the sheets circa 1995-1998.  

And yet they are youngsters who are actively involved in the present political situation in the country - through their Blogs, through their activism etc. So lebih baik tuan-tuan dan saudara-saudari sekalian mengambil tahu sedikit latar belakang  kecamuk dan kemelut politik yang menghantui negara kita sejak 1998.  All this crap has to come to a stop soon. 

I hope Datuk Nallakaruppan's action through the Courts will help slay the beast and also bring calm to this beloved country of ours.

This is a Court document. Meaning it is in the public domain. Also Datuk Nalla plus his lawyer the renowned  Dato Shafee Abdullah have very bluntly included many points of rebuttal - which they not only hope to prove in Court but over which they are also willing to be cross examined by the Plaintiff's lawyers.  

In other words they must be pretty sure of themselves to say something like this in open court.

Here are some excerpts. I hope you can zoom in further on your monitor. Or just read it at Hidup Tuah's.

Note the bottom line of Pg 4 and the top of Pg 5 here.  It says that Datuk TK Lim (the boss of gambling operator Magnum) brought in a tennis professional from the US to help Anwar Ibrahim and Nallakaruppan play tennis better.  Those above 40 can laugh if you want.

This is Pg 9 where the name Munawar Anees is mentioned.  It says that Munawar Anees, a Paki obtained PR status in Malaysia. In 1989  (23 years ago - the crap has a long history) Munawar Anees already worked for Anwar Ibrahim as a speech writer.  All you 30 year olds must bear in mind that in 1989, you were only seven years old.

I do not want to repeat what the Court affidavit says about Munawar Anees. I may have to wash my laptop with Dettol or rinse my mouth with Listerine. You have to read for yourself here.

Here are pages 6 and 7. Again you can read for yourself.   Terlalu rancak.  This is strictly "above 30 only"  type material.  If you are below 30, you will need parental guidance before you can read this.

This is where it all began. The guy was not intelligent at all. With this type of a lifestyle, he  thought no one will know, no one will bocor or that no one will tape his activities. 

For his Court defense, Datuk Nallakaruppan has handed over a video recording to his lawyer Dato Shafee Abdullah. He has said that the video recording is about "ice cream".  

Datuk Nallakaruppan's video recording is said to be 1 hour 20 minutes long. That is a very long video.  It must include sikat rambut, pakai lipstick, basuh muka, lipat kain, gosok baju, minum teh and maybe even makan karipap. Lets wait and see.

To all you Pakatan supporters out there - this is what you are actually fighting for. This is your hero's  perjuangan.  I hope one day your children and grandchildren will spit in your faces and piss on your graves. 


Posted: 12 Jun 2012 01:41 AM PDT

From Zam's Blog

Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin dan beberapa orang rakannya tidak dapat membasuh tangan, bahawa percaturan politik mereka telah memberikan sumbangan ke arah ketidaksetabilan politik dalam parti dan juga keruntuhan kepada asas-asas ikatan perpaduan negara yang diletakkan oleh Perdana Menteri kedua, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein dan diperkukuh serta digemilangkan oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

Dalam beberapa hal, percaturan ini dilanjutkan sehingga selepas Tsunami 2008, yang menampakkan ada usaha untuk membawa semula Anwar Ibrahim ke dalam UMNO sehingga ke peringkat membawa passport antarabangsa kepadanya untuk berubat patah tengkok di luar negara. Tetapi ternyata Khairy salah membaca sikap orang UMNO.

Continue reading at http://zamkata.blogspot.com

Wisma Putra sees red over diplomats taking to the streets

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 08:24 PM PDT

KUALA LUMPUR: The involvement of Malaysia-based foreign diplomats in Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28 has incurred the displeasure of Wisma Putra.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman said he had received reports about the involvement and participation of foreign diplomats in street demonstrations, citing the Bersih rally.
"Whether such involvement or participation is truly for information gathering or otherwise, it is definitely not a good move.
"I am worried that such a move may lead to negative perceptions. Worse, the diplomats concerned may get involved or injured in unfortunate incidents, given the unruly nature of street demonstrations.
Explaining his views: Anifah answering journalists' questions after the luncheon in Kuala Lumpur Monday. – Bernama
"If that happened, things would be quite complicated, not least in terms of apportioning blame and responsibility," Anifah said during a luncheon with Asean heads of mission here yesterday.
However, Anifah did not mention the countries involved.

My comment : Please dont be shy to name the countries involved. It will be the Jewnited States of Americky, the Limey bast@rds and possibly the convicts from down under.  Just get them expelled. They are conspiring with Homo Erectus to effect regime change. Tunggu apa lagi? 
May I suggest to the UMNO Youth to organise a really peaceful demonstration in front of their embassies. I mean this is what they will say they support - peaceful demonstrations and the right for peaceful assembly. 
So please assemble peacefully in front of their embassies and demonstrate peacefully. I dont know if you should peacefully shake your booty at them or not. These people support the LGBT. Be careful. 
Lets support the right to demonstrate peacefully and the right for peaceful assembly in front of their embasies.


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